dagthegnome 36 points ago +36 / -0

For the record, the last sick day I took was in 2018. I had a kidney stone and missed 1.5 days of work.

I understand that according to Matt Walsh I should feel embarrassed about that, but at least he doesn't think it makes me demonic. Like he does when I play a video game.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

On top of that, I've seen a number of studies that show a strong correlation between parental age at birth and ASD occurrence. The older the parents, the more likely the child is to develop autism.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'm just going to play devil's advocate for a moment.

The Amish community as a sample group makes this a flawed study from the get-go, because they have so many other differences in lifestyle, diet and environmental factors that it's difficult to isolate this one particular difference as being the key factor in the low occurrence of autism.

However, even if vaccines don't cause autism: this study makes it pretty clear that modernity in general definitely plays a role.

dagthegnome -7 points ago +4 / -11

Doing them a favor really. We all know how much muzzies like exploding things.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

I write exclusively in cursive. Like a real man.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +4 / -1

If anyone were to compare Hamas' behavior to the IRA during the Troubles, which it is except on steroids, cunt would be the first to demand they be censured if not imprisoned.

dagthegnome 28 points ago +28 / -0

Leftism is dogmatic by nature. Its ideologies necessarily require forcing societal change based on theoretical frameworks for social organization that can never and will never emerge organically. They need total ideological compliance for their insanity to have even a chance of working. The mere fact that people exist who disagree with them is a threat to their entire belief system and moral framework. They know it, and they resent it.

For conservatives, who value the traditions and institutions that our society has already developed and is built around, the proof of our beliefs is self-evident. We value what already works because it works, and so we don't feel the same all-encompassing need to fear or malign ideological dissidents. I would argue that we might want to do a bit more of that, given the shitty job we've done of safeguarding our traditions so far.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

Not really. South Asians are culturally and by disposition prone to extremes and have very little impulse control. Men from that culture who move to Western countries often do have difficulty understanding the word "no" coming from local women. But despite the overhyped stories about Indian gang-rapes that we get saturated with, this isn't actually because they all go around raping their own women: it's because Indian women are just as sexually aggressive and demanding as the men, so that's what they're used to.

But none of that in any way validates or justifies the degenerate proclivities of the troglodyte who keeps posting shit on our board.

dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

No. Right now the media is working overtime trying to spin the debate as a Kamala victory, and the Dems and normies are lapping it up. There's a bunch of blackpilling on the pro-Trump side because people who spend too much time on fucking Twitter had convinced themselves that Trump would massacre her and are disappointed that that didn't happen. The betting odds are reflecting that.

It will take a few days for the media spin to falter and for people on our side to calm down and take a more sober analysis, which I believe is that Trump actually did pretty well. The betting odds will reflect that as well. Spread-betting is just as reactive as the actual stock market. Prone to momentary shocks, but on a longer term much more reflective of the real state of affairs.

dagthegnome 9 points ago +10 / -1

The betting odds are a much better indicator of the national mood than any "opinion poll." Right now, the spin is on full steam ahead trying to give Kamala a boost, and speculators are overreacting and moving their money around. It will settle back down in Trump's favor in another few days after people have had enough time to digest and recognize that just because this wasn't another Biden debate, that doesn't mean he lost.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +16 / -2

Far more frequent in India is for a woman to accuse a man of rape or of consensual extramarital sex when he did nothing to her and wants nothing to do with her, as a way to force him to marry her.

Just saying.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

I'm looking forward to hearing "Kamala is the leader we need! She's a go-getter! She's tough and gets things done! She a strong independent black* woman who don't need no man!" But simultaneously "waaaah, Trump is such a meanie, how dare he bully this poor girl!"

At the same time

dagthegnome 55 points ago +55 / -0

Who's side am I supposed to be on in this debacle?

Oh, right. The kid's side. Fuck the rest of them.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Saxon Stories he wrote are great, and the show they made out of those books (The Last Kingdom) was actually pretty good. An accurate portrayal of early medieval England, no diversity and very little wokeness.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

Listen, we all know the real worry here is how we prevent the Far-Right from doing even more horrendous things like . . . voting for a political party we don't like.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

What we need is to form our own Diogenes Club and gatekeep all the pussies so that it's just made up of antisocial autists.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

The Canadian in me is torn between disgust at the purely monstrous nature of this and relief at finally not being the worst country in the world for it.

dagthegnome 34 points ago +34 / -0

Yes, the fascism of leftist hand-wringers who are "concerned" about the level of violence against women and minorities in his books. That, and the fascists fans who didn't like how the show ended, because George knows better than anyone how many of those plotlines were what he had planned for the novels.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

You're being a little too hopeful. Sahra Wagenknecht is an Iranian Communist. Her entire "movement" has been astroturfed by the media. She is not trustworthy.

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