dagthegnome 24 points ago +24 / -0

The tradthot phenomenon is just the latest manifestation of the same societal rot that has been festering in the West since the 19th century. Too many men are too afraid of women's disapproval to dismiss their histrionics as they deserve.

Instead, they use the conservathots as a shield to ward off leftists, pathetically shouting, "Look! We have women, too!" All the while refusing to notice that the supposedly conservative women on their side are standing over them with a knife in one hand and their own severed balls in the other.

dagthegnome 31 points ago +31 / -0

I've recently had this discussion on another forum I frequent, so I'll paraphrase what I said there.

Yes, woke is dying, but that doesn't mean we're winning. Woke was never really the problem: it was always just a tool. A means of control. There will never be any culpability or accountability from the corpos, governments and other institutions that spent years pushing woke propaganda and implementing DEI policies. Instead, as soon as they realized they could no longer use Woke as a metric to exercise control over people's behavior, they abandoned it and are now pretending they never did any of that and that it's always just been a right-wing conspiracy theory.

So, yes, there is no reason to suddenly start rewarding all of these same organizations for suddenly dropping the woke messaging, because they never believed any of it in the first place and they were only ever using it as a weapon to strike you with. The fact that they're coming to you now, cap in hand, begging you climb back onto the obedient consumer wagon doesn't mean they don't still hate you.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now the guy's got Paulie as a partner. Any problems, he goes to Paulie. Trouble with the bill, he can go to Paulie. Trouble with the cops, deliveries, Tommy, he can call Paulie.

But now the guy's got to come up with Paulie's money every week, no matter what. Business is bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. Place got struck by lightning, huh? Fuck you, pay me!

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you factor in cheap mobile games for the Chinese market, then yes, the industry will grow. But the article right above this one on this website talks about another wave of layoffs at Microsoft, including their game studio. Western devs are living in a fantasy world if they think they can turn this around in a few months while they continue to churn out unfinished woke garbage.

dagthegnome 51 points ago +51 / -0

Yes, we've spent decades eroding your life and career prospects, starting before you were even born. We destroyed the economy to protect your grandmother from the sniffles and we're advocating for continuing to import your cheaper replacements even as we pretend we're not doing that. Honestly, I understand your concerns and I sympathize.

But also, you're a man so it's still your responsibility to expend huge amounts of effort for very little reward in order to continue paying for the rest of society to function in spite of the massive fucking mess we've made of it. Sorry!

-Sincerely, "conservatives"

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

Max really isn't all that extreme. He's not even really a populist: he's just a Libertarian, and a pretty milquetoast one at that, who wants to reduce mass immigration from the population of a large city every year to the population of a small city every year. He's also proposed unraveling what little economic protectionism we already have in place in Canada, which isn't exactly a populist position.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

They get worse the more time passes after their decision to transition. Eventually, there's no escaping the fact that it hasn't made them feel any less alienated, isolated or miserable and that it's only making things worse. Some who still have a bit of common sense will reverse course when that happens, look for help in the right places and begin detransitioning.

But many will grow even more histrionic and aggressive in their demands for accommodation and validation, as if they think forcing everyone around them to accept their new identity will protect them from having to admit to themselves that they've made a mistake.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, definitely. But he still had a fan base, even if it was just edgy kids being edgy. There was an actual demonstration in Greece when he got arrested one time.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a time, before the criminal charges and before the Muslim arc, when a lot of young men and especially teenaged boys were very much on board the Tate train. It's unclear how many of them actually deriving saw value from his message, and how many were just saying they liked him because they knew it passed of their mothers / teachers / authority figures.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are just idiots that barely grow put of childish thinking

On this I agree 100%, and I never meant to imply that I believe their manipulations are in any way conscious or calculated. They do it out of instinct, and to the extent that they're aware of it, it only makes them even more resentful that they are forced to cajole men into doing things for them that they are incapable of doing for themselves.

But my argument about the fear paradigm stands. I think a lot of the paranoia you describe is performative, that it is learned behavior, and that it it just another tool by which women attempt to extract sympathy, comfort and resources from men and male institutions. Again, this is not a conspiracy as TheImp always insists it is: it is just instinctive behavior.

I suppose we're having a chicken and egg argument. You seem to be arguing that the manipulative behavior is a learned adaptation by which they compensate for their innate fear of men, whereas I believe the manipulative behavior is an innate facet of female nature, and that the fear is learned. Those increasingly rare women who are more hesitant to engage in that kind of crybullying and manipulation are that way because they had a man, usually a father, who taught them that they would face consequences for doing it.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wish women were as afraid of men as you and the OP seem to imply, but I'm not really prepared to give them that much credit. I think they use men's perception of their fear of men to manipulate the men who are close to them into doing what they want, and even weaponize them against other men. If they were as fearful as you think they are, they would be more concerned about the consequences of that behavior, but instead, they learn from the cradle that they can manipulate, cajole, bully and harangue the men around them into giving them what they want without consequence, and they spend their lives doing so without fear of consequence.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

The wildfire will win a PR victory when its mug shot drops

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

I'd like to see the Imperial British brought in to the modern day and confronted with the current state of their country. I want to see what Lord Palmerston, Charles Canning or even Rudyard Kipling would do about it.

dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

But trying to understand cultural shift gets in the way of passing moral judgements on people in order to reaffirm my own sense of superiority! Why should virtue signaling take a back seat to silly things like context?

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ta Gráinne Mhaol ag teacht thar sáile

Óglaigh arthma léi mar gharda

Gaeil iad fein is ní Gaill nar Spainnígh

Is cuirfidh siad ruigh ar Ghaillibh!

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

That is almost certainly what Trump himself is doing. But more and more MAGA "influencers" seem to be taking it much more seriously than that.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

As much as I personally would love to be living in the US right now, annexing Canada would be political suicide for Republicans. The idea that anyone in the MAGA camp, let alone possibly Trump himself, is giving it any serious thought is ludicrous. There's enough shit to get done without this nonsense.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

Please do not confuse Retarded Stone with the actual Rolling Stones. Despite all the drugs, Mick and Keith are still much less retarded than these retards.

Charlie Watts is dead and still less retarded.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

The "Special Relationship" only exists in the minds of the UK establishment anyway. It has never been a part of American foreign policy.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

He recently apologized for those comments as a part of his new, "Please accept me as a serious political commentator" arc.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +14 / -1

More like, "This is costing us more money than the shadowy cabal is paying us to keep it going."

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