But they had everything modern audiences want
female lead
dumb men
everyone is some shade of evil or insufferable
all women are amazing at everything they do
still insufferable though
retconning beloved literature in the worst way imaginable
paid influencers that gushed over it (all using the same exact phrases)
I don't understand why it failed. They couldn't have pandered harder to their mythical demographic that was just waiting for something like this.
I have it from scientificish sources that we will all die, now that earths core stopped spinning
[EDIT]Wrong source[/EDIT]
When did black people killing black people become newsworthy?
Oh, they hide the color of the murderers behind a paywall.
Oh, sharing this shit on social media won't show the color of the murderers
Millions of easily offended idiots will think this was a white on black violence. smh
The amount of people using antidpressants suggests that most people don't assume that they don't help.
You have to consider who you argue these things with. I mean you won't find anyone hyping these things here, for example.
I'm willing to bet that she is a net-drain on the tax-system.