coke501 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's the logical endpoint of feminism and intersectionality. Well not the endpoint, it'll probably get way worse.

So yeah, I place this firmly on the shoulders of all but very few women, because they never spoke out, most of the time even celebrated, when their wicked ideology destroyed more and more of the social contract and trust between men and women.

coke501 19 points ago +19 / -0

women were oppressed throughout all of human history

So were men, just in different ways. Problem is, we stopped opressing women, while only adding burdens on men.

coke501 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is this thing?

Look into Erik(a) Schienegger. Should be close enough.

coke501 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why would they need to explain? There's no incentive nor duty to hire only based on merit. They just lower the standards so women can get in and stop hiring men.

I mean, sure, everyone knows that they discriminate against men, but they didn't break any actual rules doing so.

coke501 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think so, but it's only a question of how you articulate it.

We are striving to give opportunities to women and minorities

and then just stop hiring men without telling them it's because they are men wouldn't be a problem, I guess.

Men and whitey need not apply

may be a different story.

coke501 2 points ago +3 / -1

Why would it be illiegal? I think everyone should implement as much or as little DEI as they want. The problem with governments and the like is that those that implement it or want to have it implemented have nothing to fear when (not if, we're talking about DEI here) shit hits the fan. It's neither their money that gets burned nor their lives that get ruined.

coke501 1 point ago +1 / -0

Und ich glaube, sie hätten andere Wege gefunden, um die Preise zu erhöhen. Deine Regierung will ihre Energiewende auf Biegen und Brechen durchbringen, Gas ist da nur im Weg.

Wenn UA/USA Nordstream nicht zerstört hätten würde da schönes billiges Gas durchfließen.

Das ist natürlich Blödsinn. Pipelines für Gaslieferungen sind ja auch ohne NS2 vorhanden. Das kein Gas aus RU kommt, liegt an den Sanktionen, ist also politischer Wille.

coke501 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meine Stromkosten und Lebensmittelkosten sind höher wie nie zuvor

Cute, thinking it'd be different if this war hadn't happened.

Let me guess, your loveley government and your media told you it's Putins fault that your life is miserable. And as we all know media and gov would never lie.

coke501 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have a good feeling about this (in my pants)

coke501 3 points ago +4 / -1

Let's just not listen to pedos from ConPro for a start

Also, as was stated multiple times already. Anyone that wants to be a mod is unfit to be a mod, because their inherent desire to police a community will inevitably lead to them policing the community in a way that is not in the communities best interest.

coke501 2 points ago +2 / -0

Par for the course, no? I figure the FBI marches at every noteworthy event. Only difference is that they aren't diguised to stirr up shit this time.

coke501 5 points ago +5 / -0

Because that's what marriage is all about. What do I get out of it. What can that thing I have to marry do for ME.

deleted 4 points ago +4 / -0
coke501 2 points ago +2 / -0

The original line was the outcome of the sensivity reviews. They most certainly didn't expect any backlash for the line because in their sick minds a black person is opressed (by default) and him being in Japan makes him Japanese. Somehow.

coke501 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm a successful journalist admired by my peers

Imagine saying that and honestly believing it's not something to be ashamed about.

coke501 19 points ago +19 / -0

Well, obviously adding people to a project doesn't mean it gets done faster.

But a team consisting only of men most certainly gets more shit done than one that has women regardles of menstrual leave.

I'd be courious if productivity was actually up when enough women were on menstrual leave at the same time.

coke501 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hasn't Canada changed the rules because of this trials. As in: With the new rules Ghomeshi would have been guilty of rape.

Girlwriteswhat covered the trial and the fallout. As far as I remember (couln't be arsed to research it while at work) defendants aren't allowed to point out all the things you described above, anymore. Especially the collusion-part.

[EDIT]And something about not being allowed to introduce evidence in favour of the defendant without sharing that evidence with the prosecution so they can coach the "victims" better[/EDIT]

coke501 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unlike whites, where a significant portion actually thinks, it's only the bad conservative whites the sandniggers want to kill.

coke501 2 points ago +2 / -0

A not insignificant number of men are. Not by choice, obviously, but the sex-gap is real.

coke501 21 points ago +21 / -0

How about neither? The milf is damaged goods and probably past her fertile window, the daughter is a cunt.

I agree about this being petty, though.

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