The New York Times, the most "respectable" US paper for ages upon ages, published literal Stalinist propaganda denying mass murder and won the "respectable" Pulitzer Prize for it.
Your Golden Age fallacy has no basis in fact.
Journalism / articles required merit before a respectable newspaper would think of printing it.
Walter Duranty says hi.
The press has been pushing bullshit left narratives for generations. What's changed recently is that Twitter and the various Journo-lists have moved what their bubbles consider OK far into the insane propaganda zone. Any shred of self-questioning or restraint has been wiped away.
She was the best choice last time, and she's the best choice now.
This isn't some squish chosen for demographics or trying to stealth someone in. It's a very smart, very principled person who's been willing to contest the leftist orthodoxies of legal academia from day one. Silbermann+Scalia clerkships should say it all.
I thought this was satire