The american empire would never allow it. It's just another forever conflict to feed the military industrial complex. America prints money. Gives money to Israel to pay for missiles. Israel gives money to Raytheon for missiles. It's just printing money to give to Raytheon. It doesn't matter where they explode; they could dump them in the Tennessee River and the only thing that would change is the scam would be more obvious.
Doesn't Aston Martin use a lot of AMG parts?
I don't need everything made in America but some things should be (I know some things in fact are but not enough). We need a real steel industry for example. It's okay for some things to cost more. I spent three times as much on Bondhus allen wrenches and they were a value compared to ten dollar sets made of chinesium that will strip the first time you use them.
I don't particularly like trying to solve problems with government regulations but it would be nice if tools had a to list the type of steel they are made of. I remember reading an article where an american company that made trailer hitches couldn't stay in business because chinese companies were able to sell the final product for less than the american company could buy the steel. Fuckery is afoot.
It would be nice if it forced the hispanics of obviously 100% Iberian descent to cut it out with the "hello, fellow non-whites" shit.
I disagree. Women have not always been ugly and fat.
The left seems be be catching on that birth control makes women ugly, fat and crazy. Of course they can't make the next step to giving up on banging dudes they don't intend to have children with; nope instead men need to get irreversibly sterilized (I know in some cases they can actually be reversed but you can't depend on it). Or this is all a sham to push her mostly white female fans to push mostly white men to sterilize themselves. Early life.
so threatened by Blackness that they feel the need to do that to separate Egypt from the rest of the continent.
We didn't separate Egypt from the rest of the continent; the fucking Sahara did.
I've had enough of the man-made horrors beyond my comprehension.
This will surely drive up the value of my pre-time skip Nami figurine collection.
I love the look of the N Vision 74. It's like a car an anime protagonist would own. Hyundai has been killing it lately. With how lame Nissan has been lately I think Hyundai should steal their seat at the cool kids table.
AWFLs everywhere will go see it and rave about how great it is on social media because they can't fucking help themselves. It's mortification of the flesh for self hating whites.
What I want to know if who the hell is demanding more Akwafina?
I'm glad I don't live in corrupt shithole where former politicians who- go against the establishment- uh- get arrested- on trumped up charges... hmm- nevermind.
PC gaming does kind of suck because the mid-range GPU prices have crept up (mostly thanks to Nvidia). I gave up on upgrading for a while and just got a Series X to play modern games.
Left wingers hate their country. Right wingers hate their government.
It must burn them to see the truth written so plainly.
One of the hardest black pills to swallow is basically half of people believe in magic soil. You will never be Han.
Sounds like a combination of Rivians being sucky to repair and the repair shop running up the bill.
Nope. They still bitch that they had to pay a paltry sum in restitution for their genocide. 70 million in that day was a lot of money, but not much for a sovereign country and they pretend that it's the reason the country is poor as shit today.
Unfortunately chronic drug users just aren't very robust. Any action to restrain them from doing harm to themselves or others can apparently just yeet them to the afterlife.
This is the post that makes me unhirable if I ever get doxxed.
Sugar isn't really good for you in any amount. The required minimum of carbs for a human is 0g. A small amount isn't harmful though; it's only if you get enough that it harms your liver. Any simple sugar contains fructose and fructose is as bad for your liver as ethanol, but your liver can process a certain amount of fructose (or ethanol) without harm.
Wild fruit generally has much less sugar than cultivated fruit. Try eating a crabapple for proof of this.
What is good for you in fruit is the vitamins and the fiber, so eat a bit of fruit per day in moderation; just don't go overboard. The problem with PLEZi is apple juice may as well be HFCS as far as nutrition is concerned; it has no fibers and few vitamins.
Simple sugars are bad. Having 1/4 the simples sugars is still bad. This is harm reduction at best. They've replaced HFCS with apple juice which is a lateral move (and an old trick of the "healthy" beverage business) and making up the lack of sweetness with added stevia and monk fruit. Round it all out with acids to make them sour (or in the case of malic acid to add the drying effect of sour apple). This shit is essentially just diet soda with apple juice thrown in to call it "real juice" "no sugar added." Typical goyslop.
What a strange article. Literally who cares. It really is a religion for these people; "44% of Americans can't name the apostles."
Leftists will see you playing videogames and infiltrate studios and rot them from the inside.
Conservatives will shake their head and try to get you to go bow hunting with them instead.
In practice not the same.
I've noticed that narcissists are the only people who can't shut the fuck up about calling others narcissists. It's the most easily recognized trait of narcissism.