My father was in the military and stationed in West Germany for while, back when West German was a thing.
I don't remember exactly what it was but there was a MRE so bad that he and everyone at his post truly believed that some commie infiltrator created it for demoralization.
To this day, if a conversation even touches on something like long term food storage, MREs he will rant about "the long standing commie rot in the federal government" and the war crime that was that MRE.
Careful now, with that kind of talk someone is going to call you a glowie.
I'm not big on Patriot Front (lukewarm on Vox Day) cause, well... But you are not wrong. No one ever does anything
For me, at this point, anything happening outside of a 20 mile radius of my home, or outside of what I can pick up on my antennas, is not my problem. I keep an eye on and engage in state politics but I understand that even at a state level things may go south.
When it comes to well-to-do conservatives like Limbaugh, I can't say much. I remember listening to him when I was young and I remember when he passed. I don't know where his money went.
Tucker, though, seems to be using his money. I doubt it was easy to get flights to Russia from the US. I don't know how you think Tucker would use his money to fund para -anythings at any level, though.
Sailor, I know you've been around but certainly you can see why you get some pushback.
With metals, I don't know where to start. I know I can buy a car with Bitcoin. And, around here, I can buy an ATV, half a cow, or a rifle with silver, because it's valued by like-minded people. But I doubt I could take that car to a shop for work and pay in silver. Or buy general groceries. So what's the play? Stash metals and exchange for cash? Hope for greater acceptance of metals? I'm just stuck. I can see the value but not the utility in them.
That's hilarious. Honestly, if a chick pulled that on me I would be intrigued and would want to know more about her. I wouldn't be buying her a dryer or anything but for a girl to try to get that over something superficial like handbag or necklace is just funny. It's downright pragmatic.
Maybe a third date to a hardware store to get some clothesline, clothespins, and nails then string something up in her backyard.
I agree but I am at work, I have to use Google shit for work. So 5/7 days a week I see this. Google pretty much has market capture for searches, too, so this is what the average person is seeing. Most might not be aware of the AI stuff but even Fox ran a story on it so it has broken through to some normies. I think this is a response to that. Now Google can say "Look! We do celebrate white achievements!"
Didn't Games Workshop go after the Astarte's guy (Syama Pedersen) hard? I'm almost surprised they handed over rights to Amazon but they are both driven by woke bullshit.
A movie made by Syama Pedersen and a team of his choosing would be amazing. Even for people unaware of 40K stuff. Dune did alright and I would bet most of the people who saw it never read the book(s).
Hell, even if Verhoeven directed it, it would probably be unintentionally good based.
Indian managers will typically only hire other Indians. Once a new hire is brought on, however, they go hard on casteism. Articles like this one come out a couple times a year.
I fear you may be right. I was talking to some very not online normies and, apropos of nearly nothing, someone brought out this scenario:
"OMG Someone shot Jim!"
"I'm not surprised, he was black"
"But he was one of us!"
"Yeah, well..."
Hearing that from literally Joe Six-pack was notable. The way things are going your skin color will be your uniform. It won't matter what side you are on.
I really don't want this to be our future.
Humiliation is not new, the Romans knocked noses and ears off of statues.
The Khmer Rouge, the most outright genocidal communist government to exist, did things like this, planned on doing it more, and would have continued to do so. As did Mao.
In the examples above, they did this because they believed they had already conquered the land and were safe in doing so.
The statue of Lee being melted down and the response shows this is not conquered land.
Edit: I brought the Khmer Rouge because they are never talked about. Many of the leaders went free. Peak communism/what we call woke today: "victim of a land mine, maybe retarded, child age 11? Yes, you go to power plant 002. You are now head of department."
While I took the title from the article linked it's not exactly what I wanted to bring up. It's just something I came across in my search. It's worth it's own discussion, however.
I wanted to see Barret's opinion on why she voted as she did. I don't care about the sitting commies' opinion because I can likely make an accurate guess. I wanted to be charitable and see why this "conservative" would vote against a state's autonomy.
Turns out, there isn't a published opinion. There is a very short statement released by the court, a pdf linked in the article, but that's it.
I'll be the first to admit I know little to nothing about law and the way the Supreme Court operates. Is this unusual? I'm thinking about Justice Thomas writing a short opinion about the recent affirmative action case, most of which was about Justice Jackson's opinion being stupid. Both were published and widely spread.
If you ever need to call someone a faggot I got your back.