ZeroPercentCamoIndex 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not what I'd call a Christian, although I pray in church occasionally. Raised Catholic. Abandoned it in favour of pseudo-nihilist, Nietzschean outlook (I've never read Nietzsche, but anyone can figure his shit out intuitively). Recently, I solved all nihilist impulses through thorough self-reflection, inspired by the ever-shifting epistemologies of the covid pandemic and some philosophical reading. Self-preservation, fear, loneliness.... these did not factor in.

I think perhaps Christianity doesn't tell the full tale of human consciousness but it tells a fuller tale than secular 'rational' materialism. I have some disdain for the idea of utilitarian Christianity - as in, 'we need it because think of the alternative' - but maybe that's because I have extreme disdain for utilitarianism in general.

I'm not devout, nor atheist nor one of Dawkins 'cultural Christians', but I do pray to Christ sometimes.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 1 point ago +1 / -0

In this instance, the prohibition would only be upon an act which is prohibited as a baseline in civilised society, but allowed under certain limited conditions where magic words are involved: when a 'doctor' who is 'licensed' is 'practicing medicine'. That is when somebody magically becomes permitted to subject a human body to damage with no legal intervention.

Simply rescind the right of the white-coat clergy to perform surgery on genitals for psychiatric, cosmetic or religious reasons. Done. Trannies instantly have to resort to mutilating themselves, which will soon stop after the first few performative 'drumpf made me do this!' garden-shears examples. With the stroke of a pen, you torpedo the money-making capacity of tranny medical industrial complex. Trannies losing their $$$ value as lifelong patients would deflate a lot of the social, institutional support of the ideology too.

Of course, trannies aren't the only or most powerful group who would protest...

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 5 points ago +5 / -0

I like to include the context of Doritogate in 2012, since it was basically Gamergate before journos had the bright idea of coordinating their defence. These days people tend to just remember it as just a funny photoshop of Geoff Keighley, but it's actually remarkably similar:

-Woman called out for games journo corruption (Rab Florence's article on journos benefiting from game dev junkets, which happened to mention female journo Lauren Wainwright)

-Woman attacks as form of defence rather than accept any criticism, industry conforms to woman's wishes (Rab resigns from his mag as they unpublish his article)

-Rab's article and the response draws uncomfortable attention to widespread incestuous relationship between games journos and dev PR (Geoff's funny photoshop occurs here)

-wider discussion avoided and deflected, some use the tactic of alleging that the controversy was rooted in misogyny so could be safely ignored.

I used to check Giantbomb around this time, as well as other random gaming sites occasionally, and the sheer weight of cringeworthy discomfort in their not wanting to discuss any part of the Rab Florence article was striking.

Between 2012 and 2014, the main difference is that they got all their slack chats and circlejerks in better order, ready to form a fighting circle the next time one of their greedy women was criticised. Plus it was a better connected slut in 2014; despite Wainwright actually having been a journo insider, all she really was was some British fangirl type who wanted free Tomb Raider merch and maybe a job at Crystal Dynamics. That said, I did discover that she once ran a podcast with Jim Sterling, reemphasising how games journalism was a puddle deep bedroom industry.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 6 points ago +6 / -0

And of course, they were just the left and right handed glove puppets of the WEF. Perhaps moreso David, which in those years might account for the Blairite faction being sullen about the Labour party's course, which led it away from him and eventually to Corbyn.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe the based ones all moved to Orania. Half joking, but there's thousands living there now. I remember when Jewy Theroux went there to mock their early efforts for the BBC.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 5 points ago +5 / -0

Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient. The concept goes back a ways.

That particular issue is more sinister than just incompetence or the NHS and reflects a practice done to people in the USA too, like to Grace Schara (Grace's dad explains the course of events at 4:40, their lawsuit against the hospital is being heard in June) and lots of the elderly (more stories from the covid era). Seems to me to be much more coordinated than coincidence can account for.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 18 points ago +19 / -1

"Finally, some American culture which humbles dumb white jocks and fosters excellence!"

-Vivek Ramaswamy, probably

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think we agree more than we disagree but the unresolved issue is what's causing the slide towards more acceptance of wokeshit (which I agree is happening). The overtly woke disaster-flops are setting a low bar for victory by creating an impression of 'anything which isn't this woke is fine' - we basically agree on this too.

I guess my point of contention is who's to blame for the continuing slide, what the points of focus should be and what can we say about it. For this, my focus is entirely on the less obvious wokeshit. This to me is the threat and vulnerability all in one, because they're smarter ideological vectors, but they take more work and talent to set up. Any hack can write a Veilguard, a Dustborn, a Depression Quest, and on their own they backfire more often than not, but it does take some talent, setup and vision to make a propaganda vehicle like KCD2, or BG3, or even Disco Elysium. Elysium is another interesting candidate because it was an explicitly political game, and the devs themselves fellated commies in award speeches, yet since it was innovative in certain ways and enjoyable enough (for its niche) it inspired its normie fans to argue that it wasn't a commie game - which it quite obviously was, to anyone who isn't politically illiterate. Imagine how much harder it would have been to call a spade a spade if they hadn't sucked off Engels and Marx on stage.

Like you and current_horror discussed, wokeness is not an issue of game quality or enjoyment. Some, however, can't ever bring themselves to see things that way. Allies who get duped into enjoying propaganda are a huge issue. soctatic_method made a post about people being in too deep in a terf/tranny thread and he called it sunken cost, but it's more complex and extends to a much wider range of issues, I feel. It's a question of identifying with a particular message or piece of media and feeling personally attacked when any part of it is criticised.

It happens in fuckin steam sales ffs; I've seen it happen (countless times actually) where someone who criticises a sale price for a product will get attacked by those who already paid for it at the same or worse value. To them, they're implicitly being called idiots for not being equally critical of the deal. In the exact same way, those who enjoy more subtle wokeshit immediately become defensive of the entire product when anyone else points out that it might be ideologically manipulative on a level less obvious than fat female chars or cringe speeches about non-binary shit. 'How could it be manipulative?', they seethe, 'I didn't detect myself being manipulated.' Well even if you think you weren't, the media is reshaping the acceptable landscape of debate.

Anyway what I think is required is just calling a spade a spade. I don't want to ban KCD2, Tsushima, Elysium, Witcher 4, BG3, whatever, but there should be zero tolerance for any discussion where their explicitly ideological inserts are not mentioned. Anyone who tries to defend them should be forced to reexamine their credentials in the culture war. You like da sloppa? Fine. You admit it's an enemy action? No? Take a leave of absence, private. Just play videogames, you earned it, but now shut up.

In contrast I don't care what anyone says about Veilguard, AssCreed Shadows or the latest wokeflop of the month, I think they destroy themselves on their own. On balance, I think they're a positive. It's the other shit that makes them a part of an insidious coupling, imo, but I'm open to other ideas on it all.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Soft disagree, I think you're describing one hand clapping. I think that overton shift you mention happens mainly because of much more sophisticated subversion in the form of KCD1&2 (2 doesn't work without the bait of 1), BG3, Ghost of Tsushima, and most likely Witcher 4. On their own, Dustborn, Veilguard, etc. actually are incredibly damaging to woke ideology, because they give even normies an idea of what to look out for to help realise when they're being shamelessly propagandised to, and they suck.

The problem is when the masses are simultaneously being brainwashed by other more subtle shit that their herd is still forming a protective circle around.

If I thought our enemies were playing 5D chess I'd agree with you harder, and I do agree with the kernel of your point, but I do think the devs are true believers in the message and messaging potential of the games which have disastrously flopped. I'd like to encourage them to make more in order to keep destroying themselves. But it's true that they are at the same time a big distraction.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why are you still asking questions when all the answers you need are in the text you're afraid to read. There is no more explanatory value in rebutting you, just post something cringey again then stfu.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 7 points ago +7 / -0

The DLC happens to feature 2 fat hambeast women as leaders of the main military factions, which is among the more obvious absurdities of GoT. However besides that the DLC is much the same as the main game which is thoroughly rooted in feminist ideology, it's just a more subtle wokeness of a kind which is apparently going over the heads of the 'based' defenders of KCD2.

In fact the Tsushima DLC imo has the only interesting male characters in the whole game, but in true Tsushima fashion, they're all deconstructions of masculinity (full Iki Island spoilers):


it follows a course of traumatic flashbacks of the main char's brutal, warmongering samurai dad and his misguided fathering attempts during a bygone military campaign on Iki island; these memories culminate in a recurring flashback of you being too much of a weak frightened boy to help your father as he is killed in front of you, while pleading for you to help; you meet a trustworthy, friendly male companion among the peasant resistance who helps you keep your samurai nature secret from the other peasantry who hate samurai; this guy turns out to have been the one who killed your father in front of you as a child - you can't kill him in revenge for this, you're just forced to reconcile the fact that he did something which traumatised your life and made you feel like a weakling, but you're part of the family whose arrogant samurai ways got all his fellow islanders killed, so you're basically even; you part uneasily as bros.


(end spoilz.)

It's interesting, but it's all stuff about how toxic masculinity poisons friendships and old fashioned honour is le bad, exactly the same as the rest of Tsushima.

The 2 fat bitches in charge are just the writers being unable to restrain themselves to their usual soft-subversion that all the supposed 'anti-woke' slop enjoyers miss, and instead going full absurd.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sawse madame. Take sawge, persel, ysope and saueray, quinces and peeres, garlek and grapes, and fylle the gees þerwith; and sowe the hole þat no grece come out, and roost hem wel, and kepe the grece þat fallith þerof. Take galytyne and grece and do in a possynet. Whan the gees buth rosted ynouh, take hem of & smyte hem on pecys, and take þat þat is withinne and do it in a possynet and put þerinne wyne, if it be to thyk; do þerto powdour of galyngale, powdour douce, and salt and boyle the sawse, and dresse þe gees in disshes & lay þe sowe onoward.

I don't think I appreciated Chaucer enough when I was forced to study it back in school. This makes for extremely cosy and comedic reading now. You're right though, there's plenty of seasoning there and 'powdour douce' itself is apparently a spice mix of its own, like seasoning salt.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 11 points ago +11 / -0

Are you sure it's even possible to get that outcome? I've read conflicting things on that one.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 0 points ago +1 / -1

Evidently plenty of others did. Keep on seething and simping for wrinkly man-haters and we'll keep using it as an opportunity to set the record straight for non-retards, cheers.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 1 point ago +2 / -1

Couldn't have said it better. I only focus on recent decades to try and describe the point where it seems to have tipped over and caused the whole social contagion thing (which probably required the internet too).

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 1 point ago +1 / -0

IDK if sunken cost sums it up, but it's applicable everywhere from trans issues, progressive cultism in general, circumcision, and very much applicable to vaxx stuff... It's an enormous problem.

While chewing on it I keep coming to the conclusion that the only real solution to these dynamics requires a public acknowledgement that not all people are born equal, that some require the guiding hand of moral shepherds, sometimes for their whole lives. Also that the victims of widespread ideological abuses like this unfortunately may need to be removed from the discussion of how to solve it. It's the same thing as having an abuse victim who covers for their molester, or even helps them acquire new victims, but on a massive scale.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 11 points ago +13 / -2

If you haven't realised this is the hallmark of a TERF by now there might be no helping you, and the womanly insult at the end doesn't help either (you forgot to add 'incel').

Since the turn of the millennium, three significant things happened with the trans movement. First, an explosion in male-to-female transgenderism, fuelled by demonisation of masculinity in general by intersectional feminists and psychotic misandrist munchausen's mothers. Feminist women like the one in the vid said nothing, in fact they generally cheered it on as a dismantling of the 'social construct' of gender. There was some innate feminist resentment of trannies since the era of Dworkin and Greer who hate all men enough to call trannies out, but the new phenomenon wasn't hurting anyone but boys, so fuck it, they kept schtum and didn't cause much of a progressive rift.

Second - although chronology overlaps with the third - feminist lies started getting through to the female youth and they bought into the lie that men had it so much better, while women get raped all the time. So, they started cutting their tits off and female-to-male transgenderism exploded - again usually with the approval of parents who were good progressive allies. Feminists started to sweat a bit at this one and there was some pushback because the minority of unretarded feminists started to realise their ideology was destroying women, but still to out yourself at this time was to be considered a poor ally, so most kept quiet. Notice she doesn't even mention female-to-male trans children in the vid, even though it is the more current and bigger issue. It's not the most pressing issue to her, what she most cares about is the third thing that happened.

The third part is that the first massive wave of mutilated boys grew up into warped perverts and started to want to use women's bathrooms and compete with women in sports. Suddenly this is too much for feminists. Women's rights are at stake! And finally after all these years of waiting we can blame it... on men! Suddenly there's a great revival in the acerbic feminism of the older times, now the chickens are coming home to roost. What seems to annoy her is that the parents of trans kids - who should be good progressive allies and do what she wants - don't support 'women's rights' (ie. the ability to tell a tranny to stay out of the bathroom).

It's a complete disconnection of cause and effect, and when a terf really gets ranting you'll always see a reversal of original victim and offender, once masculinity in general comes into the crosshairs again. 'All of this happened because women's rights weren't protected enough.'

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 14 points ago +14 / -0

Social media addicted, bi curious, detail focused (during KCD1) game dev who gloms on quickly to new social validation circles online... and now he's practicing the WR any% run for Warhorse's rep into the bin.

All signs point to bye bye based beardman and hello Daniela Vavra for 2026.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 5 points ago +5 / -0

GTA San Andreas has 900 names in the credits

And came out 2 years after Vice City, which came out 1 year after GTA3. The bloat robs us of frequency of hits as well as quality.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 6 points ago +6 / -0

Reminder that Tony Blair got a standing ovation from the entire house of commons when he stepped down almost 20 years ago. Absolutely nobody in power is on the side of the electorate in the UK and they're proud not to be, because the people have bloodied the nose of globalism several times even from within a rigged system.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a psy-op itself.

I think the thread title and OP post acknowledge that by saying it's not for us. There is still a significant chunk of the population who need to be coached into over-sensitivity towards psyops, because their natural sensitivity is zero.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't really care what prompted it. All I know is I don't trust the creators to have limited the propaganda to just one smug negro so I don't care about any performative reverts they might make (which they won't do anyway, lets face it). Let their compromised work stand on its meagre merits, propaganda inserts on full display for posterity, and benefit from no bullied improvements.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 10 points ago +10 / -0

Just reposting some quotes from the image for visibility:

He is straight and white and male and from Bohemia.

There is nothing wrong to people having different preferences and heritages but we cannot cover them all and we don't want to, we want to tell the story of Henry the son of a blacksmith from Silver Skallice, and he will be different from you, not only in sexuality but in his heritage, his looks his biography and many more

Saying 'nobody is forcing you to play a bi character' is a straight up fucking lie according to this philosophy. Henry is a fixed character. That means he's bi for everyone. Saying they didn't want to limit his character except for resource constraints is a fucking lie. They already said they told the story of him they wanted to tell.

Retconning a straight, white Christian main char to bisexuality is beyond Rowling Dumbledore levels, beyond Blizzard and lesbian Tracer levels. It's much more controversial than they're pretending.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 7 points ago +7 / -0

anything short of a post saying "we heard you, the negro is gone, you were right"

That's not enough for anyone like me. I don't want them to censor their work, they just did bad, compromised work. In any case, Henry being a faggot now is just as bad. The damage is done, the cat is out of the bag and my sale is lost regardless. Until KCD3 and some kind of reassurance of an ideological switch, they're honestly better off chasing the Modern Audience by giving Henry some Saints Row 3 style sliders than looking for my sale back.

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