You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see. Hope they treat it well.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

House of Hammer, Halls of Hammer, and Halls of the House of Hammer (I might be mixing it up a little but they did have this name problem) was a sequence of horror movie magazines published on and off since the late sixties or seventies. It was for the fandom of Hammer Films which is a British goth horror movie production getup from the 1930s that survived to reach the western Lugosi era horror monster craze with Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolf Man, the monster from the lagoon, the phantom of the opera and so forth

I don't feel like watching modern crap but I will at least say on the face of it "House of Hammer" is a rudely wide umbrella of a name and a cop-out that can justify using any culturally osmosed goth fantasy horror story. I think a show to honor that name would come off like a Twilight Zone of its genre, adapting specific magazine shorts. Which would be cool I guess. It's just that the older the material is, the more done-over it feels because everything steals from everything else. If you change it enough to make it fresh you are taking a giant poop on some famous industry-person's legacy.

The best option would just be to create new, compelling stories... or, as a company that tells compelling stories, shut down? Like if I sold avacados and I couldn't grow my own, and no one wanted to buy upmarked resold avacados, I would close the ol' avacado stand for good. That's life lol.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

the optics


You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh look I already wrote my reply yesterday lol

This is a well oiled money funneling machine just chugging away, doing its thang, shakin its stuff

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are still doing the empty post routine. I think you are only bluffing that you have made any point or argument to me in these last few comments. If you actually have something to say it, say it and stop being a retarded tween about it.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

The sheer irony of what, exactly? The thing you said about bullets which was plainly incorrect? Don't be a pilpul fag.

You can call names and talk big but it doesn't mean shit if you pair it with absolutely fucking nothing. I'm willing to have a banal internet argument with you, but it's a two person effort.

You_Are_Based 28 points ago +28 / -0

I don't give one shit about the welfare of porn makers but I don't think this should be allowed. A law should require the bank dig up and cite individual on-ledger events for their decision, and also have to provide a documentation demonstrating a valid reason for the inevitable gaps between all those events and the actual depersonizing. Valid reasons should be highly limited and humiliating or scandalous (like "we can prove that our company has been behind by x range of time in fulfilling all security functions at this level of priority") so that in order to cancel a person or class of person flippantly they have to expose themselves to healthy risk.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually a lot of bullets, dumbass. You didn't even take a second to look into the matter did you? Also maybe you recognize the name Kyle Rittenhouse. Why don't you go turn in your super duper dangerous butter knives and scissors like you are asked and fuck off. Wanna take a bet on the odds that radiator McBugaloo in the OP owns a single firearm?

You_Are_Based 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is not NIMBYism or hypocrisy, it is a well oiled money funneling machine just chugging away, doing its thang, shakin its stuff. We contextualize things with the phony popular narrative of a two-way struggle, but such a struggle does not exist among the political class.

I think their struggle is to pick and align with winners in a more clusterfucked situation which is not ever presented to us in a clear and accurate way, because even politicians value their families. The one thing they all agree on regardless of party or alignment is dipping their hands where they don't belong.

Even if they had motive to inundate the public with da troof, it would be too complicated and contextual to stick and only people who already cared would care. I think since I've been born, dissenting voices have not stopped trying. It feels like a lot of progress has been made but idk sometimes.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am a monkey dancing for your entertainment

They say this stuff directly because they are actually blackpilled about consumers/fans and know it won't change anything to say it aloud.

People won't stop consuming things even when the foremost theme of their soma becomes "you are evil and should not exist"... so what are literal politifeed podcast listeners going to do, really? Switch talking heads? The talking heads feel their fans are fuuuuuuuuucking retarded for consuming them. This is really their opinion, don't fool yourself and don't spend your time at their teets; it is absurd and they don't respect you for it at all. They respect you like Hillary Clinton respects a prospective voter. They respect you like Zuckerberg respects a facebook user.

I don't care if it's McInnes, Tucker Carlson, a tranny youtube groomer, or some niche cancelled personality pretending to live in a cabin because he would not stop singing "A Nigger Stole My Bike". They all detest fans because their profound and ahistorical over-socialization has left them with a hugely lopsided ratio of experience vs respect. And they are not wrong to lack respect. It is chipped away as a result of their experience (which is actually broadened when they abuse fandom) and the ratio ever deepens in a one way cycle.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

While I'm still comfortable counting that as silly, the most interesting thing about homeopathy to me is how its proponents get treated like "antisemitic" or anti-vax people have been treated especially directly before both concepts have spiked in relevancy and popularity. With that logic though, I should probably be most worried about flat earth :P

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

spout his opinions

Based, obviously true statement opinions that are commu-illegal, or like actual silly things?

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uh as far as i can tell, all of them? Everyone with internet and an interest at least. Am I being ignorant? I could have missed some insider info in his post (which I did skim through despite his being a blowjob giver) but all I really saw was a unifying narrative for headlines and lore that we all get to see anyway.

I like to take posts on their own merit but if someone lives a life I look down on and chooses to live it as publicly as possible, that goes into my thought process when they talk and I can't undo that. If this were a plain anon post my fat mouth would be shut on the matter of grifting ball fondlers.

I hate all talking heads, pretty much, so Mr. GREENWALD is two, perhaps three strikes deep with me right off the bat depending on the origin of "wald".

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

In Europe, or rather, without arms, this is more of a suggestion than a threat.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wish this guy would stop appearing in right of center places. It is not the fault of these faux-conservative homosexual socialites for grifting our way, it is our fault for being incredibly easy targets. We want to tolerate anyone who will give their head a half turn and squeak something agreeable to us out the corner of their mouth.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is no way a modern man will live up to the legacy of Julius Caesar, but the good news is we only need him to be a fraction of the man Caesar was.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

You put this so well that I instinctually downreddited you before the sarcasm dawned on me.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

Last years of a declining republic*. If history is to repeat, we will have a Caesar moment and become an empire.

by folx
You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

die training



You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0

I use the ignore function in my head

Countless people, businesses, and institutions BTFO

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