It's amazing how badly cracked fell off and how fast it did. Then they tried to revive themselves by bringing back their video department but had the absolute worst personalities trying to reboot the old classics.
Then there is the one where they put the house in the banks name (but not really) and you pay "rent" leading to a purchase once a set amount of "rent" is paid.
Wasn't he also in a mental institution for a good portion of the jackass reunion?
Also can you imagine the amount of idiots that have no clue about biology that go "well i didn't have anything removed so I must have all these."
Do you expect them to investigate real crimes? That could reveal some uncomfortable truths.
Same. Or that they do the same thing they do for the passengers. They have to get their passports verified at the gate by a gate agent to make sure they're valid and signed.
I'm sure all 5 people still playing will love it.
It's actually impressive. Most famous assassins in all of history? Nah, let's make the MC a black dude that happens to be a samurai.
What does she even do now? I knew she was trying to be some sports personality but I guess that fizzled out.
Harry Potter was the start of YA becoming mainstream and it being acceptable for adults to read kid's books. Twilight and the Hunger Games though are definitely the main catalyst.
Same. Boxing is hard on the body.
Unless you can't find a bank willing to open an account. I knew someone that got debunked that told the bank "that's great, give me my money in cash," and the bank said no.
For comparision Kcd2 released with 150k concurrent players.
For all we know she might have a history of being abusive. Obviously sub 90 IQ, but a sub 90 IQ is way more likely to just leave the dog at the airport and not think further than that.
You can trace a direct line from the popularity of Harry Potter to the demise of YA. Not that Harry Potter was girl power romance slock but it created a whole generation of readers who only would read YA and then it became twilight and the hunger games.
Considering the amount of stupid fights I've seen guys getting into because of something a girl started and the amount of simp white knights out there who think they must rescue any girl that looks mildly inconvenienced, it is a lot.
Exactly. If you manipulate the definitions you can warp the numbers into whatever you want them to be.
Most likely.
The ratio of male to female readers probably balances out to about even if you didn't count smut or YA. The amount of women that read romance and exclusively YA books makes up most of the reading market.
To be fair, they based it on two murders. One of which they never released the identification of the murderer because he was too young, the murder of ava white. So it is not a direct one for one. And from reading the wiki on the show it seems like they mostly based it on the ava white murder.
I wonder how much of a connection this game is even going to have to the assassin order or the templars.
That was great.
I would say that a lot of alternate options for completing quests are there but hidden. Some YouTubers have discovered a few so far.
I watched a video about how to do the "guess my card" trick and it was amazing the amount of attention to detail and expense that went into doing that one trick. It basically involves buying 13 decks of cards and removing everything except 4 of the same cards from every deck. So you're only working with 4 possible cards.
They probably told them the baby died. They also probably knew which mothers to go after who wouldn't press a claim about the body and bullied them into signing off on cremation.