I'm abt 1/3rd of the way through the video and these are his points so far:
Overall no improvements over the first game.
Tons of cutscenes now. KCD has become modern Sony movie-game goyslop. A 40 hour movie IF you skip sidequests.
A 2-3 hour long opening intro/tutorial. Contains more forced walking sections, busywork quests. The game does not respect your time.
Synth believes the content is an intentional humiliation ritual, and has a Humiliation counter on screen as he goes into it.
It is NOT historically accurate, even ignoring Musa.
Little player choice, more like a JRPG. What player choice exists is meaningless except for a few good quests. More than half the quests have no alternative completion path.
Hans is in fact the easiest romance option, with only 4 dialogue choices required (2 in mandatory convos) and there are NO consequences for gay romances. (another Vavra lie)
Contains "racial cuckery" including you can "choose" to befriend the Cumans who destroyed Skallitz in KCD1.
Gypsies are shown as oppressed people who dindu nuffin and have explicit permission to live in the land.
New reputation system doesnt work properly.
NPC in some quests just sit there forever and dont have daily behaviors. In an early quest Cumans dont eat at camp, dont turn on lights at night. In another one a guy just sits in one spot forever unlike the first game that had NPC schedules.
Streamlining: Most perks with downsides are removed, and by end of game Henry is good at everything. Combat success no longer feels earned, progression is faster in KCD2 because of more forced combat.
Fast travel is no longer dangerous and is less satisfying because of the faster progression.
I'm abt 1/3rd of the way through the video and these are his points so far:
I would say that a lot of alternate options for completing quests are there but hidden. Some YouTubers have discovered a few so far.
Indeed, I particularly liked one where you can cut off the blood flow to Hans' brain and carry him through the mission when he becomes a whiny bitch.
That was great.