WhoIsThatMaskedMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

They don't want to be women because they've been gaslit (and believe me, I don't use that term lightly) into believing that men get everything they want for free and women have to work impossibly hard for the table scraps. In reality it's the exact opposite, but being brainwashed since birth will mess you up.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 11 points ago +11 / -0

Most centrists I know are just cowards who don't like systemic child molestation or white genocide, but don't want to say it out loud because they're afraid of the backlash so they'll deliver takes like "I think trans kids should be allowed to exist but I draw the line at physically raping them!"

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 13 points ago +13 / -0

God I wish this site's block function worked.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

One change I found interesting is extremely minor: they changed いたっ to いったぁ (Itaa to Ittaa). Romanized that would be like changing "Ow" to "Oww". I always wonder why someone felt the need to make such an insignificant change when I see things like this.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Definitely agree. There's plenty of grand strategy to the point where it's a meme genre and has been for years. 4X can fill a very similar niche while also being unique enough that people won't just dismiss it as "more EU4". Just don't make the opposite mistake and make something that's just poor man's Civ.

If I had a dream game in this genre, it'd be a combination of Civilization and Command and Conquer. Superweapons, over the top absurd units, intentionally cheesy writing, but matches last hours instead of minutes and span entire globes. Give your Romans laser swords and a Greek Fire superweapon that lets them incinerate entire cities. That would be awesome.

Honestly, now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I'll make this game if you don't. It sounds fun.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 24 points ago +25 / -1

Seriously though, what's with the shoes? Every boomer I know talks about them whenever someone dares criticize Israel. Why is that specific thing their "gotcha" when it comes to Our Greatest Ally?

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's so on the nose I almost wonder if it's a false flag. If I wanted to make a movement look like a bunch of obvious globalist shills funded by ESG, I'd probably have done something similar but toned it down significantly for fear of being too obvious. It's literally that "Current Thing" NPC meme in website form.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 11 points ago +11 / -0

While simultaneously making snide comments about how those crazy Christians think there's a "war on Christmas".

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 43 points ago +43 / -0

This site has many words but doesn't actually say anything. It's actually impressive how they managed to put so many words in one place without accidentally forming some sort of meaning by random chance.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 30 points ago +30 / -0

>sweet baby
>dragon baby
>weird ghost
>ghost baby

Are these companies being AI generated so they can be abandoned once people notice what they're doing? Or is this some coy "tee hee we're totally not an incestuous clique why would you think that tee hee" kind of thing?

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 14 points ago +14 / -0

I think you'd have to be pretty insane in the first place to voluntarily get a brain implant just for the hell of it, so I doubt some cyber ghosts whispering into their brain would be anything they're not already used to.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 16 points ago +16 / -0

There was always some background noise of "us white men sure have a lot to apologize for huh guys" as far back as the 60s (possibly even earlier), but the message was never "white people, as a whole, are irredeemably evil and it's a good thing they're being genocided" like it is now until maybe 2012. It really kicked into high gear with Obama's second term when they felt confident that anti-white hate was socially acceptable.

Even when movies were guilt tripping us over muh water fountains and muh back of the bus, the overall message used to be that the past had bad parts but the present is bright. Now the past was a horrible nightmare and the present and future are also both horrible nightmares.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

And we come to the age old problem of OP directly linking to things that OOP deletes after their blood alcohol returns to single digit levels.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 7 points ago +7 / -0

63 is exactly when you start seeing people dropping from alcoholism and cancer. Actually, it starts in the mid 50s, but it really picks up in the mid 60s. Not that I'm saying Inomata was an alcoholic, but dying in your 60s is far from unheard of. It's relatively uncommon, but it still happens all the time.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 11 points ago +11 / -0

"Surely this clown cannot get any more ridiculous! It's impossible!"

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't doubt that slavery produces very good value in the short term. If it didn't, it wouldn't have been practiced by every society in human history until about 150 years ago.

The problem is that you can't free slaves without them becoming a permanent liability. They'll never, ever forgive you no matter what you do for them. Therefore the only real solution is extreme brutality. Castration, execution, extermination. But I'm morally against those things, so my only option would be to not have slaves in the first place.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

most have to be super smart in order to actually get accepted because Affirmative action works against them even more than whites.

That's exactly my point. The system works against them the hardest, therefore the ones that make it through tend to be the best.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 9 points ago +9 / -0

Terminally online trannies have nothing to do but infest online spaces. It's literally all they do all day. They become mods and admins anywhere that doesn't know any better, they edit wikis, they post on Reddit. The entire internet is full of them because they never, ever go outside.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 34 points ago +34 / -0

For context, that's an average of 21.6 tweets every day for 11 years.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nobody forced the founders of this country to buy those slaves. They should have told the happy merchants to fuck off and bring their problems elsewhere.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 9 points ago +9 / -0

Real life: Korean girl next door who you had a crush on


I'm surprised they didn't give her buck teeth and a coolie hat. Their hatred really shines through everything they touch.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 11 points ago +11 / -0

That's not so much a "weird thought" as a cornerstone of how maturation works. Kids think having to go to bed is the worst thing in the world because in their particular frame of reference, it is. They've never experienced anything worse. Not yet. Life is about gradually having increasingly bad things happen to you and becoming stronger because of it.

In other words, good times create weak men.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 12 points ago +12 / -0

I mean, technically speaking on a cultural level it is. We chose to bring an extremely undeveloped culture into our country and then basically just cut the tether one day and said "you're equal now, have fun". It'd be like aliens abducting a bunch of humans, bringing us to their home planet, then expecting us to adapt to their warp-capable civilization on our own. That doesn't happen naturally no matter how much time you give it.

The problem is that instead of parenting, western society does the opposite. They coddle, play favorites, and actively sabotage any attempts at growth. We've created an entire culture of spoiled children who never have to grow up because they always get their way.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 9 points ago +12 / -3

Asian males have the most hurdles in place to becoming a doctor, so I trust them the most. Although I've had shit doctors of every race/sex combo.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 9 points ago +9 / -0

White people have been trained to see "forgiveness" (read: complacency) as the ultimate virtue, worth more than our own children. It's one of the reasons whites are the primary target of most interracial violence. We don't fight back, and when you kill us, we don't do anything about it except feed, house, and clothe you for your troubles.

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