Black on black violence?
It's in Queens, ofc it will be.
Not really, Christians aren't going to shoot up a magazine office, or decapitate someone just for drawing an image of God, sincerely or otherwise. It's lazy and cowardly tactics because they know there won't be any significant pushback to the tip of the spear continuing to press inwards.
$9 an hour Indian engineers
Spend shit, get shit.
"Where do you think we are?"
I'm sure they lived through hell while all the men, or what was left of them, were coming back from the war after losing friends, family, body parts, and sanity. Women suffered so much they had to actually work because all the men were off dying, the selfish bastards! 🙄
My prediction,
Original: Goofy fun that became a classic hit for many.
Sequel: Orange Man Bad.
Ok, so what about the ones before Joe? :p
Kind of. The difference was the Ori were actual superpowered entities that were they to win and kick out the Ancients would lresult in "sentient angry ball of fire flying around burning people alive for lols".
I always wanted to see the ascenden Asgard that was in the books, I figure it would have been living lightning since every ascended being seems to appear how they expect a being of power should. Ancients were floaty being of light, Ori were living fire, would make sense for Asgard to be lightning.
soulsSeouls on board
Had to.
I suspect it's a tongue in cheek way of saying he didn't like the later seasons :p
What a retarded speedrun from hero to villain.
Indians are also [stupid and] corrupt as per the in group hiring bias meme. That's literally corruption of the hiring process to just flood the market with friends and family.
mass reported by at least 10,000 people in India
Seems low since there are 1.5+ billion of them and growing.
There is a joke here somewhere about a bisexual being married to a non-binary, but the non-binary thing came out years after the wedding.
That and marrying someone named Marin when you do DBZ VA work, even just amateur/hobby comedy re-dubs.
That happened almost immediately.
Keep a papertrail of that money because it's more likely than naught someone else in the IRS will come looking for it and try to fuck you over.
I really, really want Marvel to cast Cavill has Hyperion just for shits and giggles.
Bonus points if they let him grow the beard.
The past few decades of comics, especially DC comics, have shown how little they understand their own characters and their appeal.
DC have repeatedly had good stories they tried to adapt, or at least pretend not to in order to avoid paying royalties I guess.
Suicide Squad was Attack on Arkham, with a few minor character swaps, somehow Riddler isn't included but both Joker and Batman still are?
Man of Steel was Superman: Earth One just.
Both times someone decided to change things for whatever reason and they turned a good story into a shitshow.
Superman E1 is almost identical to MOS except the villain is some random rather than Zod who shows up in issue 3 of the comic so isn't rushed to his death then bastardised into Doomsday for shitty references.
Much like with Marvel there are several huge plot points in recent works that are so copy-and-paste not only could they replace significant parts of those movies with other characters but it would very likely have been better in the end. MOS could have used a completely different villain, whether the one from E1 or not. Suicide Squad not only uses the same general premise but also almost the exact same team. The only differences end up being the target, Bid Bad, and a few of the team which are even more interchangeable when you really look at things like Killer Croc instead of King Shark even though the latter of the two is in the second Suicide Squad movie anyway!
Avengers Endgame should have flat out used Nova instead of Carol Danvers for her entire participation in the final fight, and by extension film presence as a whole. Nova would have been on Xandar when Thanos attacked and stole the Power Stone. It would have been a possible vehicle to give him his powers in a similar way Danvers got her from a power surge from the Space Stone. More importantly it would have given Nova 2 things. First off it would have meant direct and personal time with Thanos attacking and wiping the floor with Nova and the rest of the Nova Corps, and second and more importantly an easy emotional weakness to fuck up the fight in Endgame and go full murder rampage instead of actually winning the fight and preventing even more shit going wrong. Because when you watch Endgame again that's what Danvers ends up doing. She shows up, takes out the big ship - which still has to land somewhere... - then after trying and failing to get the glove away goes 1 on 1 with Thanos and plays with him rather than just beating him. Were it Nova doing this because he was enraged at what Thanos had done it would be a far better excuse of fucking up and losing rather than whatever reason Danvers has of simply... not winning because she's shit?
It also would have meant to shitty retcon prequel that turned Fury losing an eye into a joke, yet another chance to kill "Coulson", Stan Lee's memorial screen being somewhere people might have actually seen it, as well as every other disaster that has followed because of the shitshow that is Carol Danvers.
But no, can't go giving the fans what they want, it's not like the popular comics are the reason superhero films work in the first place so why bother adapting the good stories in a way that works well? Better to just hire the same shitty directors to retell the same shitty adaptations like happened when Fox did the Dark Phoenix plot for X-Men twice and let Simon Kinberg write that again after already writing and fucking up X3: Land Stand WHICH WAS THE SAME FUCKING STORY!
I don't remember this bit of Top Gun: Maverick 🤔
"Do you have any spare change?"
"But I can hear money in your pocket."
"Yes, but it's not 'spare' as you so specifically begged for.
This could be done with the Anakin/Padme meme.
"We need money!"
"To maintain your website, cover operating costs and overhead?"
"To maintain your website, cover operating costs and overhead?"
Edit: Did it myself!
No speculation if dom made this mod so he could stymie actual discussion?
Search functions are hard! There have been multiple meta discussion threads about this very thing, you're just too lazy and/or retarded to bother looking up, or just want your own soapbox to whine about it this time.
Well good news, you get that because as per that search result you can see those threads do in fact persist. Retardation, forum-sliding, and all.
Starring Tom Holland, Zendaya
Bored of this pair already. Bored of this pair by the second Spider-Man outing all things considered.
Maybe, I was more meaning groups like "politicians" because "rules for thee, but not for me" type shit where they know full well their own actions will fuck them over if it meant full face recognition was needed. Westminister has had a shit ton of access made by MPs looking for porn before, for some reason spiking in November, and in previous power grabs they have always made sure their own actions were left out.
Plot twist, the disease wasn't ever on the blankets, it's an STD the party spread by being too horny.