Uniquename99999999 1 point ago +1 / -0

For that matter why does an airline pilot even need a physical copy of their passport? Whatever credentials they have showing they are the pilot should be enough for them to be legally in the country for a certain amount of time.

Uniquename99999999 4 points ago +4 / -0

Only a handful of movies in history have had successive weekends as successful as the opening weekend and they were obviously way better. Basically, snow white doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell lol

Uniquename99999999 11 points ago +11 / -0

"Until Frieren I did not know that the Japanese had produced anything for the right wing, and here I am still looking." As if he's never heard of LOTGH, Spy X family and Fullmetal Alchemist."

I've watched a few anime shows including full metal alchemist. I wouldn't call myself a fanatic, but I've pretty much loved all of the anime I watched. That said, I've never heard of LOTGH, Spy X family, or even Frieren before now

Uniquename99999999 13 points ago +14 / -1

Well said. There's actually a frightening amount of parallels between Jews and vampires.

Uniquename99999999 3 points ago +3 / -0

In retrospect, I shouldn't have said that and I apologize. That said, I think it's important that you understand that the issue of life is more important than winning elections. If we have to give in to the insane desires of people to murder their own children in order to win, there is no winning.

Uniquename99999999 0 points ago +1 / -1

Kind of an interesting pattern here. The countries with the most and least pride are the dumbest countries and the countries in the middle are generally more intelligent

Uniquename99999999 5 points ago +5 / -0

When would this even happen? How many games are set in the gulf of America?

Uniquename99999999 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm glad you liked it and it was good hearing back from you. It's interesting because I used to not want to read books that start early in the characters development because I felt like it takes longer for the action to start. But at some point the books that start with some school or academy have become my favorites

I feel very confident you'll like the wolf. The author reminds me of Pierce Brown where he just came out of nowhere and wrote a great series as a very young man. And don't worry about cliffhangers. The trilogy was finished about a year ago

Uniquename99999999 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe. I know a guy who is fairly handsome but nothing special and is like 5'5" at best who has a beautiful fiance. He's absolutely shredded and he's hilarious. Any woman that automatically writes you off for height isn't worth your time anyway. She isn't worth the time of the 6 foot guy either

Uniquename99999999 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think theres some truth to what he's saying, but there's more to it. We know rich guys get women. Old crusty rich guys can get a woman any time they want. Are they quality women? Hell no, but that's another topic of discussion.

I've seen plenty of fat guys with attractive wives. They're usually pretty funny and upbeat dudes who make their wives feel special.

I've also seen plenty of not super attractive people marry each other.

I also know a guy who was horribly burnt and he married a good looking woman. He is ugly as fuck in the outside, but he's beautiful on the inside.

Obviously if you're a 1 theres a limit. It's similar with IQ. Everyone has a potential range. A fat, stupid, ugly, and lazy man is not going to attract women. But that 1 could very well be a 4 or a 5 with effort. Someone who is currently a 4 might be able to be a 7 and so on. There are zero hopeless situations because even if you are a fat paraplegic you could still have an incredible personality that wins the right woman over. There's always at least one area (usually way more) in your life that you can improve that will make you more attractive. But yeah, no woman wants an unemployed slob who makes them feel awkward.

Uniquename99999999 13 points ago +16 / -3

I basically agree with you, but it should be noted that you can improve your levels of attractiveness 90 percent by healthy eating, working out, propper grooming, dressing well, and being friendly. You can skip almost all of those things if you're hilarious or rich.

There's an avenue for all of us to maximze our attractiveness (self care, being funny, or making lots of money) if we're willing to put in the effort.

Uniquename99999999 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly what I see too. I've worked in multiple industries, blue and white collar. White collar people my age finance nice cars, houses way bigger than they need (even after accounting for the outrageous prices), buy overpriced coffee, and buy expensive liquor that tastes 5 percent better than the cheap stuff, all while paying the minimum balance on their student loans. The blue collar guys I worked with would drive to the gas station in the morning to get a pack or two of cigarettes and an energy drink (or two). The few that were married would have packed lunch, but the single ones would eat out every day. Then after work they'd buy enough beer for the night and maybe pick up some dinner and some Marijuana. I did the math on most of them and they averaged out to about 300 a month on beer, 300 a month on nicotine, and 300 bucks on Marijuana. I absolutely get why they feel the need for those things to cope, but 900 bucks a month at the time was a mortgage. Now it's half of one in most cases.

All of that was to say most people should budget their money and they will be horrified at how much money they are casually spending on temporary distractions.

Uniquename99999999 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then they should eventually be doing well for themselves if they aren't already. The way I see it, we reasonably have two options: bitch about how bad everything is and vote for people that might fix the problem, but probably won't OR we can do whatever we can to ensure the survival of our families and vote for people that might fix the problem, but probably won't. If you have another option, let me hear it

Uniquename99999999 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been doing everything I said and have gone from a very shitty life to a pretty darn good one (hopefully I don't have to work 60 hour weeks for too many more years). I simultaneously agree with you that things suck, but I agree with Matt that no one disliking my comment is doing shit about fixing the problem. I can fix my own problems, but I don't have the time or ability to fix it for everyone. Do you?

Uniquename99999999 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can't he fight for policy change while telling young white men not to buy into the victim mentality? It's obviously a difficult time, but it's far from hopeless. Maybe you have to have multiple jobs, 60 to 80 hours a week for a while. Maybe you have to drive an old car for a while. Maybe you gotta say no to alcohol, nicotine, Marijuana, and coffee shops (preferably forever for most if not all of them). Maybe you can only eat homemade meals. Maybe you have to shop at goodwill for clothes and buy used furniture on offerup. But if you skrimp and save and work your ass off for a while, you will enjoy your 40s and beyond. If you keep overspending, trying to work the bare minimum, and simply hope someone will save you, you will never be successful. Nobody cares about you, nobody is coming to save you. Hopefully when you pull yourself up and enter a position of power you will remember the struggle and you will try to help people going through what you did

Uniquename99999999 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's a bit of a difference between "this is the best ice cream in the world" and "this ice cream is as good as you can get." It's a phrase meaning something is very good and not necessarily that it's perfect, though I understand your confusion if you're not familiar with it.

The reason I used that phrase is because movies can never be exact copies of books. And, unfortunately, it's often the most literal adaptations that end up the worst movies. The new Dune is significantly better than the older ones and it isn't only because of the vast improvements in CGI. The internal monologues were almost as bad as the shield belts in the 80's Dune. And if you think the modern Baron Harkonnen is bad, do you even remember the one from the 80's? What a disaster.

I will concede that they probably could have kept the movie a bit closer to the books, but even then I'm not really upset with the the changes. Most of the Dune series is an unfilmable mess that reads more like a soap opera (it wasn't him, if was his clone! Or she was possessed by the ghost of the bad guy all along!) than as a follow up to one of the most clever and interesting sci fi books ever written. I actually hope they take it in a better direction.

Uniquename99999999 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, I said it was a faithful adaptation, not the most faithful adaptation. The older movies/mini series probably were more faithful, but they were horrendous in terms of quality. The new movie obviously took some creative liberties, but I earnestly believe none of the losses were of any serious consequence, and the end product is a really good movie. If they end up making more movies they can obviously expand on everything that they left on the chopping block

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