I'd honestly put it in my top 10 best fantasy series pretty easily, maybe even top 3. Brian Sanderson used to be a talented and creative writer, but he unfortunately became a bit derivative with his later works and became ridiculously woke.
Yeah it definitely sounds epic and I like books like that, but I usually space them out because they're more of an effort to read. Like War and Peace, Les Miserables, the Count of Monte Cristo, etc I really loved them but I had to read other books while working through them cause there were many times when I just needed a break lol
I have heard great things and I have heard bad things, but I've never taken the plunge. I think everyone, whether they love them or hate them, says it's very long and it can be really difficult to keep track of all of the characters. I do plan on at least reading the first book someday
I remember him shoehorning the gay shit in either book 2 or 3 when he made one of the bridge runners suddenly gay and gave some ridiculous statement about how there can be nothing manlier than a man that's attracted to men
Mistborn is great. The first book of the storm light archives is fantastic (at least half the story from the male protagonist's perspective), but he really dropped the ball after that
I loved everything you just mentioned. If you like fantasy, I'd recommend The Wolf (trilogy) by Leo Carew. If you also like sci-fi, I can't recommend Red Rising enough.
I'm in a similar predicament. I'm gonna be a smug fuck lol
I absolutely loved that game
Getting sick is embarrassing? Holy fuck, no one can match your sigma energy.
What an absolute fucking clown you are. God will humble you. I'll just have to pray that I don't enjoy it
His Jewish master must be so proud. Perhaps he'll give him a pay raise of an entire nickel this year
There's a pretty big disconnect between "Hollywood" Jews and Israeli Jews. In fact, I can't think of a single Hollywood Jew that doesn't hate Israel
All I can say is that I have a traditional marriage and it's been great for just shy of 15 years. All of my traditional catholic friends have been married a long while and have great families. The divorce rate among traditional Catholics is 2 percent, compared to the divorce rates of everyone else. Meanwhile, most of my non catholic friends have marriages similar to what you're describing. Either they suffer from infidelity or they have a bitchy wife who dominates them.
I'm not saying it's easy, I'm just saying it's possible if you do it right. The cards are absolutely stacked against men right now and I definitely see where proponents of MGTOW are coming from. I really want to make that clear. But it is ultimately misguided. I assure you that if you follow Christ and live accordingly, you find true joy and you will win in the end regardless of what the world throws at you. And if you yearn to marry a good woman and have children, I'm confident that God will give you what you desire. If it's not in the exact way you hope for, it will be in an even better way.
I think we should get away from any thought that deviates that far from nature. Perhaps if we were more selective with our mates and raised our children properly, our future generations would be able to enjoy a traditional life where men provide, women nurture, and children obey.
I have to ask: if men use artificial wombs to grow children, who is going to care for the child while they work? A nanny that's just as deviant as the women the man uses for sexual gratification? Or perhaps they will find a virtuous woman who will help raise the child properly. But if such a woman is found, why not marry and reproduce with her?
Surrogacy is awful man. Obviously reproducing with a terrible woman is also awful, but we shouldn't rely upon indentured servants to have kids.
Nature dictates that a man and a woman are both required to produce a child, so it stands to reason that a child needs both to be raised properly. It's on you (and separately the female) to be extremely selective with who you reproduce with. In the western world it is very difficult to find a worthy woman, but they do exist. But you aren't going to find one in a bar, in the city, or on a hookup site.
The other issue is that if you do find one, you need to be worthy of her too. Are you a virtuous man? Do you worship God? Are you honorable and chaste? Do you defend the weak and help those in need? Also, are you healthy and thus attractive? Are you capable of providing for a family so that she can stay at home and raise your child? If you get yourself right, you'll find a good woman.
The issue with MGTOW is that as bad as women are these days (and likely for all time), men are just as bad. Proponents of MGTOW are just as misguided as the women who push feminism. We should be fighting for a world that's better for both men and women, not one at the expense of the other.
For real lol
I'm frightened of this thing that you've become
I am also fine with that. Revoke citizenship to shitbags and boot em lol. And obviously never allow noncitizens in our country
But we do legislate morality, you absolute fucking retard. Murder is immoral, stealing is immoral, slavery is immoral, etc. They are currently illegal because humans agree they are immoral. We sometimes legalize objectively immoral things such as gay shit, trans shit, baby murder, drugs, etc. They're still immoral objectively, but large groups of people have decided they aren't immoral (subjectively of course).
Do you want to try to rephrase what you're saying? Humans can and do legislate morality. Its been done for years and is still being done, so it's a retarded statement. If what you're trying to say is that forcing people to be moral doesn't make them moral, that's a fair statement. But that's not what you said. And even then common sense and history shows that countries who relax their laws end up with even worse problems with lawlessness. Decriminalizing immorality causes problems to get worse.
Pro tip: If what you say isn't reflecting your ideas, that's a major failing on your part.
I mean, make bigger prisons and put them to work. If they want to be productive members of society, awesome. If not, free labor
Found the retard
Man you got owned
We absolutely can legislate morality. In fact, we already have. Murder is immoral and it is illegal. You can still kill someone, but you will be punished for it.
Very well written and very interesting perspective. You've certainly given me a lot to think about.
I don't think I can possibly provide you a response to everything you said, but I want you to know I read it and I'll certainly spend some time pondering it. I don't want you to think I'm ignoring anything or trying to side step it. You made several points that we could probably discuss for hours.
That said, one thing I would like to ask you is if you believe in free will. Your belief that God wants you to be exactly who you are without ever changing makes me believe you don't. I may have misinterpreted, so I'd appreciate your clarification.
I'd also ask how you know you are a good person, especially if I assumed correctly in you not believing in free will. If being the you that only you can be makes you a good person, how would you rate Mao, Stalin, or Hitler? Surely they were just being the people God intended them to be. Obviously, like Genghis Khan they aren't completely devoid of humanity, but telling me that they are good people is going to be a hard sell. At best, I can see where they were coming from, but nothing can excuse their actions.
At this point, you probably would make a better leader than what we have. The bar is exceptionally low. In the end I believe you would be just as bad, or possibly worse, because your mindset is exactly the same as theirs: power is supreme and the ends justify the means. One thing I'll concede, though, is that you'd probably be a lot more effective as I'd doubt you'd waste any time or effort in pretending to be anything you aren't for the sake of political correctness...and you are certainly more intelligent. And that I say to your credit.
Let's not pretend like a guy in a throuple was anywhere close to normal