TyroneNiggums 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is just a convoluted version of saying that you believe in the principles of Martin Luther King or in some other individualist bullshit which operates from the false presupposition of human equality, i.e. zhids and everything else under the 'human' umbrella are 'just like me'. Therefore, reject all 'identity politics' and come back to liberal pluralistic colourblind individualism. How about... bugger off?

Your first paragraph is typical 'cast the first stone' rubbish. 'We can't get rid of evil people because all people are to some degree evil.' Yeah, great. So no one can punish anyone because the judges and police also have their bad sides... 'The Nahtzees had no right to kill zhids because the Nahtzees weren't morally perfect either! Therefore, they were not in a position to cast the first stone'. What a compelling (not!) argument.

Finally, whatever the zhids are, they're a pox on this plane of existence and require nothing short of a Final Solution. Anyone who disagrees with this is simply an abject moron incapable of basic pattern recognition consequent of being unable to uncuck his stupid brain from individualist ideology. 'Anti-Semitic' 'identity politics' is a moral duty that will lead to a better world (not a 'utopia without evil' as those stupid idiots who constantly strawman 'anti-Semitism' like to claim), and is no way comparable to the spergery of scum like 'TheImpossible1'.

Nevertheless, it will get the world closer to it. The world would be a vastly better, cleaner, healthier, safer, saintlier place without filth like Harvey Weinstein, Seth Rogen, Sarah Silverman or all of those putrid scum running the Biden Administration, and, with an uncucked brain, it is abundantly clear that there is a common, all-too-visible thread between these obnoxious characters—something which individualist fools will never and can never see without stepping outside the confines of their limited worldview.

Stop complaining about illegal immigrants if you aren't willing to accept this simple fact about Mayorkas; stop complaining about American involvement in the Ukraine if you aren't willing to accept this indubitable truth about Blinken. Stop complaining about 'the economy' if you aren't willing to accept the truth about Yellen. Stop complaining about the CIA going after people when they're run by a 'David S. Cohen'. Stop complaining about the symptoms and start accepting the obvious pattern underlying them all, one as clear as day, or shut up. Hint: The pattern isn't women.

TyroneNiggums 1 point ago +1 / -0

Islam is far more liberal and egalitarian than most people think it is, which is one reason why I don't accept that religion either. Islam is less 'based' than any non-Leftist sect of Christianity on a wide variety of issues.

Abortion is the first that comes to mind: most forms of Islam are quite permissive on abortion so long as it is done before a certain time after conception. This is because Allah did not ensoul the body until that certain time period, and so a fetus is not regarded as a living thing until that time; ergo, it is not murder. I say 'certain time' because the specifics are disputed by Muslim authority figures. Indeed, some forms of Islam believe that abortion is permissible up until four months after conception.

This is remarkably liberal by all but the ultra-permissive late-modern standards which seem to be aiming at the very least to incrementally push for abortion on demand right up until birth. Whether abortion ends there or whether postnatal 'abortions' begin to be seriously argued for in future remains to be seen.

Additionally, there is at least one select circumstance where abortion is usually considered permissible up till birth, namely in the threat of the mother's life. To be fair, most other usual exceptions, such as in the case of rape or incest or deformity, do not permit abortion.

By contrast, proper Catholicism from the times before hegemonic liberalism destroyed it in all but name did not approve of abortion under any circumstances whatsoever.

I think that many Westerners get the impression that Islam is what would happen if a bunch of brown fascists, reactionaries and other types that the supposedly enlightened late-modern people strongly tend to hate got together and formed a Far-Right ideology with a God at the head of it. But most of Islam isn't like that at all, even though it is true that more Right-wing Islamic groups have popped up to challenge the more dominant liberal/egalitarian Islam all throughout its history.

TyroneNiggums 5 points ago +5 / -0

The UN proving yet again that it's an organization that never should have been formed and that it is staffed only by subhumans bereft of a moral compass.

Only a sick degenerate would surmise that governments standing against the supposedly 'consensual' castration of little boys wherever this has yet to have been accepted is some sort of 'crime against humanity'.

Hopefully the Arab League and African Union nations will quit the UN. The League of Nations disintegrated for much less.

TyroneNiggums 5 points ago +5 / -0

Homie G dawgs,

America be fundin' drag queen shows in muhfuggin' Ecuador whilst its own cities like Filthadelphia and San Franshitsco are becoming fourth-world. I ain't even be seein' dis level of poverty in a lot of tha third-world. Muhfuggin' Muricans be absolutely off-the-charts level of retarded, mane.

TyroneNiggums 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sheet mane,

You're such an insufferable fuckin' halfwitted degenerate cunt. Neck yoself' already, batty boy. What the absolute fuck does it even mean to be a 'traitor' to some gay-as-an-AIDS-ridden-faggot's-asshole poor excuse of a 'country' like 'Murica? Why the fuck would anyone have loyalty to a country that does nothing while over a million of its people die of opioid overdoses each decade? You think that suicide is now the second-leading cause of death of Americunts between ages 18-29 because America is actually worth saving? Fuck off. Treason to America is loyalty to morality. It has long been in the true interest of all decent people that your utterly subhuman society and ideology be erased for good.

Anyone who is pro-Murica in 2022 is one massive fuckin' eejit. Dumb muhfuggin' libtard soggy cracka ass bitch.

TyroneNiggums 6 points ago +7 / -1

The first time I ever heard about this h3h3 moron was back in 2016 when some dimwit with bad tastes had his YouTube videos playing on a computer next to me. This was the same way that I heard of another moron, Dave Chappelle. I found both of them immediately insufferable.

Since then, this dimwit has unsurprisingly gone on to spend a great deal of money on drugs and prostitutes.

I thus conclude that only societal dregs find either of these two morons appealing.

Hopefully Antifa will cancel both of them.

TyroneNiggums 23 points ago +23 / -0

That proposed constitution is crazy Left. Just look at all of the Leftist buzzwords in it.

More bothersome for the LatAm region, Cuba will soon have a referendum on homosexual marriage that will very easily pass.

Hard to believe that the Cuban Communists went from putting homosexuals in camps all the way to being behind this.

TyroneNiggums 4 points ago +4 / -0

This woman is in Japan's mainstream party of the pseudo-Right, the LDP.

Given that most of the other political parties are Leftward of the LDP: most notably, the leading CDP opposition, the DPJ (Communist Party of Japan) and SDP (Social Democratic Party), I wonder how crazier they would be by contrast.

TyroneNiggums 7 points ago +7 / -0

That made me laugh.

I've seen most of those clips before, since they come from the Durban riots.

I think 0:51 was actually taken from the George Floyd riots.

Good stuff.

TyroneNiggums 7 points ago +7 / -0

To my knowledge, they targeted most of all those things written by Jewish authors.

Thankfully, they did get most of the works of Magnus Hirschfeld, the vile specimen that supervised the world's first 'sex change' operation in 1930, and his associates at the notorious Institute of Sexual Research, who were greatly invested in trying to normalize both homosexuality and transsexualism. Unfortunately, they missed some, which have lately been translated into English and are now popular in the circles of sexual deviants, within which Hirschfeld has re-emerged as a kind of doyen.

It would be great if there was a list of works that the Nahrtzees actually did attempt extinguishing from the face of the Earth, but I am not aware if any exists.

TyroneNiggums 7 points ago +7 / -0


TyroneNiggums 11 points ago +12 / -1

Firstly, is this sub even 'Dissident Right'? I never noticed just how sanitized and tame it actually is—full of liberetardianism, "Nazis bad", etc.—until I started on Scored. Even the Reddit sub, to which I was first introduced in late 2019, seemed less tame than what I'm seeing here. I remember getting a few hundred upvotes on one post for a comment (which I can't remember nor see on my old profile) that I think would seem out of place over here.

Secondly, pro-Ukraine shitheels (99.9% of them being some form of pro-liberal, the remainder being WNs willing to downplay the liberal Zelensky regime in their support of Azov) who believed the Ghost of Kiev nonsense, the 'X number of Russian generals have been killed' (only for several of them to later reappear) nonsense, and all of the other misinformation coming out of the same Western media that also tells you the Covaxes are totally great, can be found on subs like these.

Moreover, notice that this same Western media has almost completely avoided talking about how bad things are for foreign fighters. Many of them have since returned to their places of origin, and practically none of whom have anything positive to say about going there. Instead, they simply describe it with words like 'meat grinder'. When was the last time we heard of the losers on that subreddit composed of people who wanted to go there?

That's right. Over 100 of them were blown up because some Redditard posted a video taken at the location to the subreddit... which had the location's co-ordinates embedded in the metadata. A missile promptly pulverized those soyboys. Indeed, even after that media blackout, notice that the foreign volunteers still completely dried up, because mah Ukrainian freedumb isn't really worth dying for in a missile strike?

TyroneNiggums 6 points ago +8 / -2

Tha' fugg you be on 'bout, nigga?

You believed that Ukraine killed all those generals... oh... yeah... only for most of them to resurface later.

Did you forget that uproarious Ghost of Kiev sheeit, with Samuel Hyde's face being shared around the internet as a Ukrainian fighter ace who shot down some absurd number of Russian planes?

I bet you even think the Ukraine will even depose Putin or some sheeeit... bahaha... muhfuggin' dipsheeeit moron!

As for Gazi Kodzo, that fuggin' pants-saggin' down-low nigga, he's emblematic of the future of America. He's about as American as it gets, and plenty of Americans being born today will grow up to be just like him in 20-30 years time: mixed black, homosexual and communist. The Chinese and Russians should give money to every batshit insane group to accelerate your upcoming demise. No one in their right mind thinks that America can simply be reset to a time before the likes of Augustus Romain Jr., viz. 'Gazi Kodzo', abounded: he's the future whether people like it or not.

TyroneNiggums 4 points ago +5 / -1

Wait... so dem faggots... don't be fuggin' dat dawg and tha' fuggin' dawg still got dat Monkeypoxx sheeit from those faggots? Tha fugg?

Methinks something's amiss here...

TyroneNiggums 10 points ago +10 / -0

Some 'transwoman' calling itself 'Katherine Von-Roeder' worked for that company all the way back in 2013.

The only notable thing which he did, the thing which made him newsworthy, was to commit suicide. Probably authored a suicide note in which he stated how he intended to off himself. It was with a shotgun shell. To the head.

I think at that time I heard that that company was already Leftist as hell and predictably full of mental cases... and I believe that was before the term 'woke' even came along.

TyroneNiggums 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nowadays they just label it 'demographic replenishment' or some such nonsense, which is obviously just a sanitized label for the more dirtied one it replaces.

It's the same trick they use with everything: pedophile becomes 'MAP'; homosexual marriage becomes 'marriage equality'; negro becomes 'person of colour'; euthanasia becomes 'assisted suicide', 'dignified dying', 'voluntary dying', etc.

Somehow, people keep falling for this rebranding of old crap such that they're willing to greater accept things that they'd have otherwise have more resistance to—even though a rose by any other name is still a rose, just as a gold-plated turd is still a turd.

TyroneNiggums 10 points ago +11 / -1


Attraction to 14-17 year olds makes sense... when one is a teenager. That's why I can only laugh at this ridiculous piece of reasoning:

When YOU were in high school, did you ever want to fuck a girl? Are YOU a pedo? Simple as.

Huh? I would have been in the same age group. I probably had 'crushes' at age 9 on girls of the same age group; but it would be a total farce to extend his reasoning to claim that this justifies adult attraction to nine-year olds. Obviously a normal man's attraction changes as he ages. A 18-year old man isn't going to find a 60-year old woman much of anything, but hundreds of millions of 60-year old men around the world genuinely think 'she's at least as beautiful as when we first met' about similarly aged women.

And thus I have no attraction whatsoever to girls aged 14-17 at the age I'm at. And, indeed, if one didn't lose one's own attraction to girls aged 14-17 as one grew up, then I'd seriously be questioning one's sanity.

TyroneNiggums 9 points ago +10 / -1

MEMRI TV is literally to the Palestinians and Iran what the ADL and SPLC are to White Nationalists. For some reason, it looks like they've just taken to reporting on WNs and forgot all about the Muslims.

Earlier this year, they took a conversation on Iranian television decrying Europe's low birth rate and called that 'hate'. Because believing that White people should have more children is 'hate'? Why would you even share anything from this propaganda site?

May the fleas of a thousand camels be upon MEMRI TV.