TriangleGang 9 points ago +9 / -0

True, government employees are generally immune to personal liability if they're acting within the scope of their employment and following the policies of their employer.

I guess it's the way that it's always presented that cheeses me off. It's not: "employee X was following our policies, and shouldn't be held personal responsible if those policies resulted in harm or violated the law; this is a dispute between the plaintiffs and us". It's "nothing to see here, policies (that we created ourselves) were followed".

Like committing something to paper and doing it regularly provides a magical shield against scrutiny for that conduct.

TriangleGang 38 points ago +39 / -1

Court documents state that the school district said they had been following its policy.

Why is this constantly used as a defense? You're not a robot. If your policy is morally questionable, you are liable for the damage caused by implementing it.

The "I was just following orders" defense hasn't been valid since we hung all those Germans who tried it after WWII.

TriangleGang 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see what you did there, Nute Gunray.

TriangleGang 19 points ago +20 / -1

I sort of understand the reasoning here. It sounds like these are restaurants leasing space at rest stops and train stations. The state has an interest in making sure that the restaurants they contract with are open 7 days a week.

It's really no different than shopping malls forcing anyone with a store there to match the mall's hours- they have an interest in every store being open the whole workday to attract shoppers.

What I don't understand is why this would need to be a law. Concessionaires sign contracts for their space, and this sort of thing is more appropriate as a contract term. If New York wanted them to be open on Sunday they should have put it in the contract and Chick-fil-A would have just been ineligible to participate if they won't open on Sundays.

I wonder if this is an attempt to break the contract with Chick-fil-A without paying a penalty, as contracts are automatically voided if they violate the law. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this was a case of the NY Thruway Authority colluding with the legislature to get out of paying Chick-fil-A for breaking the contract.

TriangleGang 10 points ago +10 / -0

All this says is he is banned from the ballot for the Republican Primary.

Which raises even more questions. Primaries are not official elections, they are the vehicle that the political parties (which are private entities) use to decide who they will put on the ballot during the actual election. Why and how the actual government got involved in primaries would be a great research project- they really have no business being involved.

Anyone can run in an election, but only one person can run as the official Republican candidate. As a private entity, the party can choose who they make their candidate in any way they want; they can eliminate primaries entirely if they choose to.

So now you've got a judge interfering in who a private entity chooses to endorse as their candidate.

TriangleGang 6 points ago +6 / -0

Apparently she was the sole writer of a number of her songs, and gets co-writing credit for most (all?) Of the others.

I just got a five minute lesson on songwriting royalties, and apparently they are split according to contribution to the writing process. She apparently usually splits 50/50 on joint pieces, so I'm guessing she had significant creative input into most, if not all, of her songs.

TriangleGang 15 points ago +15 / -0

Her music is mostly shit-talking former friends and boyfriends.

Lady, if you've got dozens of close associates that all turned out to be assholes, the problem is you.

TriangleGang 15 points ago +15 / -0

True. I guess his only hope would be that the people who actually watched it would see her badgering him and not letting him answer.

These days, that seems like too high of a burden to ask, unfortunately. I've been in a number of conversations about "the news" with people aggressively defending positions that were based on the headline alone because they hadn't read the article and gotten the salient facts.

TriangleGang 28 points ago +28 / -0

I would have just told her "if you don't stop asking me the same question over and over again, talking over me so I can't be heard me as I attempt to answer it, I'm leaving."

This behavior isn't just an accidental case of rudeness. Not being heard and understood is one of the most aggravating things you can experience when speaking. This is a deliberate tactic to make sure that he can't actually answer while at the same time pissing him off to either fluster him or make him have an outburst.

TriangleGang 2 points ago +5 / -3

It used to be pretty standard in Hollywood for big name stars to play roles of other races. For example, Yul Brenner played the king of Siam in The King and I. John Wayne played Ghengis Khan and looked absolutely ridiculous doing it.

I'd be curious to know if this was agenda driven race swapping or simply a continuation of that practice. Denzel Washington is a pretty popular actor, and they could be shoehorning him into the role for the draw his participation will bring more than anything else.

You would be right to say they wouldn't do it with a white star anymore though, so there's still the race aspect going on in that double standard.

TriangleGang 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's creeping socialism. I'm not saying that studies showing that kids with good nutrition learn better are wrong- they're probably 100% correct- but where do we draw the line?

Basically, if you don't come from a wealthy family, doors are closed to you from the moment you are born. The only way to level the playing field is to make everyone the same.

For most of History, we understood that some things are the realm of the state and some things are not. Government in general, and the left in particular, just no longer respect those boundaries.

TriangleGang 20 points ago +20 / -0

Leftists especially only get a very stage managed experience where they only meet certain types of migrants like Mohammed who runs their local corner shop.

This. If you live in a middle/upper class life, you are going to associate with middle/upper class people, regardless of their ethnicity.

There's an incredible amount of mirror bias in liberal thought. They really believe that most people think and act like them: law-abiding, rational, good citizens. That's probably why it's so easy to convince them that "systemic racism" is responsible for all the blacks in prison. In their minds, everyone would be leading a similar successful life if only these poor unfortunate souls been given the same chances they had.

TriangleGang 4 points ago +4 / -0

Correct me if I'm wrong, but they should still own all the data. The host can terminate their access to the domain, but the data always remains the property of the entity that was running the site.

I don't know how the data would be returned, but I'm pretty sure the law in every western country says it's their property.

TriangleGang 5 points ago +5 / -0

This. I play Sea of Thieves and refuse to watch some faggot on twitch for hours to get a new spyglass skin.

The guys I play with are like "I just let it run in the background and don't pay attention". I'm not going to participate in that farce. I'm not sure how people are profiting from this, but someone is getting money from all this fake viewership.

It also feeds into this gay "internet personality/influencer" culture that is so toxic to our society. I refuse to contribute to some 40-year-old soy boy faggot living in his parent's basement and playing video games as an occupation. Or worse: help that same fag make more money than people with honest jobs.

I also recently found out that people are reselling this shit on eBay for like 50 Twitch items for $2, so even if I really cared about that stuff and had to have it, I would rather spend a tiny amount of money than spend hours fake watching people on Twitch.

TriangleGang 22 points ago +22 / -0

Where is the demand for this bullshit? Free markets are supposed to provide supply to meet demand, but it seems like everything coming out of Hollywood lately is shit nobody wants to watch.

TriangleGang 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's plausible. What I don't get is the universality of it.

Target? Sure, they love homos, so blasting black Santa over all the shelves is in character for them. Netflix? They're known for it. But Walmart and Hobby Lobby? I wouldn't think that every store would go this way.

TriangleGang 25 points ago +25 / -0

This. The shocker to the world was that Russia didn't blow through the Ukraine like Germany blew through France in 1940.

Instead, they're winning the only way Russia seems to know how- keep both sides dying until the other side runs out of soldiers.

TriangleGang 12 points ago +12 / -0

Where the hell is the black Santa push coming from this year? I think I've seen black Santas before, but they are equal to or more common than normal Santas on the shelves at all the stores, including Hobby Lobby. There's apparently two Netflix movies with them this year. It's like they all got together and decided that this was the "latest thing" they were choosing to push this year.

TriangleGang 10 points ago +10 / -0

I treat comic books like they just stopped publishing them entirely in the early 1990s.

Everything before that is readable, if not good, and serves as a cultural snapshot of the era it was published in if nothing else. The 1980s especially approached the quality of actual literature, which is why they continuously mine those stories as the base for the movies and TV shows.

For the X-Men specifically, it would be in the year or two after they created the blue and gold teams, reformed the New Mutants into X-Force, and completely changed the lineup of X-Factor.

TriangleGang 11 points ago +11 / -0

This shit is everywhere now. I was helping someone pick a specialist doctor and every single one on the list was a foreigner who went to medical school in the Caribbean, Africa, or Mexico. They all had relatively abysmal reviews on Yelp as well. I wonder why...

TriangleGang 28 points ago +29 / -1

Chauvin was convicted of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in April 2021 for the May 2020 death of George Floyd.

Oh look, yet another thing wrong with our legal system. You can only kill somebody once, so how can you be convicted for three different crimes, that are variations on the same thing for killing one person.

Another favorite: Juries in some states can choose to convict somebody of a lesser charge if they feel the prosecution didn't fully make their case. "The defendant stands accused of crime X, but if you'd rather convict him for crime Y, you can choose to do that in instead. A trial was never meant to be a Choose your Own Adventure game for the jury.

TriangleGang 9 points ago +9 / -0

Maybe, or they're covering themselves from a lawsuit. Since I'm sure they will be banning people for things that don't actually violate their terms of service- for example, I don't think the quote in the OP would meet any reasonable standard of harrassment- I don't want to give an angry gamer a cause of action in court for billing for services they are no longer providing. They get sued, the plaintiff maybe you will get access to all sorts of information that they don't want out there

TriangleGang 3 points ago +3 / -0

This would be the SPLC that apparently discriminates against women and minorities: https://www.npr.org/2019/04/17/713887174/after-allegations-of-toxic-culture-southern-poverty-law-center-tries-to-move-for

How they haven't been cancelled by the left boggles my mind.

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