do it faggot!
lmao nigger can't even afford a .com how pathetic.
Negros only know two languages; Ebonics and lying.
Now only if whites did this with their fellow whites...
Phantasy Star BotW style game
Sega already made that. And it sucks.
sex work
Its either prostitution or pornography. Stop using their words.
White girls fuck dogs
3/5ths of the way to Mutt's Law with that post.
Silly wh*toid. Right are for your betters, not you. Now get back to work.
Where is this mythical world you live in?
Easiest way to prevent double think is to not think!
Are they pro-white?
Remember this: They only say this shit because they do not fear repercussions.
Nope. Not buying it. If they support evil then they ARE evil.
Well of course a state actor wants to defend other state actors.
Why are they crying? This is the world the world that they wanted.
If only humans would that instead of pedos...
Jews covering for Jews. A story as old as time.
Ok niggerkike.
Nigger is as nigger does.
How do you know its the real account and not a fan mirroring the content?