posted ago by AlfredicEnglishRules ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +21 / -0

I have been watching let's plays of Halo Infinite and just saw the news about Sonic. It appears a lot of games are going to be trying for the Breath of the Wild style open world, but with the classic game of their own games. I think this is great. My biggest fear is people will try to mimic bad Ubisoft ideas like I've seen in HI.

What games would you like to see go BotW? I personally want to see Castlevania, or something like it. Of course Castlevania anything would be nice. I have similar feelings about Goemon.

I think Metroid would be a good fit. I've heard Metroid Prime 4 might actually do that.

It looks like Bowser's Fury is pointing in that direction for the next Mario Bros.

Phantasy Star would be amazing.

Those are my ideas, what are yours?