TheStupidPrizeWinner 22 points ago +22 / -0

Considering how the social media prudes scream when some of the more lewd skins come out, the diffusion tactic is not exactly working if that is the strategy.

From what I can find online, the majority of revenue comes from China, Korea and Japan, so they could tell the rest of the world to pound sand and be perfectly fine.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 10 points ago +10 / -0

Even better, they could not sell lesbians during the queer holy month of Pride, the time when the normies are supposed to be the most receptive to and supportive of the alphabet community.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 10 points ago +10 / -0

Here, a desperate "cougar" attempts to use words and social status to capture her prey. Success means attention and the slim possibility for a mate, or at least a series of evenings not spent alone.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 11 points ago +11 / -0

Too soon old, too late smart.

At least this Redditor had a breaking point and came around. I personally know lefties that acknowledge how bad things have become but still refuse to change. The most egregious example with them? The current sitting president.

Biden is obviously not fit for office! You see it and admit it! Why are you still going to vote for him if he runs!? How is "bad orange man" worse than that!?

TheStupidPrizeWinner 12 points ago +12 / -0

"The Postersoy of AAA Incompetence" more like it.

You fools made this bed, set it on fire, then screamed and drove away anyone who would want to help you. Time to sleep in it.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 10 points ago +10 / -0

Oh yeah? Well, Marxism is an angry hallucination created by a grifter.

How you like them apples, Mr. Schreier?

TheStupidPrizeWinner 21 points ago +21 / -0

From the article:

Cook County court records show Macon was convicted of robbery in 2021 and 1999. She received five years for the most recent case and 90 days for the earlier matter.

Must have been let out on good behavior. They really do not make Uptown girls like they used to.

Also archive.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 8 points ago +8 / -0

No consequences means no incentive to change which leads to the same behavior and similar outcomes.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 6 points ago +6 / -0

I apologize as I had missed some of that context about the flags being flown. Thank you for filling me in.

global homo

The irony of homo standing for "homogenization" and "homosexuality" as well as the "homogenization of homosexuality" here would be funny if it were not so true.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 10 points ago +10 / -0

There were other options. Simple ones. Like the Connecticut state flag. Or the flag of the United States of America. Either would have been appropriate and respectful.

Unless the guy was an incredibly outspoken "ally" of that community, this is beyond the pale.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 17 points ago +17 / -0

Roadmaps? Mass education? Impeaching the Supreme Court? Running for local school boards?

Who are these people? Modern leftists!?

TheStupidPrizeWinner 7 points ago +7 / -0

Gather around the wing fire, padawans! It is time for zero-g space smores!

by Galean
TheStupidPrizeWinner 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is also the guy: https://archive.is/wip/XStxU

What kind of fool would consent to such a picture?

TheStupidPrizeWinner 31 points ago +31 / -0

It was likely already assigned one from the start as that does seem to be the production trend now. Just look at Rings of Power. How many seasons were they promised? Five?

TheStupidPrizeWinner 30 points ago +30 / -0

We set out to protect the one but in our quest we've had to take on the task of defending so much more.

A shitposter is never late, nor is he early. He responds precisely when he means to.

Jokes aside, if you had told me that lurking KiA then KiA2 all those years ago would lead me here, I would have laughed until I couldn't breathe. It has been a real journey.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 27 points ago +27 / -0

Reading aids for children to give them a chance to improve?

No, give children reading to improve their chance for AIDS.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 3 points ago +3 / -0

Have you heard of Clone Hero? It is similar if not better from what I have experienced playing with a buddy who has it set up.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 3 points ago +3 / -0

Considering my last boss barely even knew my name, who I was, or much about what I did, maybe having you in charge would have been better. Thankfully, my current one is much better.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 20 points ago +20 / -0

Of course Blubber Team added HAES representation! How else will they earn their krill?

TheStupidPrizeWinner 18 points ago +18 / -0

Something felt off, so I did a little digging. This version of the comic is an edit which is at least 4 years old. The original is at least 6 years old, possibly even 12.

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