A large majority of military personnel are conservatives.
Like the other guys data pointed out, this isnt as true as it used to be.
However, his data also leaves out a little bit of info that was found in another one I saw: Almost all of the left-wing shift in the military was concentrated among the General Staff and extremely high level officers. The actual trigger-pullers, NCO's, and field officers? Still largely conservative or libertarian. Marines being the single largest profession of donors to Trump, and it wasnt even close
So take heart in that I suppose.
EDIT: Sidenote, I like this channel, and have been watching him for well over a year. He had another video I posed about back then that he outlined what the 21st century would ultimately become, and its good for us who value freedom and liberty.
If you actually believe that, then you havent been paying attention. "Team red", as you call them, has momentum on our side and looks poised to win without even having to resort to a fight. Because there is more to will than just shooting someone.
I'm in another dimension
Ezra Miller? That you? Shouldnt you be in therapy dealing with your God Complex?
Funny enough, I actually had to read Mein Kampf for one of my college classes.
I can see why it mostly sat unread in Germany and most Germans only bought it because they were forced to. Its such a rambling mess of a read.
I have long argued that Germany would be a lot better if they embraced a little more of their old Prussian roots. Although perhaps that is famous last words.
Times like this I am glad I got the DVDs.
I will say: They may try, but that would be a bridge too far for the average normie. They were already kind of turned off by modern Star Wars. Completely nuking the OT would probably, actually, get people to leave Disney in massive numbers. Which is already happening even with their tepid toe dipping they have done.
I’d put my money on them inarguably being the dominant superpower within 20 years.
As yes, because the true sign of a rising superpower is having to park tanks in front of their banks to keep people from making runs on them.
Anyone who still believes China will rise after Covid ruined their good will is a fool. They are surrounded on all sides by enemies, who combined have larger military forces with better equipment than they do (and that is before you get the US involved, since it seems like that may be questionable over the next few years).
They are looking likely to suffer a famine, while also lying about their grain stockpiles. They are suffering from debt that makes the US look financially sound. As for the manufacturing, that is leaving, and the US itself is seeing industrial rebounds.
China may have more STEM students, but it means fuck all if their quality is garbage. And their construction they do is [absolutely abysmal garbage designed to be cheap]. For Gods sake, they managed to make ISLANDS SINK. Meanwhile, American engineers continue to be quality in pretty much every location outside of a handful of politically extreme places like Portland and New York.
The US is stumbling right now, make not mistake. But this will be our century yet again, or we will die trying.
Seconded. The whole Globalist experiment is experiencing setbacks on a global scale, between the US becoming more Populist, the Europeans backlashing in many areas (Sweden says hi), and the Chinese starting to collapse as their economy dies.
They may want their 2030 timeline because it is some sort of occult meaning. But it will fail long before it gets that far, because they are too retarded to actually pull off their ideas.
If anything, I agree with a video from a historian I saw recently: I fear the reaction to the Social Justice Movement far more than I fear the SJW's. The SJW's were utter braindead retards who didnt know how to push their movement except through bullying (which is starting to not work). The Right is actually smart, and plans. Their reaction will be brutal.
Its not even just turnout. A lot of the Republican election boards have gotten wise to the game and started playing hardball. One of the less talked about phenomena that happened in the Virginia election is that rural counties didnt report their totals even when counting was done. They waited until the cities reported. The cities tried to hold off on declaring their own totals, but could only do it so long before it got suspicious, and meanwhile the rural counties are over there going "I can do this all day." Eventually, the cities finally reported their totals, giving a pretty significant amount of votes to the Dem....only for them to then be immediately wiped out by the rural counties finally reporting.
You know damn well that tactic will be repeated in all of the upcoming races.
This is why I have liked the comparison to the "Fortification" in 2020 being a sneak attack. The purpose of a sneak attack is to do something so shocking it throws the enemy off guard, allows the attacker a chance to run wild, and gain some ground. But the only way it works is by shocking the one attacked into surrendering because they think they cant win. If they resist the shock and fight back, it becomes much harder to deal with. Especially since the sneak attack cant happen again since they will be prepared for it this time. So you better hope you had a plan B and were ready for the slog.
Mounting evidence shows that, much like the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor, the Left had one trick up their sleeve. And now that its gone, the only question that remains is "How long can they hold out before they lose?"
what are you all playing?
Going to copy my most recent list, because it hasnt changed much:
Right now, killing time until Victoria 3 launches. Then I will probably be playing that for ages to come.
As for actually playing, right now my rotation consist of the following:
Anno 1800: Got to scratch that Victorian itch somehow, this will be the way.
Earth Defense Force 4.1: Have had it for a while and wanted to play it. Finally got around to it after watching Russian Badger give it a play. Very fun and silly arcade game, for if you just want something where you can blow up giant spiders and robots without having to put too much effort into it (the gameplay being very much "Easy to learn, Difficult to master")
Warframe: My buddies got into this recently again, and we have started getting back to the old grind. Unfortunately, I had never really got that far on PC (having previously played on Xbox), so I am somewhat restarting from scratch. At least I roughly remembered my build, so I have my old frame and guns back.
Snowrunner: Will always stay in my rotation as a good downtime "podcast" game. Fun offroad trucking game.
Power to the People: Recently got this. Its a power management game, where you are in charge of building and maintaining the power grid of a region, and connecting cities to the grid without overloading lines and substations (as well as producing enough power of course). Interestingly, it is one of the only modern games I have seen handle renewable power in a reasonable way. By which I mean, arguably the optimal strategy for the game is to have something like Gas or Coal as your base load power, then use Renewables as something you can turn on to pick up the slack during peak demand.
The only new one I have added to the rotation is Crusader Kings 3, because I wanted to get back into the Paradox vibe before Vicky comes out.
Honestly, I think it is the first ever shooter Gundam I have ever heard of. It certainly has my attention, especially for the price of "Free". Too bad they dont have my Heavyarms though. Maybe in a future version.
Not contesting that take. I guess the one good thing is that we are kind of starting to see the slide back. Because a lot of normal people are disgusted by the rampant attempts at trans-ing the kids. And a lot of people are starting to realize the whole movement is toxic, which I chalk up as the reason that you are seeing LGBT acceptance rates decline (especially rapidly among young people).
But the number of surgeries that have cured gender dysphoria... I think the numbers are still out on that.
Hell, there is evidence that suggest that the surgeries have in many cases actively made the gender dysphoria worse.
Oh. I had heard he ended up leaving Kenosha, so this might have something to do with it.
Just goes to show that Commies are violent, sadistic little shits and you are entirely reasonable to demand they get a one way helicopter ticket.
And yet, he still testified and even got some witty remarks in at the prosecutor.
The absolute stones of that man.
their recent work is trash and so people are staying away for that reason.
I think a lot of people forget that aspect when they talk about “Get Woke, go broke” failing. It does, on a long enough timeline, because normies do eventually leave. Stuff being woke may not turn off normies, but it being a subpar wreck does. I usually look to my fiancé as what Kurt Schlicter described as the “Militant Normal”, and she has been becoming dissatisfied with a lot of modern movies and games and retreating to anime and video games. Which I have noticed with many of my normie-minded coworkers.
Which is why I still remain optimistic we get past all of this bullshit and get something better on the other side.
I had heard about the old one being destroyed/taken down. I had even seen the Terror-Elk they replaced it with.
But I had never seen the face until now.
What exactly is supposed to be the point of it being a screaming skull?! Because I can only assume that, like everything else they do and pointed out by many here, the point is to be transgressive and abnormal.
Honestly? The whole movie was probably Disney doing Disney things to make sure they didnt lose the copyright. Doesnt matter if its good, or even follows super close. It just has to have the name "Pinocchio" on it, and Disney gets another few decades of having exclusive rights to it.
It certainly confirms my theory that he is a Type 1 Blackpiller (Leftist infiltrator).
EDIT: So I actually decided to read this tripe (RIP my braincells), and I laughed at this:
"Nowadays, if you dare try to take on Antifa rioters with your gun, you might be able to shoot one of them to death, but you better hope you are lightning quick with your AR-15 and can shoot them all before they can tackle you to the ground."
Or they will shoot each other instead of you. Because all of the evidence shows Antifa are such hilariously bad shots, that unless they practically have the gun touching you, they will miss.
They also seem to think that they can just steal the tactics of the right that have worked on them and then flip it around, without actually knowing why it worked.
For instance, I saw one time someone tried to pull a Project Veritas on Ted Cruz. And they caught him on video saying such things as...checks notes..."The border is out of control, defunding the police was stupid, the reaction to Jan 6 was outrageously overblown, maybe Trump isnt so bad after all, etc."
Then they proceeded to upload this to Twitter and started talking about how this proved how evil and scumlike Ted Cruz was. Some of the Leftist ate it up, but most everyone was just scratching their heads saying "I dont understand. He said the same things he says in public."
But they just seemed to think all it took was secret film to make it seem nefarious, rather than the things they are saying in private that they hide from the public being the thing people care about with Veritas.
I have come to the conclusion that the people who exist purely to doommonger on others and spread blackpills are one of two people:
Very straight forward, they are SJW Leftist infiltrators deliberately trying to sabotage any attempt at groups opposed to them getting off the ground. As well as the fact that, like most SJW's, they despise the site of others being happy, and so try to spread misery.
The Right-Wing side of the coin with SJW's. Terminally online, and buying into the propaganda that they are alone and everything is already destroyed, even though all evidence points to the contrary. And therefore allowing themselves to feel doom in the false, and I would argue nihilistic, belief that if they just dont become attached to anything they wont be hurt when things they could have liked are ruined. So they think that by convincing everyone to be just as bitter and detached as them, they are saving those people from future hurt.
And of course, it goes without saying, that by doing all of the above they might as well be useful idiots of Type 1.
I do t know literally anything about this movie.
Clownfish.TV talked about it a little bit covering the reviews (but not having seen it themselves).
From the sound of it, they changed almost the entire story from beginning to end. Geppetto makes Pinocchio as a replacement to his dead son (instead of just being a puppet maker who wished he had a son), they changed the opening music from "Wish upon a Star" to an new, original track, they followed a very different arch for the story with some new characters that didnt exist in the original story, Geppetto dies but Pinocchio cries him back to life, and it ends with it being ambiguous of it Pinocchio ever becomes a real boy.
So its entirely possible the critics would have wanted to give it a good review because "diversity". But the entire movie is such a fiery train wreck that they went "Its not worth it."
There was a comment I saw on yesterdays LotusEaters podcast that I very much agree with: "If I was starting an entirely new government today, it would be a republic. But the UK being anything other than a kingdom seems wrong."
Even as much as I joke about how I stopped carrying about the Royals in 1776, I just cant imagine anything other than them in the UK, and while I dont obsess I still keep my ear to the ground about them.
Fascinating argument. Counterpoint: The blackpilled get the helicopter too.
Anime/Manga has been extremely good at just doing its own thing, telling its own stories, and creators who generally tell people to fuck off if they complain.
I have certainly been happy about it for a while.