I am aware of all of the improvements. Just that while I am impressed that they managed to make something that much better and also get the cost way down (something, something, "Belkan witchcraft" here), it just looks like a slightly modified B-2 to me in terms of appearance.
I guess there is only so much you can do with a flying wing and keeping it stealthy.
On the one hand, I always like new military gear that keeps us on the edge.
On the other hand, for all intents and purposes this is just a B-2 that was modified to significantly cheaper to build. So while that does mean we can have a lot more of them and probably put the B-1 out to pasture (finally), there is nothing really exciting about it.
"Dr Frankenstien is gay and trying to remove women from the reproductive system, and this is why he destroys the bride of his monster."
Excuse me, what the fuck?
Am I being punked here?
The allegory of Frankenstien being the man who played God and therefore showed that science went too far is so obnoxiously in your face its part of the fucking subtitle ("The modern Prometheus")! Who would be dumb enough to believe.....
Oh right, Leftist. Nevermind, I know the issue now.
Also, hearing the interpretation of Othello done by modern British schools makes me very happy that I went to school in a state that would (with time) go on to ban CRT and with a teacher who was a Shakespeare fanatic. Because the way she taught it was actually in line with the play. You know, about paranoia, words from people you think you can trust being used to destroy you, lack of communication being deadly, stuff that actually fits with the things we are reading with the words in front of us. But as we all know, words are violence.
(one last sidenote: I still consider Iago to be my gold standard of a Villain, and he is still my favorite villain of any medium)
I know Tex and the BPL. But as much as I love watching Tex do stupid shit in games and talk about Battletech, I don’t really feel like joining. Especially when I have my own friend group where we do our own stupid shit.
Yep. My group pretty much only lets in people after we have vetted them through other games like Red Dragon Inn (which we consider to be both a good ice-breaker and a good way of weeding out ultra-soy).
In all of my campaigns, there has been consistent themes of races be racist toward each other, egalitarian societies being exceptions, and always sticking to whatever my storyline is supposed to be with no consideration for how "woke" it is, just what is fun and what makes sense.
And of course, the only thing we care about in the rulebooks is guidelines. I dont even KNOW what the official Race lore is for DND, because I always go with my own campaigns lore. I have 3 different campaigns at the moment, and just as one example Orcs are different in all three of them.
Furiously scribbling in Book of Grudges
Let me guess: You are some filthy Knife-Ear arent you?
You mean the one that is also heavily underperforming and may only break even at best?
It also means nothing for the overall political will of the states in question. Here in Kansas, there were a tone of politicians who supported the amendment that were still overwhelmingly reelected.
We still agree with most of their policies. We just didnt want a full ban. Shocking, I know.
To be fair, it was in 2021, when Biden was the one telling the Park Service what to do, before general public opinion had really heavily turned against the Covidians, and it was still far less enforced than you would expect when the Covidians were in charge. The places around the parks on private/state land was the most different of anywhere. Like I said, in S. Dakota, when we were in a small town near Mt. Rushmore to have dinner (elk burger, btw, Surprisingly good), no business anywhere in that town had a mask requirement. And while you occasionally saw people where masks, it was pretty rare.
Meanwhile, when we were in Estes Park at the base of the Rockies, almost everywhere had a mask requirement, and we even got some dirty looks just walking down the street without mask on.
But it makes total sense to me. Rural Dakota is going to be fairly conservative, and in general still has that "Fuck the Feds" attitude going on and still telling people to live their lives as they saw fit. Estes Park on the other hand is one of the most Left-wing parts of Colorado, and I cant tell you how many people I saw that looked like every stereotype of SJW's and Hippies you have ever heard of, and they were usually the ones getting in your face about the mask.
No. Same when we were in Badlands and Rushmore. If you were in one of the buildings they would make you keep a mask on, but the second you stepped outside they ceased to care.
For my families road trip, we went to S. Dakota to hike in Badlands National Park, then we went to Mt. Rushmore and drove through the Black Hills. Then we went to Cheyanne, WY because I wanted to see the Union Pacific depot and rail house (unfortunately, the rail house was closed to guest at the time), and then we went to Estes Park to hike in Rocky Mountain National Park. While the Rockies were not strict on mask (not that it mattered, we wore them anyway because of snow and cold), but Estes Park itself had damn near every place being "mask required."
Which was quite the whiplash after having gone through SD and WY where there were many places that had so little of a damn to give about mask that they didnt even bother to put a sign on the door. When I say we almost forgot Covid was a thing for a few days, I meant it.
I have noticed the same thing. Every time I hear ethnonats complain about how there are no people having kids, and the kids they do have are being Trans. Then I go out in my town that is one of the largest in the state (about 40k-60k depending on the time of the year), and I see kids everywhere. I hear people talking about their kids and their families. The boys I see still like cowboys and guns. The girls I see still like dolls and princesses. And that holds when I travel to everywhere except the big cities in the state (and even they arent as bad as anything I have seen out of New York or California).
It also applied when I went on my roadtrip through the Plains last year (SD, WY, CO), which is also where I learned that Covid didnt exist the second you stepped outside of anywhere the Dems controlled. Because the only two places that I saw that even gave the mildest of a damn about masks was when we went to Mt. Rushmore (and that was still pretty mild), and Estes Park, CO (which did heavily enforce). But when I was in the Dakotas and Wyoming? I straight up forgot Covid existed for a few days.
And I dont see that changing any time soon. And its why I still think the US is worth fighting for and refuse to get blackpilled. Because the second you leave a Leftist stronghold and get off the internet, they cease to exist and the America I always loved abounds.
Its also my high school sweetheart, and the exact nature of how we got together is so convoluted and relies on so many coincidences that if you made it into a Hallmark movie, people would say it is cheesy and unrealistic.
For me, the issue is that there is a lot of it that seems so intuitive that I cant explain how it works, because it would be like trying to explain air. They also feel like there needs to be certain things in the relationship that are usually the sort of things that come about from the corruption of the culture.
I have found the usual sticking point is related to sex. Because it has been so forced into the culture and corrupted that, to some people, if you dont get it on at least once a day, it means your relationship is in decay and will collapse. And when I tell them that for us, while sex is nice its not the end all, be all, and we can get plenty of emotional fulfillment by just touching and holding one another, they start treating us like we must have the fortitude of a Buddhist monk. Even though for most of history that was exactly the attitude of most husbands and wives. And then the issues seem to grow out from there, and leads to cascading issues down the line.
And of course, a lot of them do nothing on actually building a relationship, giving and taking with their partner to make both of you happy, and doing what you can to start a family to continue it onward. And so they are shocked when it all comes crashing down in months or a few years at best, because they confused lust with love.
To be fair, it has turned into that only for a single group of politically charged people. In my neck of the woods, everything still is the way it has always been. The last Thursday in Nov, and the 4th of July, everything shuts down, flags adorn every pole, and everyone gets together and celebrates their families and their nation. And if any bitching and moaning occurs, its directed at people like those in the OP picture.
IIRC, the Dwarves are supposed to be Welsh, in terms of attitude and industriousness.
Men don't, women don't, rightists don't, leftists don't, authoritarians don't, libertarians don't. Nobody does except sometimes religious zealots, but they normally don't even know why what they are doing works.
The moment I realized this is when I realized that my fiancé and I seem to know how a relationship works and creates that old standard of love, but we are both Autistic and therefore literally dont think like normal people.
We have been together for almost 11 years now with few fights (and none over anything major or long-term), and have hit that point where we literally can not conceive of life without each other in it. And when people ask me what our secret is that makes this work, I cant tell them because my thought process is so unusual they cant conceive of it. And when I do try to explain or say things that we do with each other, they look at me like I grew a second head.
Thing is, just how vicious are these particularly leftists prepared to be?
The answer is probably "very."
If for no other reason than the fact that they are so dumb they dont know the meaning of "quit while you are ahead."
Remember, the Fabian Society a year ago tried to pass along to their acolytes, through friendly media, that the Culture War was supposed to be over, because the Right was actually starting to fight back and was making things hell for them. And how did their acolytes respond? Overwhelmingly, by ignoring them, doubling down, and making it backfire even more on them.
And I have seen plenty of Leftist looking at their tools being taken away and taking that personally to start airing dirty laundry of their overlords and try to whip up the mob against them.
In effect, they have created their own monster that drives forth on its own without having to be told, as long as it can find a target to eat. And that may well be their undoing in the end.
In other news, now that actual money has to be put down, it turns out companies dont really care about paying their tithe to the DIE cult to indoctrinate their staffs.
As vast layoffs have been hitting a variety of companies (especially tech focused ones), data suggest that the first ones being laid off have been the Diversity and Inclusion branches, as well as deep cuts to HR departments. The DIE cult has tried to go full mafia and say "Well, if you get rid of us, we will make your company look bad." but said companies have yet to respond to their threats.
Essentially every single lawyer I watched said similar things.
Maybe from Law-Tube, which isnt necessarily wrong. But I did see my fair share of lawyers who said the defense wasnt terrible, it just wasnt flashy. But it worked for the particular area it was being done in.
And perhaps those accusations about Barnes are "he said, she said", but he has had enough moments of being an arrogant ass that I can believe it (although like you pointed out below, perhaps that just comes with the territory).
I have a hard time believing any of them would ever try to spin it as "yeah some of us were being political hacks and were slowly forced to acknowledge he was innocent."
Have you not been paying attention to the Left over the last few years? They would absolutely do that, because it would give them cred in their own circles. If the juror he was worried about was actually a raging Leftoid, you know damn well she would have done exactly that, and then turned it into a point about how the US is inherently racist. While jurors speaking off the record about what happened during deliberation is also "he said, she said", the fact none of them have tried to make a big deal about it even a year later tells me its at least has weight to it.
I'm not a lawyer, so would you be able to explain what aspect of his jury selection philosophy is controversial?
I am also not a lawyer, but these are the things brought up by one that I saw pointing out how his theory doesnt work. Specifically, there are two major issues with it:
Both parties get a say in selecting the jury, and if you are trying to use demo-analysis to stack the deck in your favor, basically the only way you can do it is if the other party are so smooth brained they will let you get away with it uncontested, which is extremely unlikely. And the second the other party picks someone who go against your preference, now you run the risk of a hung jury or losing the case. And if you do get that far, the other party can try and pick at a weakness of your demographic, or even use it against you in appeals ("my client was denied a fair trial!").
In short, juries are too random to guess what they would do based on just the demographic data. Every lawyer has that story or has a friend with the story of a case where they thought that they had the perfect jury, a friendly judge, and a rock-solid case, only to lose with the jury because one of them just got a bug up their ass over something completely random that you could have never planned for.
See my response to the other post. TLDR is large ego and Dick measuring with the other Defense lawyers, while refusing to believe they knew what they were doing.
The TLDR version is that he demanded to be the face of the case and withdrew his resources when he thought they were disrespecting him. He also refused to listen to the other Defense attorneys when they said that they knew what they were doing and had argued in front of that judge and local juries. He also insisted on his whole jury selection theory that is actually a fairly controversial idea that is highly debated if it even works (hence why they didn’t trust it). And we have since learned the jury was on Kyles side the second they walked in to deliberation and just wanted to look at all evidence again before making their ruling (rather than his theory of political jurors).
So he is not as smart as he seems, at least outside of Constitutional law.
Anyone who still trust Barnes after it came out what he did in the Rittenhouse case is not paying attention.
They are taking that one black Samurai Oda Nobunaga had and trying to pretend it means there were millions of them, aren’t they?
Yep. My Discord server I am on with my friends (most of whom are uninitiated normies) is mostly filled with tags that are memes, funny quotes, or in-jokes.
Because America is still the good guys in the world. It just so happens that our government is currently occupied by a hostile enemy force. But I am not worried about that, because we are slowly but surely getting them out of there so we can have our government back.
Besides, in my America, I would want one.