A huge what?!
I am sure there is a way to make some sort of cleaning deposit instead of cleaning fee. X amount of cleaning is part of the room price, and if the deposit has to be tapped for additional then proof has to be supplied (like a security deposit almost).
Watch Nick Rekieta's coverage of this and see if you still think this way. You are also missing Crowder's whole point, it isn't about the money, its about acknowledging DW has to toe the big tech line to make money and making money is more important to them than telling the uncensored truth.
Jeremy Boering literally said in his response video he contacted Crowder's agent first.
I never got too deep aside from reading The Satanic Bible and some of Peter Gilmore's works; but from what I know your description fits The Satanic Temple correctly but Church of Satan types hold them in utter contempt.
I knew someone wouldn't be able to resist and point that out. My statement remains correct, however.
LaVey would be disappointed and ashamed of these retards.
You can't humiliate someone with no shame or moral compass.
Bergdahl has entered the chat.
can confirm
source: am on Gab
<Walks into Subway> I demand my bread to be half mold!
<Walks into McDonalds> I insist my patty be left out at room temp for 24 hours!
Dammit you beat me to this comment.
GrimDank isn't too bad but there is definitely an infestation.
I still use it for picture of Doggos, Warhammer memes, and to buy/sell/trade coins. I avoid the political subs like the plague they are.
The men are in dimly lit cramped closets in the basement doing all the work.
When I saw the post title I thought it was going to be about ItsAGundam being cancelled lol.
Nothing raises my hackles like someone claiming they CAN'T when its actually they WON'T.
I don't know if they are "legal" but Libya had open air slave markets very quickly after Hillary droned Ghaddafi.
Funny, she doesn't look Druish!
When I was in school from 2006-2010, it was just parts of the admin like student housing and reslife folks that had minor wokism. A few year later the school canceled a decades old tradition of a "hobo parade" as part of homecoming celebrations. I shudder to think of what things are like now...and this is a STEM school in the middle of nowhere (Michigan Tech).
wait, these aren't mugshots from the aftermath of a mostly peaceful protest?
I am not saying people don't think of gold in a SHTF scenario, but it also isnt a binary between "everything's fine" and SHTF. IMO gold is for a Venezuela or Zimbabwe scenario.
Fuck off faggot.