Love, Death, and Robots is a good one. Also the V/H/S movies and The Dark Tapes.
They "cared" because Ghaddafi wanted to sell oil for gold instead of USD.
Activist in the streets, colonized in the sheets.
The problem with the prison system is that the rehabilitation concept was only effective with White Europeans and even only partially so. We see them cutting off hands in Africa and think it is brutal, and it is, but they know it is what works.
I have been enjoying Forever Skies, which reminds me a lot of Subnautica.
I like Creepcast with Wendigoon.
Someone pointed out how pathetic this was by mentioning that Tolkien, a WWI veteran, wrote Fellowship of The Ring during WWII.
That is one awful list.
Didn't read article, but if she wasn't wearing a hijab I could believe it.
TND and the vast majority of the justice/prison system's problems are solved.
It is always worth mentioning that part of the reason Europe could afford their healthcare systems (at least until infinity immigration) is that the USA is their defense force. Many countries haven't been paying their fair NATO share for decades.
Did that include a Leica M7 camera while getting a BJ in an alley?
I wish I could remember the exact #s they used but when EFAP covered the documentary Rags called her something like a 5 but an Arkansas 7.
I wish I had that infographic saved somewhere as it is nearly impossible to search for, but yeah I remember the same. IIRC it had multiple steps showing that if you reduce the stats to just White European descended Americans and remove suicides we have a gun violence rate less than or equal to countries like Finland.
Deport all the joggers and you cut gun crime by at least half. But no one will dare even suggest such a thing, because it isn't about cutting crime, it is about disarming Whites.
Correct, he is the dude, playing the dude, disguised as another dude.
Well said, you put in to words how I have been feeling about this rhetoric.
Thanks for answer.
Team Fortress 2 until I get tired of constantly kicking bots.
The Finals is pretty fun and is not nearly as gay as COD or Apex Legends or Valorant.
I also play a lot of Dyson Sphere Project and Satisfactory.
Like when Newsweek asked Kyle why he said Joe Biden was gay on X and Kyle responded on X by saying "Newsweek is gay."
If you are going to use a "got away with" example, I don't think you should pick from TLJ. That retarded pile of manure is where a lot of us washed our hands of Star Wars. Mary Poppins Leia is where I "quit". I think the best example is visible laser bolts, although that may have existed beforehand as a scifi trope.
Yup. Getting upset at women over this is like getting upset at a dog for chasing a squirrel.