They'll also say that it doesn't matter since there's nothing that can be done to reverse it anyway so we should just stop caring about it. It's the standard "the past is the past" bullshit that the left and those who have been brainwashed by it love to use when caught having done bad things.
It's not even that they're sad, broken, lonely, and desperate, it's that they're PROUD of this shit. They just know that admitting it around people who are openly hostile to them just gives those people ammunition. Be friendly and act like you're one of them and they'll admit to the most horrendous shit because they think they're talking to a likeminded person.
A woman you personally vetted over a period of years.
And yes, having dedicated tasks in the family means that one provides while one tends to the home and children. That's called efficiency and it's why our ancestors developed that system in the first place.
Who is it that 'told' you that?
School, news, entertainment media, all that stuff. You know, the sources of information that everyone gets exposed to whether they want to be or not and that we spend our entire formative years being trained to believe are trustworthy.
But it is real. It's just that the weirdo 'explanations' of the Talmud telling to infiltrate everything are pretty insane.
Ok, so? Yes, that's how disinformation works. The reality is much simpler: it's simple group self-interest and nepotism. The fact you're focusing on that stuff and not the actual problems relating to the overrepresentation means the disinfo campaign has worked splendidly on you.
Realization requires thinking and people who are repeating the Establishment BLM talking points have proven themselves unable to think. That's the reality. It turns out that the majority of the population are unable or unwilling to think and quite happy to be that way.
people have just quietly switched off and moved on.
That's me. I just don't bother with modern Hollyweird products and instead dedicate that time to doing shit outside. Honestly I'm much happier - as well as healthier.
The problem is that they also have institutional capture. They don't need to be the majority - just look at the halls of power already. All they need is control of the institutions and it won't matter how small they are. At least not until the majority is willing to kill their former selves and become radical, then suddenly they find out all that power is an illusion maintained by the majority's unwillingness to end the lives they have built.
That and self-hating "men" trying to attract them.