Would it have been justified if they were literally SS veterans of Auschwitz?
They aren't actually asking for your forgiveness. They are forgiving themselves, thus absolving themselves of responsibility for their own sins. There is nothing more horrifying to them than the idea of consequences, so they found a way to mentally off-load the liability onto the very people they persecuted.
The easiest solution is to liquidate Harvard and distribute the proceeds to White and Asian citizens that were denied admission.
Leftist use fascist as a designator for enemy. You won't be able to change that, so all you can do is step over. Don't get angry or argue about meaning or deny it. Either ignore it completely or tell them you are happy to be the enemy of evil.
I'm glad someone appreciates it. I always assume that everyone skips over them because it requires more effort than TikTok.
While she has hardly even pretended to tack to the center
And there's your problem. Tacking to the center is a common assumption among the politerati. When Republicans tack to the left, they lose like Romney. When Republicans tack to the right, they crush it like Trump or Nixon. Democrats always need to tack to the right. Both sides pretend to be right to get elected, which through the insane lens of the beltway appears to be the center between them and the people, then govern far left.
Keep frens in charge who have a national conciousness.
Fascism can only be understood in the context of interwar Italy. It was a direct reaction to the Biennio Rosso, when Italian communists seized factories and territory with machine guns. Various groups, mostly comprised of middle class college students, clashed with the reds and recreated the horrors of WW1 in the streets of Italy. Mussolini was the leader of one such group. He and some friends marched to the King to declare that they could end the violence if they were put in charge, so the King gave them control of the government.
Fascism is a form of managerialism with the explicit goal of opposing communists and advancing the interests of the Italian people. While not antiracist in any form, it is relatively race neutral, which was a major point of disagreement with their German ally. In order to prevent communists gaining control, the fascists set about securing every node of power before the reds could. It is explicitly hierarchical, corporatist and nationalist. Corporatism isn't to be confused with modern corporations, but rather is about organizing people into power blocks according to their societal role, then balancing the interests of those groups with the interests of the nation. This was all permeated with a very particular Catholic flavor.
For better reading on the topic check out Paul Gottfried's Fascism: The Career of a Concept, or if you are into YouTube videos Mr Patriarch has a series on it that leans heavily on Gottfried's work.
Power, like economics, exists because people exist. The struggle to keep power oriented for the benefit of the people under it is eternal. It's good to have frens in power. It's bad to have enemies in power.
fascist bureaucratic state
Escape the hauntologies of the 20th century. There are no fascists nor communists nor even liberals around. They are all functionally dead ideologies that were peculiar to an era. Using fascist for bad stuff is particularly egregious as it validates the progressive moral framework. You cannot win by positioning yourself as the real antifa.
And planned economies are better?
You're still stuck in the false dichotomy of capitalism versus communism. Markets regulated in the interests of the nation is a thing. For a practical example check out Princes of Yen, the book and the movie. The short version is that the Zaibatsus were put back in charge of Japan's economy post war. The national bank was very succesful directing investments into capex through credit controls, until globohomo sabatuers purposefully created and popped a bubble in order to restructure the market for western investors.
Gobohomo has taken root because those state regulatory agencies were co-opted by the globohomos to consolidate their market control.
You've just described why markets cannot separate from politics, since power naturally consolidates. Either commercial enterprises submit to the government or they will become the government. The lolbertarian vision is no less disconnected from reality than the communist's and leads to the same end in practice due to Deleuzian territorialization.
A well run state is a threat to the entire western regime. It is a practical demonstration that there are superior alternatives to the existing expert consensus on best practices. Clients of the regime will instinctually understand it is a threat to them personally.
Ignoring the reliance on the silly liberal myth that politics can be separate from economics, that would stop the drive towards globohomo how exactly? The logical conclusion of abolition of regulation is the abolition of borders, reducing the world to mere economic zones with no regard for peoples.
Unrestrained capital will seek to expand mass and scale through homogenizing aggregate demand to the lowest common denominator by promoting and satisfying cosmopolitan hedonism. This creates the same leveling effect that is the stated goal of communists: the abolition of global human differentiation. Capitalism is a tool that must be forced to submit to the needs of the nation instead of allowing nations to be enslaved by the needs of capital.
Considering the current capitalist system, where the people own of the means of production under a dictatorship of proletarianized elites, has brought us sodomy, feminism, replacement migration, and ritual child sacrifice, overthrowing it top to bottom sounds great.
Most truthful news story spread by progressives.
He had access to the asian kid. How was he supposed to grab the black kid from inside the corner?
Good is used here as a moral qualifier. An example of bad eugenics would be murdering babies.
This is good eugenics.
He unintentionally wrote one of the best articles justifying the abolition of the American education system. The thrust is that it is a bloated mess of competing interest groups; none of which are concerned with providing an education necessary to fill the essential roles of a functioning civilization. Socrates was sentenced to death for less.
Adam is a galaxy-brained centrist, by which I mean a retarded leftist in denial. He doesn't understand that social barriers he is happy to see broken are the same barriers holding back pedos. His intellectual limitations excuse him somewhat, but Sitch is an absolute scumbag that knows what he is doing. They are consummate grifters, desperately clinging to their midwit marks as the center precipitately becomes untenable.
The regime narrative and the Q narrative are converging. Soon the NYT will be talking about how Trump has been secretly running the US government.
These cucks are functionally admitting responsibility for a madman's random act of violence, when they should have pivoted to how progressives allow violent madmen to roam the streets.
It gives people the false impression that the White House is inherently the seat of sovereignty prima facie.
Speculative tinfoil: Livestock might be a better vector for mass mRNA gene therapy.