Considering the current capitalist system, where the people own of the means of production under a dictatorship of proletarianized elites, has brought us sodomy, feminism, replacement migration, and ritual child sacrifice, overthrowing it top to bottom sounds great.
Unrestrained capital will seek to expand mass and scale through homogenizing aggregate demand to the lowest common denominator by promoting and satisfying cosmopolitan hedonism. This creates the same leveling effect that is the stated goal of communists: the abolition of global human differentiation. Capitalism is a tool that must be forced to submit to the needs of the nation instead of allowing nations to be enslaved by the needs of capital.
We're in the mess we're in because state regulatory agencies stifle competition. Massive corporations can write off million dollar fines as an itemized expense, upstarts cannot. Many of those massive corporations got so massive because of state subsidies. We need less state/business interaction, not more.
Ignoring the reliance on the silly liberal myth that politics can be separate from economics, that would stop the drive towards globohomo how exactly? The logical conclusion of abolition of regulation is the abolition of borders, reducing the world to mere economic zones with no regard for peoples.
Considering the current capitalist system, where the people own of the means of production under a dictatorship of proletarianized elites, has brought us sodomy, feminism, replacement migration, and ritual child sacrifice, overthrowing it top to bottom sounds great.
None of that has anything to do with a cApitALiSt sYsTEm.
Unrestrained capital will seek to expand mass and scale through homogenizing aggregate demand to the lowest common denominator by promoting and satisfying cosmopolitan hedonism. This creates the same leveling effect that is the stated goal of communists: the abolition of global human differentiation. Capitalism is a tool that must be forced to submit to the needs of the nation instead of allowing nations to be enslaved by the needs of capital.
We're in the mess we're in because state regulatory agencies stifle competition. Massive corporations can write off million dollar fines as an itemized expense, upstarts cannot. Many of those massive corporations got so massive because of state subsidies. We need less state/business interaction, not more.
Ignoring the reliance on the silly liberal myth that politics can be separate from economics, that would stop the drive towards globohomo how exactly? The logical conclusion of abolition of regulation is the abolition of borders, reducing the world to mere economic zones with no regard for peoples.