SturmMilfEnthusiast 15 points ago +15 / -0

You'd think if he wanted an obese black dwarf as a main character, at some point, he would have written an obese black dwarf as a main character.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 14 points ago +15 / -1

AI may end up being the tool that dooms us all, but in the meantime, some shitty algorithm that procedurally generates paintings from 500,000 source images is causing diva artists to shit themselves in outrage, and that's pretty based.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 9 points ago +9 / -0

Sure, they interpret things like red shift to somehow be proof, but that's just a natural state of light. It doesn't mean the universe is expanding and cooling.

Big Astronomy is hiding the truth: Light just do that.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 9 points ago +9 / -0

with tips such as “identify the author”

Glad we can agree on the Early Life check.

Anyways, this is a really weird one. The gist here is that some Google satellite group came up with some videos that explains the absolute basics of critical thinking. Journalists are using that project, along with a handful of unrelated studies, to discretely swap the current justification for propaganda ("our enemies are liars") with a new one ("the science proves us right"). This is just one article of a campaign, and all the articles say basically the same thing.

What makes it weird is that this is a pretty complex move, for no real gain. Everyone who already bought their propaganda believed both those reasons anyways, and nobody who rejected them would have their mind changed. The new justification is just as tired as the old one, so it's not really an improvement. The project and studies being put forth are pretty low-effort in themselves, having been a waste of resources and time. And none of this comes off like it's meant to humiliate.

But it still required the effort of multiple actors in multiple universities and corporations to line up, and then to organize the media campaign. It's a pretty complex move, for no real gain I can see.

Maybe this is some kind of narrative maintenance, and this article is so transparent that you can see the internal workings of the Cathedral in a way you usually couldn't. Or maybe this is just the end result of one of their many projects to produce narrative weapons, one that ultimately led to nothing special, but they decided to deploy it anyways because they've already put the resources in and really got nothing to lose.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 22 points ago +22 / -0

As fucked as millennials are, they're not so bad that you can't get away with thinking that, at least for now. They're functional enough that you can still write off their dysfunctions as just millennials being shit.

You have until the lockdown kids start hitting their late teens, at least. Every dysfunction the millennials have, they're gonna have 10x worse, and there won't be anything left to point to but generations of rotting culture, and how it's ruined child-rearing. It's gonna be very real.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Their ("fact-checkers" and social media power users) strategy requires an audience of normies, and progs ready to jump in as audience participation. They want to make big public shows of their narrative in a way that normalizes it. They can't do that here, because there's no normie audience and no prog participants.

Glowies show up to smaller boards for the one-in-a-million chance they can find one schizo to set up and use as an example of an imminent terrorist threat to justify cracking down on their political enemies.

Very different groups with different objectives.

SturmMilfEnthusiast -2 points ago +2 / -4

I dunno that this board is large enough to warrant it. With 110k troops, maybe one will wander in, but I'd expect FBI or equivalent trying to talk somebody into making a car bomb. These people are probably gonna stalk the few places where there's still disallowed politics in public view. That's where their numbers become useful. I'm thinking PCM and Stupidpol on Reddit (as basically the last two vaguely politically distant subs at this point), and political posts on Youtube and Facebook.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +6 / -0

“As a woman, in that world, for her to advance in any way, she has to be like 10 times better than anyone else in that room. And that felt really relevant to everything we’re going through right now,” she declared.

I'd really like to see what women like this would do if their support systems were cut out from under them. Her existence is a bum deal for everyone around her, a drain on resources that she puts absolutely nothing back into, but she's thriving off of our excesses more than the people who produce that excess in the first place. What did these narcissists even do before Hollywood and HR and all the other crap that exists just for them? You know, back when the work you put in was what you did to survive. Did we just tell them to fuck off and starve?

SturmMilfEnthusiast 21 points ago +21 / -0

Or maybe you’re a trans or nonbinary person reading this, thinking “What quaint ideas about gender and sex this old trad con has.” And to that I’ll say, it makes sense to me that the generation of young women who have experienced and borne witness to some of the worst side-effects of unyoking sex from consequence and love that Perry meticulously outlines in her book, “rough sex, hook-up culture, and ubiquitous porn”—would take a look around and decide:

I’d rather be a man. Or more accurately, I’d rather not be a woman.

I had a similar thought earlier this year. Aside from the typical female myopia regarding male disposability, the explosion in female trannies and trenders, specifically the she/they types, is definitely a direct, if long-term result of the sexual revolution.

In the old days, young girls would be brought up surrounded by female and feminine authority figures, and would be taught how to be women all throughout their childhood and adolescence. They would be given auxiliary child-rearing responsibilities and constantly see healthy male-female dynamics from the sidelines as they worked with their older female family members. The result was, they'd grow up knowing how to handle themselves around men, having confidence in their own femininity, and (a subject mostly left out of this essay) comfortable around children and the reality of reproduction.

These days, a young girl is thrown into mixed-sex environments from the time she's 6, and expected to navigate it through puberty. She has almost no interaction with healthy adult women, but she is subordinate to the large number female adult-children who run their schools. She has to get a handle on her sexuality in a highly sexually-competitive environment, with no outside moderation.

And that's without going into where boys and men are supposed to play into this, cause that's another essay in itself.

Of course they don't want to be women. They're afraid of being women, because they never learned how. There's only so much instinct you can fall back on. You can live as an adult female in the barest sense, hopping from dick to dick like a horny monkey, or you can be an immature androphobe who masturbates to grody lesbian smut or children's cartoons while yelling about anime cleavage, but both are failures as women, so why be women at all?

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yeah, and the dude screaming about the sky falling all day, every day, is "right" when it finally rains.

We all know women's entitlement and emotional fragility is one of the major weapons progs have in their arsenal. That's been clear to non-pozzed gamers since before GG was even a thing. This forum wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for that.

Whatever bullshit rule got him banned again, he should probably be gone just for his own sake. The dude is clearly not okay, and he's not getting better. He needs to minimize the amount of time he spends even thinking about women, and this isn't the place for that. It was cute for a while to treat the guy like a mascot, since he seemed to be a monster from a feminist's worst nightmare come to life, but at some point he just needs to be let go. Nobody is better off for letting him rile himself up here.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 5 points ago +5 / -0

Their pretense about being global citizens is just that. They might be able to personally avoid conflict areas, but they still need to be able to control resources and command manpower. You have to get them both from somewhere, and if you lose one, you lose the other. You need the manpower to claim and use resources, and you need the resources to pay your manpower.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 18 points ago +18 / -0

The owner of the largest corporate modding site being an insufferable faggot control freak is definitely on brand.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm pretty sure that was one of the justifications Atlantis/its empire gave before throwing a bunch of ships and flotsam around in the most recent Aquaman movie.

I couldn't tell you if it ever came up again, since the movie was so fucking boring I shut it off maybe a third of the way through.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 14 points ago +15 / -1

Well at least the headline is approaching honesty. Whether or not they find anything, or planted anything, the spectacle was the purpose. It was meant to reinforce the positive emotional reaction in proglodytes towards the feds, and of course it worked, because that fruit is so low you practically had to dig it up.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 20 points ago +20 / -0

Global Jewish group working with UN to tell people Jews don't have too much global influence.

Pretty sure this is just a flex. There's something you hear about occasionally, where you get some politician or celebrity at some Jewish social event (some one-off "anniversary dinner" sort of thing) where they'll talk about how wonderful it is that Jews run the media, or that Israel has America's total loyalty, or some such thing. Basically just quoting Stormfront and sticking "and that's a good thing" at the end. The attendees will applaud and the quotes will end up in Jewish newsletters. They're not so stupid that they don't see it, they just know they're untouchable.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Closer to like five-six months. Forgotten Weapons had that blowup over the Azov volunteer autobiography just last February, like a week before the war (re)started. That update package got rolled out real fucking fast.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump was getting pretty damn sloppy at the end, which he really couldn't afford by then, given how thoroughly controlled the narrative had become. He needed to be clever, not dramatic. With how hard Dems were turning the accusation of election fraud into a scarlet letter, it had to be made into something you could get away with saying in public, and he was the only one who could do that. He needed to poke fun at shit like water pipes bursting and washing away observers, or how ballots aren't fake if they're in a suitcase rather than a briefcase, or counters slipping love notes to each other. Make their blatant cheating into something funny, pathetic, and plainly visible.

by folx
SturmMilfEnthusiast 5 points ago +5 / -0

From what I've heard, that seems to be the case. They're not actually changing the algorithm, at least not yet, they're just silently inserting race and gender into the prompt. When they started messing around with it, if you just prompted something like "person holding a sign," the signs kept generating with terms like "woman" and "black" on them.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 11 points ago +11 / -0

No. If the "turning tide" is anything but trannies being depicted as psychos and rapists, maligned the same way white men and Christianity are today, then the answer is No. A rich black man lightly poking at crossdressers is basically nothing.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0

Think about how much money he could have saved with a single sticker that read "I have BPD."

SturmMilfEnthusiast 7 points ago +7 / -0

"This affront has taken me aback. A Muslim cannot be a superhero, for Pete's sake! They're on the no-fly list," Colbert imperiously huffs. ". . . It's even more upsetting when you consider the original Ms. Marvel. She was wholesome and all-American! Blonde! Family values! With two bulging chest muscles and clearly wearing her Sunday church panties! This is nothing more than Sharia creep, plain and simple."

Since this rant was brought to us by "The Colbert Report," Colbert's hallowed satire of right-wing talk shows in which he parodied Bill O'Reilly and other Fox News windbags, the audience understood it to be a bit.

The day Colbert kicks the bucket, I'm going to throw a party so wild the Olympians will come back for one last ride.

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