by Lethn
SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +3 / -0

The pathing is actually worse in BG2EE over oBG2, and a mixed bag for BG1. The reason being, Beamdog simply changed the parameters, setting node counts much higher and delay between path checks lower, because modern PCs can handle pathing a bit more often than your Pentium II. Problem is, the existing pathing system worked better tuned down.

Whenever your party tries to fit through a narrow space, with the overclocked pathing, the guys in the back immediately think they're blocked and try to find an alternate path, which usually just means going around the entire fucking map. In oBG2, the longer delay meant the guys in the back effectively waited for the guys in front to get out of the way.

In BG1EE, the pathing is better in most places, oBG1 being a bit of a clunker, but it's such a disaster for the narrow dungeons that you're actually better off soloing or duoing them than trying to get your full party through.

As they say, the Q in Beamdog stands for Quality.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Needing to be pro or anti-(broad category) is a boomerism that needs to die. Workers sometimes band together to stand on equal footing with their bosses. Mobs sometimes seize power, collective or bureaucratic, for themselves. Politicians sometimes (usually) sleep with mobsters to each others' benefit, at our expense. All of these things happen under the category of "union."

Democrats have the leeway to make these grand, ridiculous gestures. We don't. Take the rail union incident from a few years ago. By all rights, the guys handling freight should be our guys just by the nature of their work, and that shouldn't be hard to achieve when the "pro-union" Dems raped them for the sin of wanting more than one sick day.

What mongoloids would miss that opportunity because they see the word "union" and immediately made up their minds? Thankfully, not many of us, but it's a pitfall to watch out for. Living in clown world means the more extreme position is often the more sane one, but it's not always, and we can't afford to miss opportunities.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 10 points ago +10 / -0

So what exactly is happening in the video? State troopers letting them in? The video is too blurry and too far away to see.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't fully understand the post-SS-applause debacle. I try to keep track of what the bots/astroturfers are saying, and there's more than a handful of them working against the MSM narrative - trying to talk this guy up as a war criminal, while the MSM tries to downplay it.

My best guess is that individual Canadian politicians are so useless to the globalist project, it really doesn't matter that all their ducks aren't in a row. There's probably thousands of equally (in)competent liberals and controlled-op "conservatives" ready to take their seats, in a nation whose population is largely broken, so what does it matter if there's visible in-fighting? If anything, it makes the system look more legitimate, since look, there's obviously multiple competing factions, even while the system's failures are incapable of damaging it in any way.

But it could also be any number of things. Finding bots is easy enough, but unlike most MSM stooges, it's basically impossible to track their associations. They may really be independently operated, and just not on the same page as the visible institutions, or maybe it's just complex damage control. It's a tough one.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 2 points ago +2 / -0

And evidently they were right to, because as soon as Sherman got done slaughtering those belligerent, rural whites, he went out to slaughter those belligerent, tribal natives.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is absolutely 0% chance localizers don't split the difference and call Vivian a "they/them."

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +7 / -1

You know, at least with antisocial men, you could theoretically throw them in a labor camp and get something useful out of them. Man-hating dykes? That's a negative value human no matter how you cut it.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +6 / -0

Greek colonists had gone east and founded towns in central Asia before the kingdoms proper had managed to get out that far, but most of the Greek influence came after Alexander conquered the region. Prior to that, the Persians held power, and they took it back a couple hundred years after his death.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 16 points ago +16 / -0

There are a lots of impressive maritime feats all over, but you do have to give this one to the Polynesians. They more or less topped colonization via sea until the European empires practically conquered the oceans.

If you want something the Greeks don't get recognized for in popular culture anymore, it's just how far their reach extended. Some people might be vaguely aware that the Greeks went east, but I don't think many know they made it as far east as India.

Though coincidentally, the Norse do give the Polynesians a run for their money on colonization distance, if not purely by sea. Seems like every few years, there's evidence of Norse contact deeper and deeper into Canada. That would have been as much by rivers, coasts, and land as open sea, but still noteworthy.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 7 points ago +7 / -0

Our aim is to completely remove carbon from the atmosphere

I first heard this not too long ago and thought it was a strawman. Nope, it's fucking Apple.

If nothing else, liberals could not have made a better example of how they've idolized black women. They've literally deified this arrogant, fat bitch, and scrambled for her approval.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was thinking this might have something to do with the subscription services, since they've also ballooned in price recently. I'm not sure how their model actually works, and how devs get paid, but I always figured it was pretty shit. Unity, being even farther removed from that deal, would then be getting a fraction of shit.

I don't think Unity would be large enough to successfully negotiate with Microsoft and Sony. Pricing based on installs would allow them to bypass those deals entirely.

Of course, it still looks like stupid business. Another thought I've had is that it might just be corporate sabotage. You almost never actually hear of it, but it definitely exists. This is suicidal enough to make me suspicious.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 17 points ago +17 / -0

In the manga, Zoe was originally referred to as a woman, before being retconned into being "ambiguous." It's faggotry and parasitism, as usual, and whoever you're arguing with is a waste of good fertilizer.

Also, AoT turned out to be garbage pretty early on, and your first clue to never interact with an AoT fan should have been how many she/theys and fujos love that emo fag commander who looks like he's about to fall asleep.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 7 points ago +7 / -0

Vocally? Continuation of their line, mostly. Women start learning how to be social terrorists when they're like six years old. It's just not the kind of shit you want to start. The best you can reasonably do is find a woman who isn't politically involved by choice.

That, and women got the 19th without the 19th. Repealing it would be like trying to fix morbid obesity by hiding it with more flattering clothes.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 9 points ago +9 / -0

My number one response to when they say, "Why are you so triggered over pronouns?!"

It's... "Because you're trying to defy reality to accommodate delusions."

Then they'll point to the word "you're" and laugh you out of the room. I didn't make that up, that is their current method of attack. It's just one example of how their language hacking is so insidious.

The problem with direct attacks is that normies exist. They're both valueless cowards who would literally rather kill you rather than be ostracized, and also make up the vast majority of social power just by sheer numbers. With lefties, for all their hand-wringing about bigotry, they love a bigot. There's nothing in the world they love more than having an excuse to go on the attack. As soon as the lefties attack en masse, the normies notice, and they side with the mob 100% of the time.

You know what scared the shit out of lefties, and got a lot of normies perking up? Superstraight. There's an inherit conflict between transgenderism and consent in the "transwomen are women" dialogue that normies could always see: If you identify as straight, and transwomen are women, not sleeping with a transwoman solely because she's trans is bigotry.

Superstraight didn't create the conflict between the tranny identity and sexual consent, it just found a way to embed it within itself, being implicitly obvious without being stated outright. Normies knew that conflict existed, but always had to talk around it. They didn't have the language to address it directly, not without fear of becoming a target.

There was no way for lefties to confront superstraight without either invalidating sexual consent, or invalidating trannies. So they didn't. They freaked the fuck out and shut it down as hard as possible. As long as it existed, the normies could speak truth without fear, and that would ruin the power trannies had over them. So leftists didn't take their time "playing" at righteous outrage. They didn't go after people's livelihoods or relationships for the sadistic glee. They just stomped it out as fast as they could, and hoped it wouldn't take root.

Superstraight made it to the front page of Reddit within a day or two, and "suck the girldick, bigot" never has.

You might call what I want to do language hacking, or you might call it meme magic. Our handicap is that we have to be truthful, and we don't have the same mechanism to enforce language as our enemies. But if it didn't work, they wouldn't be afraid.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 17 points ago +17 / -0

Had another thought I want to expand on.

When somebody refers to a normal person by "their" pronouns, it's not because they were told, it's because it's obvious. But it's also because they're being honest. In the most basic terms, they're experiencing the world and truthfully describing their perception. It's not something most of us even need to explain, it's just a natural state of living. Even literal drooling retards do this, to the best of their ability.

If an otherwise intelligent person repeatedly misgendered a normal person, it would be a problem. Not because of it's an insult, but because it's deeply dishonest. That's a level of dishonesty and belligerence that would make them incompatible with polite society. Being honest with your senses is the single most basic form of honesty there is, that's why we medicalize dishonest senses as "delusions." If you aren't suffering from delusions, you're just that dishonest by nature, then you're evil almost by definition.

Trannies use their social power to make us lie to remain in polite society, meaning any time we're in the presence of a tranny, we're a society of sociopaths, choosing to lie about our basic senses. What would otherwise be psychotic, violent anger is a totally healthy and justified reaction to a sociopathic society. Some dude having a whinge is almost too tame, by comparison.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 19 points ago +19 / -0

The problem is that there's not much recognition on the right that tranny pronouns aren't pronouns, they're titles, but we're all still using the term "pronoun" to refer to them, because it's just too damn difficult to do otherwise.

Pronouns are descriptive. A thing can be blue, or large, or dry, or masculine, and these are all obvious to anyone with functional senses. All a pronoun does is refer to a person in general, using their plainly obvious description, rather than specifically.

Tranny pronouns are titles. They aren't descriptive, they're prescribed. Just like tranny pronouns, your senses don't tell you if somebody is a Sir, or My Lord, or Your Honorable. Trannies have to tell your their pronouns the same as nobility once had to present their titles. And like titles, if you choose not to use one after being told to, you can be punished for it.

Backdooring titles into pronouns makes it damn near impossible to deal with. There's no other language you can fall back on, and it's a complicated enough trick that people aren't going to independently invent and settle on pithy comebacks to their attacks.

My best attempt at a comeback to your example would be something like "They stopped being used like pronouns a long time ago," and that doesn't exactly embed that entire explanation into one sentence, does it? It's one of those end-stage leftist tricks that's so complex and manipulative, I can't imagine how you can beat it with speech. Language and human limitations are more easily weaponized by the dishonest.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 15 points ago +15 / -0

All I did was jokingly point out that that criticism may not actually apply to him, and you're chimping out like I called him a nigger. If you're implying what I think you're implying, then good work, you proved a point I wasn't even trying to make.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 12 points ago +13 / -1

and made by people who hate you

I think OP is our token black, so they'd actually worship him, at least at first glance.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +3 / -0

If it's his job, he's not doing it "for free." He's just doing an incredibly shitty job. Guys like this aren't worth defending anyways. He's practically advertising for Bethesda, and his sperge out is better propaganda for leftists than it is for us. There is absolutely no benefit to having him around.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 2 points ago +2 / -0

A few years ago, I started assuming that in every photograph of MLK Jr., if you could somehow magically turn the camera around, you'd see a bunch of shit on fire. That's more or less how it works now, after all, at least when they're not brazenly gloating by showing us the fire.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 11 points ago +11 / -0

Well they fucked up then, cause you most certainly can kill animals. In fact, you have to if you want to survive the first stage of the game. You can't actually grow anything until you make it way out to one of the islands, and most people take a couple hours just to get settled first.

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