SoctaticMethod1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just don't go full blackpilled that you try to 'create' your own women with gene splicing..

Cat and dog/wolfgirls are fine but there's a reason we never domesticated foxes /s

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +9 / -0

White woman not under their heel being famous Idk, Muslims are only slightly above Indians in White woman derangement

At least we provide evidence about the ones that are ego obsessed narcissists, I'm coming to the conclusion more the only good ones left are Tomboys, severe introverts and deeply Christian.

SoctaticMethod1 42 points ago +43 / -1

Probably not JUST that, she's part of the 'disaffected liberal' opposition along with RFK Jr that have publicly endorsed Trump

Along with the election being defortifed in many states, this seems to be remove the ones that can tempt the disaffected more to Trump with lawfare

SoctaticMethod1 13 points ago +13 / -0

I really don't care about her as everything about her seems artificial, hell that 'relationship' she has with that NFL player turned out to be a business contract.

SoctaticMethod1 18 points ago +18 / -0

Why have to deal with a guy he'll have to come to a compromised solution with when you can have a bitch that doesn't understand basic economics cripple your rival from within?

SoctaticMethod1 37 points ago +37 / -0

It's a co ordinated attack, there's bots flooding political commentator channels accusing them of being traitors and Russian agents in their comments and they only acted THIS close to the election.

It's desperate last gasp tactics using EVERY bit of lawfare left against all political targets. I'm not blackpilled as their content is still available on Rumble and we could all see how the Blaze was getting just as cucked as Fox hell even Crowder left because of that but this is cornered animal time as this is telling me the election isn't as fortified as the machine would like.

SoctaticMethod1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sure move as soon as possible but STILL stay strapped with the best self defence tools you can aquire

Better to have to go to court to argue your case than be in a casket.

SoctaticMethod1 24 points ago +25 / -1

This sounds like a 2nd ammendment issue in that case...

...which is why 'sanctuary cities' usually have the toughest gun restrictions. Can't be 'diverse' when everyone has easy self defence tools.

SoctaticMethod1 19 points ago +19 / -0

Deport them, and if the country won't take them back, deport them from altitude over their country, give them a parachute at least, just the oldest ones we have in storage no new stuff.

And had to be Haiti, I swear if that side of the island got nuked I swear it'd be more productive...

SoctaticMethod1 5 points ago +5 / -0

If this is upstream from the rest of culture, then this is great as it also shows how leftism as an ideology is failing.

A lot of these western studios should have either downsized or closed down years ago but the lockdown surge from people gaming because they were stuck inside delayed that from happening.

SoctaticMethod1 10 points ago +10 / -0

So bets on if this'll flop like Borderlands? As why watch this when you can see Sonic 3 instead if you're that desperate to see a video game film?

SoctaticMethod1 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think they do as you'll notice 177013 is missing from it when previously it was a high result on many tags.

But rather than issue takedown notice this company seems to be targeting the site AS A WHOLE basically claiming they don't respond quick enough

SoctaticMethod1 20 points ago +20 / -0

And it's a Californian company called PCR Distributing, which operates several hentai brands.

This comes very close to when MULTIPLE pirate sites where taken down including the very useful Aniwave. I wouldn't be surprised if that also came from California led companies, maybe Sony and their Californian HQ.

It'll return in some format as like all pirate sites but A LOT of content would be lost in the process, this is feeling like a canary in the coal mine situation and starting to feel like enemy action.

SoctaticMethod1 12 points ago +12 / -0

Was it Baron's choice or was he forced to go as he did grow up in New York and probably has some rich, non retarded friends going there so could be following them.

But either way, higher education lost a lot of it's value thanks to ideology replacing meritocracy.

SoctaticMethod1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm guessing this is the most Iran is going to do for now given the US moved some F22s to that area and last time they encountered them they ran the fuck away.

SoctaticMethod1 14 points ago +17 / -3

Hitler and the Nazis were bad, but the commies would have purged MORE and been far worse of they took over instead of them.

The problem is how WW1 ended set up WW2 to happen, there were a lot of conditions during the war that would have prevented a WW2 at it's conclusion but this is the timeline we are on.

SoctaticMethod1 10 points ago +10 / -0

They REALLY couldn't hire anyone better could they?

Makes sense, all other leftist NOT already in the mainstream that would do the job are mental asylum escapees if we look at the independent leftist media scene..

SoctaticMethod1 29 points ago +30 / -1

Modern audience is dead, they don't NEED to be your audience anymore..

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Did hear they'll still have shows like Clarkson's farm is getting another season and James will get another travelling or cooking show, but age comes for us all so been a good ride all the same.

SoctaticMethod1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd actually add Joseph D. Kucan as Kane to that mix, he was such a good villian, even in the god awful 4 he was the best thing there.

SoctaticMethod1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean that's a no brainer, do it so if at any point he's halted from doing so, he can pin it all on the agencies hampering his efforts to save children.

SoctaticMethod1 42 points ago +42 / -0

Deleted my post as just released it a second after you lol, but barely 3 weeks and dead already, this is a BIBLICALLY bad flop that Sony has to explain to shareholders.

10/10 schadenfreude, so much enjoyment watching this train wreck with popcorn, I demand an encore with ALL woke games still to come!

SoctaticMethod1 23 points ago +24 / -1

It's REALLY telling that EVERY other race saw this and thought 'the bank will drill my kneecaps to get their money back!' so didn't bother.

While the niggers only saw 'FREE MONEY' and didn't care about the consequences, at least those that did it not the fakers for social media clout.

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