Sneak_King 5 points ago +6 / -1

Jews I've met IRL were all walking stereotypes

I've only met two ethnic juden, to my knowledge. One lamented openly that the honors society we worked with at the local high school had too many White males, when Whites were under represented by about 10% relative to the student body and White males were under represented by about 30%.

The other was a regional VP who thought an appropriate ice breaker at a December meeting was how she grew up hating Christians because they were happy around her during Christmas and because they got things and she didn't.

Gradually, I began to etc.

Sneak_King 14 points ago +15 / -1

Gotta feel kinda bad for deka, Giz, et. al. Without their dedicated spergette, imp, there's no one to tank the downvotes.

Sneak_King 6 points ago +6 / -0

Does the strict definition of physiognomy only apply to structural traits? Or are tattoos included?

Sneak_King 11 points ago +11 / -0

myth that will be illegal to question

215 seems a little high. Given the technology of the time, at most a tenth of that could have been killed in that time period.

Even with teachers working around the clock, they couldn't have killed that many kids. And with the country in the throes of an unprecedented era of civil rights protests? There just wouldn't have been enough resources.

You're telling me the Canadians, known world over for their politeness, not only killed all these kids but also didn't think to apologize? Yeah, I don't buy it.

Sneak_King 16 points ago +16 / -0

Which, in turn, was code for "we're too cheap to pay the going price for a highly qualified 50 year old. We'll go to the dollar store and get a cheap pilot."

Same way the thing was constructed, apparently.

Sneak_King 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably a little of column A, little of column B. For local produce, you're also paying for an extended shelf life. A lot of imported fresh food lasts days or weeks, but spends all that time in travel, so what you take home from the store starts going bad immediately.

I wouldn't be surprised if grocery stores were forced to price things to sell, to avoid having entire shipments go bad.

Sneak_King 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a distinction without a difference. Stupid people, if they exist at this level, are the medium in which malicious people work. Both have to be dealt with with extreme prejudice.

Sneak_King 13 points ago +13 / -0

Star Trek and Star Wars turning to shit is one of the best things hollywood has done for me. I can't imagine how much more time and money I would have wasted with them if an ounce of talent had been poured into either.

Sneak_King 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Severely limited franchisement" and "republic" come to mind.

Sneak_King 3 points ago +3 / -0

It might sound bad, but how else will Canada keep the volcanoes from going off?

Sneak_King 4 points ago +4 / -0

I didn't read this article, so maybe this is in there, but the study it's referring to suggests that attractive males use their advantage to build support networks, hone leadership skills, and generally build themselves up while attractive females do absolutely nothing with their advantage. Obviously, just an untested hypothesis, but pretty funny.

Sneak_King 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're talking out your ass. You're saying a modern mathematician would struggle with proofs because "modern math" is arithmetic. Modern math is wholly comprised of proofs. Calculation is largely a tool of engineering.

Sneak_King 6 points ago +8 / -2

But specifically niggers. We built our economy on them. When it became clear the federal government was a faggy failure, we killed a half million of our literal brothers (not just euroshit "brother war" stuff). The enduring legacy of that catastrophe? Muh niggers. The last hundred years of culture has been nothing but increasing nigger obsession: civil rights, music (starting with jazz and the "cool" nigger), race riots, muh based niggers, niggerino-in-chief. It never ends.

Sneak_King 6 points ago +9 / -3

One of the ideas from pol that I wish wasn't true but seems undeniable is that America isn't so much a nation as an institution dedicated to the worship of niggers.

See also: the spic-nig cycle.

Sneak_King 4 points ago +4 / -0

I won't be around this weekend, but have fun. I'll try to catch the next one.

Sneak_King 11 points ago +12 / -1

One of Yahtzee's principles of game design was to get the player back into gameplay as soon as possible after failure. Gameplay, not "the game."

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