Skywise 7 points ago +7 / -0

ST TNG was absolutely newage wokeism which Roddenberry had adopted over the years.

While TOS had its leftist points, especially in the later 2nd/3rd seasons as the show got co-opted. The stories were at least an open debate of the topics and not a preaching session that TNG loved to do. I mean cmon - oops, these prewarp people have seen us - gotta wipe their minds for their own good. Who thinks that’s a proper moral thing to do?!

Really though, media has always been controlled in the US. If not by the government outright then by “moral committees” that forced media to adhere to certain codes.

It’s just the utter hypocrisy though - the media and leftists REEED when Janet Jackson had her wardrobe “malfunction” on public tv and the Republicans, in power at the time, wanted the FCC to fine them. No no - that’s abhorrent to free speech! Now you have the leftists applauding the SC decision that it’s perfectly ok for government to coerce media companies to ban wrongthink.

Skywise 14 points ago +14 / -0

Leftists subverting for blacks has been going on for decades.

Even as far back as the 70s newspapers stopped reporting the race of people committing crimes because “it could give people the wrong idea” but then they’d always include the race if white or asian.

Then you had Norman Lear’s near stranglehold on comedy shows through the 70s with All in the Family, Good Times, The Jefferson’s and Maude - all promoting leftist/subversive issues.

I had a job in the creative business for a few years with some leftists and it literally is at the top of their mind that the MESSAGE must be woven into the story to guide the people into proper thoughts and encourage good moral behavior (but their morals… of course)

Its very quasi-religious that way.

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

WTF is an indigenous Mexican?!

Skywise 12 points ago +12 / -0

But he had just started a rap career and was getting his life together

Skywise 4 points ago +6 / -2

Oh Gawd, you again. You're about as convincing a shill as AllahPundit "Dude, I'm scared."

One, Fuentes is an idiot who think Kanye West is our savior... or have you forgotten that?

Two. Our choice is Biden (or whomever the DNC deems to replace Biden) and Trump. There's NOBODY else in the GOP who even comes close to Trump, not even DeSantis who wilted like a cheap suit to the Bushies in just 2 months.

Third. Trump won't solve our problems. He's one man with 4 years left. He can do a lot of moving but purging our nation of the communist invasion requires taking back the culture, the schools and insuring laws get enforced and the constitution gets upheld by all of our institutions from some organization that's infiltrated not only the US but the bulk of Western Civilization including all of Europe. It requires restoring Christianity to God's Word and not the whims of this world.

Is Nick Fuentes up to that task or is he just another grifter? Where's Milo or Kanye these days?

Skywise 7 points ago +7 / -0

See? Troo communism has never been tried!

Skywise 3 points ago +4 / -1

Hmmm - it was always my presumption that these groups were funded by China…

I mean… a Chinese company decrying political correctness?! Have they tried posting pictures of Winnie the Pooh?

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

“I would never pants you, m’lady”

  • puts fedora on.
Skywise 5 points ago +5 / -0

You own your own likeness. It's like you became a gazillionaire for some reason and then people started using your likeness for get rich quick products. They don't have a right to use your likeness to hawk their wares without your permission.

This isn't like you're out in public and somebody snaps your pic along with other crowd people and advertises THAT. That's fair use. It's intentionally just using your singular likeness.

MyPillow introduces the weezkitty pillow. For when you need some lucky money, weezkitty pillows fill that need!

That's illegal (unless you gave permission, got paid for it! :D )

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

When Obama was first elected there was an initial flurry of some stores changing their name to Obama and advertising slogans using Obama in their campaigns to get in on the hype that were all shut down. I don’t know if that came from the secret service of a c&d from the office of the President himself or just a request from the White House.

It does fall under basic law that you can’t use a public figures likeness for advertising/branding without their permission. But I don’t see why the secret service would be tasked with enforcing it.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can hear the sneering dripping from their words.

you stupid peasants

Skywise 8 points ago +8 / -0

He was fired on June 31?

The only way they would’ve been able to see the email is if he was running his personal email app on his work computer and it downloaded the message or he read the message on web browser.

Either was stupid.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

Goes hand in hand with kids calling their parents by their first name

Skywise 12 points ago +12 / -0

It’s wife and husband.

Thank you.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve been trying to find the original series but can only see the remake on Amazon - have they ever republished or is it Jack Sparrow time?

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m hearing mixed statements on this,

That the appeal can’t happen until the sentencing takes place.

That the appeals process can start right away…

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

Only gay actors can play gay roles. We need more gay characters.

Only black actors can play black roles. We need more black characters.

We can't show little people on the screen - that demeans little people.

I... I can't even... the pure NPC mindlessness of these retards.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

Really? In my day being clockable meant you were one to get punched in the face. As in "Getting his face clocked."

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