Shill4Hire 8 points ago +8 / -0

They also said that big protests and gatherings REDUCED covid's impacts and spread, but specifically only for riots of their preferences.

Shill4Hire 13 points ago +13 / -0

By their logic, anything they do is good, anything you do is bad, and their goal is to have you suffering or dead, with anything resulting in such an outcome also being "good", and anything moving away from that outcome being "bad".

Once you get that, all their logical leaps, fallacies, double standards, and selective ignorances make perfect sense.

The lesser NPCs, though, and the militantly uninformed, and the aggressively ignorant, they all can be, eventually, swayed using a "by your logic" argument- Wait, no, not by the argument, only by the actual real concequences of it. They won't be swayed by a "nuh uh, because then this group would also be prosecuted!", they'll only be swayed by the actual prosecution. They do not hear, they only see.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kuachua Xiong, classic Republican Anti-Choynya Bigot name.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

It lets them gamble against each-other, everyone loves gambling, even Them.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are Yakub's Blessed Creations, and those that happen to look like them (or are the Creations, masters of Deceptology, actually looking like those other people?).

Shill4Hire 42 points ago +42 / -0

Important context: 8 of the 9 men received ZERO sentencing, so even 2 hours of jail would have been "a heavier jail time than 8 of the 9 men".

Now, the fact they received zero jail, despite being found guilty of gang rape, is its own horrific beast, but it is important to note, outrage-wise, that those fuckers were told "Found Guilty Of All Charges, now, we kindly ask you don't do it again, have a great day!", so comparing prison sentencing to their sentence just doesn't work from the get-go.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Surveys and criminal record reports are scientific evidence when doing a longitudinal study.

These people don't Trust The Science. They're Science-Deniers.

Shill4Hire 5 points ago +5 / -0

So let me get this straight:

"If it's happening, that's a good thing." -> "It isn't happening." -> "People who say it's happening are conspiracy theorists!"

Usually it's 2, 3, 1. Not that order. So you're changing up the NPC script. Still following the exact talking points, but changing the order slightly, how novel(AI) of you!

Shill4Hire 8 points ago +8 / -0

Common Canadian "hate group" opinions:

  • The current fiscal policies are unhealthy for the long-term stability of the country.

  • Front-line workers like long-haul truckers deserve more respect than the politicians offer them.

  • Maybe letting in broke people with no job prospects isn't the best idea until we have job prospects for them, instead of just bringing them in to be homeless beggars or criminals.

I don't see why there wouldn't be diversity in groups thinking these things.

Shill4Hire 15 points ago +15 / -0

There's forty million hate groups! We call them "individual Canadians", because any opinion, any at all, can be construed as a hate incident.

Want more immigration? Hate on the impoverished minorities, displacing their jobs.

Want less immigration? Hate on the impoverished outsider minorities, who just want a better life.

Want the exact same amount of immigration? Hate on both, because you're not adapting to new situations, you're actively trying to sabotage the growth plans of the country to harm minorities both local and imported.

No opinion on it? Ignorance of the issue is not forgiveness, you're hating on minorities for not educating yourself.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

That just seems odd.

Even when I was doing lower end jobs, 500 wasn't that much. Like, it'd hurt to lose, but it would be there to lose. Don't drink, no drugs, make your own food, avoid owning a car if you can swing it, and the money will add up.

Shill4Hire 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many people already call the country "America", why not just make it official? One America.

Shill4Hire 10 points ago +10 / -0

Eco-terrorist plotline would easily fit into a spy thriller setting, and make things far more organic (heh) thann anything this writer room could come up with.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

The rest of us can remain insane here. They're the backup save file.

Shill4Hire 7 points ago +7 / -0

You're falling for their Begging The Question Fallacy: You're allowing their assumption that they even create these things to begin with. In reality, they're taking existing IPs, existing words, existing stories, and perverting them into something that supports their ideology. They aren't "writing a believable queer character" not because the "believable" part is false, but because the "writing" part is false. The core premise isn't valid, let alone secondary details to spawn from it.

Shill4Hire 5 points ago +7 / -2

I'm surprised you remember usernames that well, tbh.

Shill4Hire 10 points ago +10 / -0

Let The Past Die, Kill It If You Have To

It doesn't have staying power, but it's a declaration of intent they had for the series that they put into the series of movies explicitly.

Shill4Hire 18 points ago +18 / -0

The Islamist stabbed 5 other people. Because they weren't cops, this part is swept under the rug.

Shill4Hire 13 points ago +13 / -0

Source: Person who has never had to snap a half-inch thick bar of steel braced directly against the ground with no leverage or fulcrum.

Shill4Hire 22 points ago +22 / -0

If they're used to dealing with the USA (and their tweet is in English, so probably a true statement), they're used to white people literally paying them to say "kill white people, white people need to die out!".

They've been trained, on very good training data over a long term with very positive results, that being openly threatening with effective genocide of the native population is not only tolerated, but rewarded.

Shill4Hire 6 points ago +6 / -0

"As easy" is the operative words there.

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