Schmendrick_Lamar 8 points ago +10 / -2

I think that (taken with some charity) this actually makes a lot of sense in the context of everything else he says about the 'Talmudic' mindset.

He's not so much positing "Jews don't exist" as simply brushing aside the rhetorical//semantic quagmire of 'Jewishness' in order to state his point, establishing up front that he's not going to indulge Talmudic "heads I win, tails you lose" sophistry, instead redirecting the frame entirely.

Two examples to illustrate the intentionally obtuse morass he's side-stepping:

The Israeli constitution grants the "Right of Return" to all Jews. The Israeli constitution then proceeds to define a "Jew" as someone permitted to immigrate to Israel by way of the "Right of Return."

Just one microcosmic instance of something we've all seen play out ad infinitum on the global stage. What is 'Jewishness'? An ethnicity? A religion? A nationality? Pay attention, take notes, and soon you'll begin to notice Jewishness is whatever permutation or combination of these three (or others) serves immediate rhetorical purposes, deftly twisting and morphing, coming and going and even turning on its head in any fashion required to addlepate whichever stupid goy stepped out of line, however contritely, timidly or momentarily.

Soros? Oh he's totally secular, and besides he threw a bunch of Jews under the bus during The Shoah™. Stop juxtaposing how he spends his money with footage of rabbis pontificating on the proper servile station of goyim the world over.

What's that? Louis CK's Netflix special that debuted like a week before he got the #metoo dragnet starts with a whole routine about how stupid the goyim are because they number years preceding the birth of Christ in reverse order, etc...? Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks. 'White' and 'male' are clearly the only characteristics salient to his misbehavior regarding women.

Talmudic indeed. Pains me to acknowledge it as positively ninja-esque.

Speaking of, the very term anti-Semitic, their bread-and-butter, their perpetual top-deck, is at its core nothing but obfuscation and mendacity. Anyone worth their salt will tell you that 'semitic' is more of a linguistic than ethnic descriptor, and furthermore that it encompasses a much wider category than "Jews" in either case, regardless of that distinction.

If you've been following along though, it isn't hard to grok the utility of misdirecting attention away from your tribe in the very process of tirelessly advancing its interests to the express detriment of others.

Imagine a world where an infamous Goebbels quote rings uncannily perspicacious in retrospect. Oh wait, you don't have to 🤡.

That in a nutshell is why Owen doesn't care.

Compare and contrast other circular 🤡🌎 Greatest Hits such as "My penis is feminine, bigot." and "I changed some definitions. Now 1+1=3, and you're racist, bigot."

Schmendrick_Lamar 5 points ago +5 / -0

If only church being soo important to them had any effect on what gives them the nether-tingles (hint: it's not stable, predictable [read: booring], church-going men).

They can't quite put their finger on it, but, like, they're just not feeeling it. That connection, y'know? It's all very rarefied and subtle, not to be compared to the boorish "me want fuck hole" banality which holds sway over every dude-brain. Hence church being so necessary to rectify their base nature, but, geez, where are my tingles?

Mystery abounds. Maybe check the holy book for insights...oh, nevermind, not those parts about submission and obedience. Positively backwards, those are.

Welp, go figure. I'll bet I can tame a rock star, get my tingles and my face covered in frosting with the cake still before my eyes.

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aw man I thought for sure it was a shop...that does kind of ruin the fun actually. Wow, 'stranger than fiction,' as they say.

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great read. The furry gimp-mask had me cracking up for a solid twenty minutes.

Schmendrick_Lamar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Coming up on a decade for me as well. Speed-ran the Gamergate rabbit hole from 3rd-wave feminism to cultural Marxism to Frankfurt school to C'Jhulu.

There was a period of a few months where I desperately kept my notion of cohencidence on life support, but eventually 30-70% or more of the bad actors in any given civilization-wrecking grift top-decking chosenness in the Early Life section or in some hagiographic puff-piece overwhelmed the crimestop conditioning.

Doesn't excuse the remainder percentage of shabbos goys of course.

Schmendrick_Lamar 4 points ago +4 / -0

"It is an unusual story..."


Schmendrick_Lamar 37 points ago +40 / -3

Get in here, Shylock & Mordechai, and explain why this yenta is not to be taken seriously at her word about "running America."

Oh and give me my two downvotes while you're at it and say hello to your JIDF handler for me.

Schmendrick_Lamar 10 points ago +10 / -0





Schmendrick_Lamar 4 points ago +4 / -0

All the fellatio has been leading up to it after all.

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sonna bakana koto iwanaide yo T_T


Schmendrick_Lamar 6 points ago +6 / -0

[T]he...roles for girls and women [do] not wind up passing my feminist test

Oh this should be good. I'll strap in. Tell me about this test.

[A] movie should have at least one main or side female character who thinks or talks about something other than a man.

Posting on a site called "Ovarit" but thinks she invented the Bechdel test.

What Ghibli girl or woman does not think or talk about men? At all?

From "Does something besides X" to "Never does X at all" in the width of a punctuation mark. Goalpost land speed record.

Misogyny and homophobia are strongly reinforced throughout Ghibli movies.

This is going to be a complaint about all the families and children, isn't it.

...sexualization of women and children...fuckers...fuckees...

Oh my mistake. I agree that clearly Ghibli movies are all about fucking.

Conceptualized and constructed in a complex network defined by masculine parameters determined by lorem ipsum dominance...

Mmmyes these college words greatly bolster your argument, which is...remind me again?

Every girl or woman ends up with a boy or man.

Does this one not count or something?

Men fear not (sic) that girls and women will be aggressive (Princess Mononoke)...

So you did at least watch it. Are you going to explain why it doesn't contradict what you just said?

...or that girls and women will fight for themselves (Chihiro from Spirited Away, Therru from Gedo Senki, Haru Yoshioka from The Cat Returns, Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle, etc)

So...ignore all these examples too, got it. They also only apparently contradict your position.

...developmentally inappropriate...Ponyo...

Close call there; I was about to let a child watch Ponyo. Thanks for the warning.


Are Otherkin and Therian Womxn not welcome on Ovarit? That doesn't sound very ~inclusive~.

...a lesbian Ghibli character? In a lesbian relationship?

Are lesbian Otherkin allowed?

Won't somebody think of the children? /s

Wait so, this whole paragraph with `developmentally inappropriate' in the topic sentence, that's to be taken seriously with regard to concern about children, and the /s tag only applies to the thing about lesbians because that would be developmentally appropriate, even though the problem is Ghibli movies have "adult models of sexuality" or something...I think I'm missing one or more layers of sarcasm here. That or this epic feminist theory is just checking my Ghibli fanboy privilege so hard that I can't think straight.

Ghibli movies...present girls and women as creatures more in contact with the home and the forces of the spirit world...

So this guy is a river spirit who guides her through and keeps her safe in the spirit world, Howl is a wizard with a portal to any number of worlds fantastical or mundane, and this guy stays at home with Satsuki and Mei while their mother is in the hospital, but those don't count because...reasons I guess? Also, isn't it received doctrine that Womxn are more spiritually attuned?

...implying that girls and women are alien to human societies

This lady as a leader that fights to encroach on and conquer nature and spirits with breakthrough technology of her own^ design doesn't count because she's a villain, and we can't take a morally nuanced, diegetic view of her character. Or something.

^with help from lepers she rescued and offered a place in her society

[G]irls and women are seen cooking and cleaning. Sophie is a cleaning lady in Howl’s Moving Castle...

What about how ~problematic~ it is that she made a living making pretty hats before that?

Satsuki and Mei clean...Chihiro cleans the bathhouse in Spirited Away, Kiki cleans the room given to her...

What kind of slave mentality does it take to clean a room that some bourgeois capitalist fat-cats let you use for free? But I'm also confused: this seems like a lot of cleaning and fastidity for characters that you just characterized as "alien to society."

Umi leads the school's clubhouse cleaning...

Ignore the leadership position among student societies here.

Boys and men rarely help with the work

Checks out - see five girls and only three dudes cleaning here. What a bunch of lay-abouts. I'll bet they make the girls do all the dangerous work on top of that.

People exalt Studio Ghibli...

All jokes and sarcasm aside: anthropologists, historians and (post-woke) critics will be revisiting Ghibli's opus for centuries if not longer. I feel truly fortunate to have lived to witness the advent of such beautiful and culturally megalithic stories.

I respectfully disagree with the popular opinion.

You'd be wrong. And you sound like kind of a dumb bitch...respectfully.

Schmendrick_Lamar 16 points ago +16 / -0

We're committed to empowering Womxn and Folx of Marginalized Gender with positions on our writing staff to ensure that Underrepresented Voices are totally stoked with like, the general vibe, and stuff.

Peak self-awareness.

Schmendrick_Lamar 7 points ago +7 / -0

No humor yet, but here's another virtuous `Orange Man Bad & Dumb' signal.

Schmendrick_Lamar 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hence the post being about, y'know, how antithetical that kind of weasel-word 'authenticity' is to a healthy relationship.

Schmendrick_Lamar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Curtis being timely as usual commenting on this years ago, stuff many of us older sealions could have told you in perhaps not-so-perspicuous terms decades ago.

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

This would of course completely expose their blatant hypocrisy to any reasoned individual with enough working memory to compare definitions of words, but if we've learned anything at this point it's that these types aren't embarrassed even by what should be catastrophic self-owns, nor are they much hindered in their control of popular opinion.

Libstian Ecclesiarch:

What do you mean hypocritical? There's no inconsistency at all. We are the good guys; whatever we do is good. If we do the same thing as the bad guys, it's good when we do it. If the bad guys do the same thing as us, it's bad when they do it. I'm not sure how to make it any simpler for you, chud.


Verified Good Guy®, ~Reliable Source~

Schmendrick_Lamar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Compare the endless usage of "systemic" for mysterious, hard-to-pinpoint thought-crime that permeates all around us like The Force.

Schmendrick_Lamar 7 points ago +7 / -0


I agree; get me the lash.

Also Googtrans shits the bed as usual: Tokubetsu janai, shiawasena jikan.

Something like "Happy times aren't out of the ordinary," with the dual implication being that they're not out of the ordinary at Mcdonald's, but also as a family. Based.

Also I love how rather than resenting gingers they can appreciate the beauty of rare traits not in their historic gene pool, unlike some other people.

Where's that lash?

Schmendrick_Lamar 15 points ago +16 / -1

For movies & shows just use Rotten Tomatoes like this:

-Critics love, audience hates: Probably woke garbage preaching to the audience, purposely alienating a franchise's core fanbase, etc...Critics are wanking all over it because they identify themselves with the filmmakers trying to "center marginalized voices in a perniciously white, hetero-centric space" or whatever

-Audience loves, critics hate: Probably worth at least a cursory look. Critics crying because it "panders to a privileged audience and erases PoC & LGBTOMFGBBQ..." or whatever. Filmmakers likely had the audacity to try to provide a quality product that will earn money instead of brownie points with the self-appointed culture-commissariat.

-When critics and audience are in agreement, both are likely right. Sometimes something is just really good or really shit, all politics aside.

Schmendrick_Lamar 5 points ago +5 / -0

My six-figure-salaried humanities professors told me it's a good thing when the barbarians sack Rome, and here's why that's a good thing.

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