Schmendrick_Lamar 25 points ago +25 / -0

You should die

Awww that's pwecious. Junior's first day on 4-chan. What other names did the trolls call them. Dumb dumb? Poopy face?

Schmendrick_Lamar 11 points ago +11 / -0

Lol, I remember this episode of Venture Bros. from 2006.

I guess life really does imitate art.

Schmendrick_Lamar 16 points ago +16 / -0

All units, deploy damage control.

Narrative collapse imminent. Instruct all women that damaged ovaries and severe bleeding are but a small price to pay for the protection afforded by the "safe and effective" vaccine.

Long live The Science.

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is my personal favorite.

It's long, but it's practically Sun-Tzu levels of Jared basically sitting there smirking while his opponent proceeds to kick his own ass with incoherent rambling and piss himself with fabricated "technical difficulties."

Schmendrick_Lamar 6 points ago +6 / -0

heh...any 40k fans notice Slaanesh ITT running cover for his/her devoted thrall?

Schmendrick_Lamar 17 points ago +20 / -3

Well then, they can kindly address the issue with their fellow members of "God's Chosen People" who are pushing it on the goyim. Usually from grossly outsized positions of power, I might add.

Alternatively, they can disavow secular Jews and continue going about their business. At which point, they'll never hear a peep from the likes of me.

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hmm...how do I put this. Let's leave GG aside for the moment because I'm not very familiar with the franchise either.

At my most cynical I certainly agree with you in that the developers are probably baiting this shit out to earn ESG points and maximize appeal in troon-centric markets.

But it seems to me they're subtly hedging their language so as to avoid pissing off the Japanese market too much. (which they might eventually just jump ship on and move to California like Sony...but anyways)

At the very least, where the nuance of language can't be exactly pinned down, the law of the land is still quite clear: if you want to change the sex on your birth certificate in Japan, you are required to be fully medically sterilized. Furthermore, after that, you can never be appointed as a legal guardian of a minor. Both these precedents have been consistently upheld over the past few years by the supreme court.

Maybe I'm just grasping for white pills, but I'm holding out hope that they can maintain something like that level of sanity in the face of GloboHomo.

Schmendrick_Lamar 4 points ago +4 / -0

I respectfully disagree with you a little bit regarding the Japanese version.

Firstly, pronouns (and nouns in general) just get repeated a lot more in English ,because Japanese is usually a lot more context-dependent. Of course whoever composed the translation was gonna go with "she/her" for the wokie points.

The subtle distinction I'd like to point out is that Ishiwatari's original paragraph is only about pronouns. It's a bit euphemistic and stops short of anything concrete like "is a girl," whereas you can see "is a boy" (男の子である) above in the bio.

So my thinking is at least there's some nominal boundary left between "identifying as" and reality on display here. Have to take the small victories where you can get em these days.

by folx
Schmendrick_Lamar 15 points ago +15 / -0

You are a coward and a troon. Kindly fuck off from my hobby.


A proud Weeb

by folx
Schmendrick_Lamar 4 points ago +4 / -0


by folx
Schmendrick_Lamar 5 points ago +5 / -0

The word itself is an amalgam of "trans" and "cartoon."

It describes a particularly obnoxious kind of person often encountered on the internet whose entire personality revolves around "gender identity" and "pronouns," etc...

Co-morbid symptoms include obsessively moderating subreddits and/or discord servers catering to other troons, coaxing children in said forums into becoming troons, and generally being a blight on common human decency.

by folx
Schmendrick_Lamar 9 points ago +9 / -0

Lol, this troon made up a gaggle of jannies in his head looking forward to the day when he graduates to Preddit power-jannie luring minors to his house with grey-market "gender-affirming" pharmaceuticals.

Schmendrick_Lamar 9 points ago +9 / -0

If asked, these same cry-bullies would unironically describe themselves as favoring "multiculturalism."

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nothing like that happened IIRC - let me clarify:

I meant that after the nefarious banana peel draped over a tree branch triggered "some of the attendees," everyone was ordered to gather in the gym or the auditorium or whatever and subjected to hours of "shut up and listen, y'all yt peepo need to do better," etc...

Schmendrick_Lamar 30 points ago +30 / -0

I don't have a source handy, but this reminds me of that one time an entire youth camp got shut down for a "struggle session" because someone spotted a littered banana peel in a tree.

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think this is a great idea, and I emphatically second Princess Mononoke.

Schmendrick_Lamar 23 points ago +23 / -0

For sure, and I thought it was a nice touch when they followed through on those limits for the desert arc.

Schmendrick_Lamar 19 points ago +19 / -0

It sounds like you haven't watched Avatar, so I want to confirm your suspicion that this character is absolutely being dragged through the mud here. I'd practically recommend watching the first series just for her (if you think it would be up your alley)

Personality, flaws, charm, humor, etc...she has it all. Her special ability is basically that her other senses have developed quite a bit to compensate for the blindness, so she's a real badass at her style of martial arts - and she never has to whine and moan about being blind or being a girl.

Gee...almost like a well-written character that the audience can relate to no matter their situation. Imagine that.

Schmendrick_Lamar 104 points ago +104 / -0

-never referred to herself as "disabled"

-never bitched about "ableism"

-never bitched about "fire-centrism"

-never bitched about "feminism"

-called Aang "twinkletoes" and constantly gave him shit for being girly

-never asked for gibs

-eventually became a single mother but never bitched about her ex. Said "it just didn't work out"

-still didn't ask for gibs

-ends up living alone in a swamp taking care of all her own shit and not bothering anyone else

-doesn't give Korra the pussypass and treats her like she's always treated everyone

They seriously can't tell the difference, can they?

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