The good little Proglodytes brainwashed in schools do it out of their own zealous desire to promote Intersectional Race Marxism.
The ESG scores and targeted government grants seals the deal : Feminist, black-worshipping, antinationalist propaganda everywhere.
Aside from the fruit juice concentrate, that's basically soda with part of the sugar replaced with an artificial swetener ( stevia ).
I see no excuse to try to pass this off as ''healthy''
The only accidental point made by ''Fat Acceptance'' regarding the diet industry : this diet food isn't healthy.
I can't relate to our prehistoric ancestors.
I can only relate to my historic agricultural, skinny grandparents and their high carb diet ( grains / bread, potatoes, etc ) and family cooking books packed with desserts. Those desserts were, however, not avaliable 24/7 because they required efforts. Soda was always avaliable to my grandparent's generation though. But they never abused it, because that would have been wasteful.
I wouldn't have dared ask for a second tiny glass of soda with the meal when invited there. That would have been impolite.
And when prepackaged desserts and candy became more common and affordable, old habits of being very strict with money kept them thinking ''not spending money for someone else to cook desserts for me''.
They also had plenty of internal limits on eating ( thinking eating too much is wasting, getting fat is ugly and sinful, not fitting in your clothes anymore is expensive in labour or money )
And external limits ( not sitting next to food all day ( they were next to crops though...), plate and glass size, limited money to spend and back in the day, limited avaliability, not having someone baking desserts 24/7, being seen as, or called a glutton, mocked for getting fat, religious periods of fasting and seasonal food restrictions ).
I pointed out several times to my parents the difference in eating habits and plates / glass sizes, not genetics, explained why they were fat and our farmers relatives, still then living, were skinny. Mother only listened with facing T2 diabetes, father never cared much and picked meds.
First. How about WATER for your fat kids. It has zero calories.
I snooped around to find the nutritional value of Plezi cans of sugary drinks and they contain 35 Calories vs coke 90 Calories. ( Those are small ~230mL cans ).
So substancially less sugar than coke or fruit juice ( fruit juice has as much sugar as regular soda. If the main health problem is your kids are too fat, fruit juice is as bad a soda. ''Muh vitamins'' bitch your kids are not vitamin-deficient, and if they were 150mL of orange juice is enough for the day. ).
The problem is, however, the same as with every ''diet'' replacement that never adresses the core of the problem : stop pacifying your kids and yourself with food. Stop indulging in every food craving. Develop self-control around food.
As with all ''diet'' substitute you will subconsciously tell yourself you can have more ''because it's healthy'', and you're likely to crave more by volume because it was less calorie dense, and you can feel the difference.
Kids are so fat they are developping T2 diabetes at unprecedented levels. It used to be very rare to see T2 diabetes among kids and young adults.
My grandparents' generation also drank soda. I still have the glasses they used to serve themselves once. They hold less than a cup ( 250mL ). Grandparents were skinny.
Portion sizes inflation and snacking at every craving are why people are fat. Not soda simply existing in the vincinity.
The cape being changed to look like an old woman's scarf gives 50% for the lesbian vibe on its own.
You know the kind they wear to hide their sagging neck, like this.
It didn't look that bad in the original.
The hair and pink and magenta colors do the rest.
The Japanese are honorary White for their excellence in building a civilization.
Thus the woke feel the irrepressible urge to destory Japan by flooding it with foreigners and falsifying its history.
They were on a mission to take subversion of Japan one step further.
May Ass Creed Nigero perish by the woke.
People still buy videogames, plenty of small studios still produce good games.
It's just the over-inflated, woke infested big studios that set themselves on fire.
Easy to imagine future articles about the ''collapse of the videogames industry'' focussing on the ''value'' of the industry crashing because the Wallstreet ''value'' of the big studios collapse, while sales of videogames from small studios are doing great.
the future of Sony's gaming division and the centerpiece of their brand
Who looks at the cast of characters and think this is a good idea?
Well many here ''noticed'' who designed those characters.
I'm surprised they have just enough self-awareness to shelve or pull the plugs on some of these DEI bombs.
Well let's see how switfly can the USA replace one bridge part of critical infrastructure....
Maryland officials have said they plan to replace the bridge by fall 2028 at an estimated cost of $1.7 billion to $1.9 billion.
The West is fucked.
It's rather surprising ''only'' 6 people died in the collapse.
because Magneto looked cringe in his new costume with those exposed shoulders.
Looks like a butch 50 years old lesbian. Here, see for yourself.
Milk box test?
The [3] watermark is hiding the first letter of [C]ape Town in a poster featured in the article.
Brainwashed White woman went into a black area and got murdered ( and probably not just murdered ).
The Concord ''troon paintbrush''.
The ''women's'' fitness subs were full of pictures of bodybuilding men in a wig and lipstick.
I chuckled thinking ''set itself...? based'' before brain ruined the joke reminding me that's not how you read 7 in English.
Rest in peace r/ItsAFetish
Never forget they were radical feminists, but they sure knew how to piss the troons.
The Conservatives set the age of consent to 16, not 18.
With the following exceptions : 12 and 13 can consent to have intimate relations to someone no older than 2 years more.
14 and 15 can consent to someone no older than 5 years more.
( and no limit for 16 and beyond ).
If I recall correctly, the USA has similar exceptions called ''Romeo and Juliette laws'', but they vary by states, and USA's ''default'' age of consent varies between 16 and 18 depending on state.
That's pretty fucking gay.
White counties would have benefited from alot more hostility to foreigners.
Of course the more charitable solution is to deport foreigners, not kill them after letting them in.
They won't accept moderating less. In order the pay as few humans as possible for moderation, they use automated systems based on numbers or reports.
Youtube also has several flags for no-no words that trigger an automatic suspension on the specific content flagged, for manual authorization.
They also have ''danger'' words that trigger automatic banners leading to government propaganda.
Copyright claim? Bam. Automatic demonetized video.
It was a false claim, or obvious Fair Use? Good luck getting through YT to challenge the claim.
You have to prove you did nothing wrong rather than the accuser proving you did something wrong.
As of now, Youtube has no incentive to stop acting like that. Either they lose a precedent-setting court case in the USA ( unlikely when it comes to copyrights, possible when it comes to other suspensions based on reports ).
Youtube also has baked-in double-standarts, where the ''Authoritative Sources'' such as mainstream media channels being allowed to publish things that will get you suspended if you do. Such as video evidence of a violent attack.
You might potentially get away with it if you ''Fair Use'' your way in by posting a snipet of a Mainstream Media video, making sure the Mainstream Media is the only one able to break certain stories, and frame them a certain way.
Because ''safety and inclusion'', of course. Three-Letter-Agencies sure had their say in that.
Birdspandas aren't real.
I liked Terminator II when I was a kid.
Later I watched the original and I liked it ( a bit less ).
I can't remember much of any Terminator movie that came later. I think I watched half the Terminator III movie.
It wasen't offensively bad, but didn't have the same ''feel'' as the others.
DId not watch any other. Might rewatch the 1 and 2.