RoulerBleu 20 points ago +20 / -0

I lost interest because of how the Korra series went downhill in quality into full woke disaster by the end.

This is taking my dead interest and burrying it.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is them trying to appease both sides

Yes, the article itself keeps refering to a man as ''she''.

RoulerBleu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Farage never struck me as anything more than a politician deeply unhappy about the demographic replacement of the British peoples, but unwilling to face the fact that to save the British natives, he must deport the invaders.

Or he's simply lying because he knows advocating for remigrating the invaders would get him thrown in jail.

So the least offensively-retarded but still allowed to speak candidate.

RoulerBleu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Severus Snape makes drugs ( Potion Master ) untill the last year in the series when Dumbledore appoints him as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

So the blackwashed character will be showing kids how to brew drugs.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Georgia should carefully evaluate which is the higher risk of getting genocided : Russian influence or EU influence.

Do you want your cities to look like London and Paris in 25 years?

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0

One out of five girls at this school is pregnant with a demon baby.

No comment necessary.

RoulerBleu 47 points ago +47 / -0

Aspirin is also not for children or adolescents. She's a perfect retard.

RoulerBleu 48 points ago +48 / -0

Bonus irony : children and adolescents should not take Aspirin or products that contain chemicals close to it ( like Pepto-Bismol ) because there are increased health risks ( up to death ) for them.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Will still let the trans who claim they didn't go through male puberty compete in the female league.

RoulerBleu 7 points ago +7 / -0

The FBI sat on the laptop for years. The justice system dragged their feet when forced by public pressure, refusing to touch the really important criminal activities that implicated the Biden crime family as a whole. Instead focus on gun and tax crimes.

Hunter was offered an absurdly far-reaching plea-deal ( likely negociated with Hunter threatening to take the Big Guy down with him ), which the next judge looked at and paraphrasing ''what the fuck is this? You cannot do that.'' So the charges for tax fraud and gun crimes went ahead, still ignoring the Burisma and 10%-for-Joe-Biden Chinese deals.

And then Joe Biden Blanket-pardons/immunity Hunter for any and everything for period of a fucking decade, again likely because otherwise Hunter was taking his family down with him.

Nothing to see here folks. The justice system is totally not biased.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

Shaqueena, pointing her wand at the father of her baby : ''Evanesco!''

RoulerBleu 9 points ago +9 / -0

Black's sister is evil though. Oh wait, Sirius would be the adopted brown child of good character while his White adoptive relatives are evil. Of course.

RoulerBleu 11 points ago +11 / -0

''The American Society of Magical Negroes''

Which I was assured by the State broadcaster of Canada that it is not okay to say, no matter the context, no matter if it's in a book or movie title.

Because we live in the most pathetic cucked time ever.

RoulerBleu 13 points ago +13 / -0

Aliens are in control of society after faking a global event to engender sympathy from humans. They now possess incalculable privileges and legal rights, including the ability to casually murder humans without repercussions. It's also heavily implied that they take sexual liberties with human women.

I'm not going to say it. But we're all thinking who this sounds like.

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +8 / -0

Nothing a few additional hundreds political imprisonments can't stop.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Macron is there for a couple more years but he's not eligible as a candidate for the next presidential election. Dosen't mean he leaves politics though.

French presidential mandates last 5 years, and someone cannot do more than 2 consecutive mandates... but there is no limits on non-consecutive mandates.

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0


Widely unpopular tax hikes and spending cuts or limits to reduce the deficit to 5% of the total budget...

partly as the state spent big to cushion the economy from the Covid-19 pandemic

from the government lockdowns, not the cold.

And the consequences of the energy crisis due to their negligence of making themselves dependant on Russian energy.

Edit : Let's not forget the billions of Euros wasted on invaders' welfare.

When Trump warned them about their energy dependance to Russia, the EU leaders laughed at him.

Globalists don't understand, or aren't affected much by, the consequences of loss of independance and homogeneity. It's the general public who has to suffer nearly all of the consequences.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Got a good laugh from this.

RoulerBleu 10 points ago +10 / -0

Jesus drank alchool (wine), and it's part of the Church ritual in Christianity. So alchool isn't a sin by default.

Getting drunk ( and doing drugs in general ), as using ressources to pursue useless pleasures and impairing your decision making, is a sin on a similar level to over-eating.

It is as a warning not to let yourself fall into depravity.

You can consider special occasions in moderation are not considered depravity, otherwise Jesus wouldn't have changed water into wine for the wedding feast at Cana.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.”

She was told ''you will'', she answers ''I am the Lord's servant''. Not exactly supporting your point. Is ''May your word to me be fulfilled.'' supposed to be enthousiastic consent after the decision has been made for her?

I suppose my classes and Church were not Real 1992 Catholics enough.

Back to my initial point :

I was raised Catholic. At no point ever in the classes or church readings was she asked about carrying and birthing the son of God. She was told by an angel God had chosen her for that purpose.

Which I maintain. The ''solution'' to modern concerns about Mary's consent is rather obvious anyway : God knows everything, so of course he would pick a woman who would want to do it, and just told her after picking her. Which still sounds weird by today's standarts.

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