RoulerBleu 13 points ago +13 / -0

We're reaching unprecedented levels or retardation.

All of this because Orange Man, who is Bad, will give Globalists 80% of their agenda instead of 100%.

RoulerBleu 7 points ago +7 / -0

Most fun I had playing with ''online friends'' was on Starcraft and T4C ( La Quatrième Prophétie ).

I still remember people from these days. The fact Starcraft had channels you could hang around in while not in a game was great for keeping in touch with online friends. With today's hypersensitive SJWs, that's a no. Retards would demand extensive moderation and bans.

The Use Map Settings scene of Starcraft was crazy good. You had several totally different games inside Starcraft.

RPGs, costum war games ( duh ), a dozen types of Tower Defense, DOTA, Puzzles/Party games, extremely varied survival games ( Starship Trooper ones were so good ), Cat and Mouse, Archon Tag, etc.

The Map Editor tortured to Hell and back to do things it wasen't supposed to be able to do.

There are still good games. But I just don't relate to players the same in modern games.

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +8 / -0

Pierre Poilièvre did this to a CBC journalist activist.

''What people'' ''Who said that'' ''You're refering to who.''

What the activist ment is ''I want to accuse you of these things I think will make the public have The Ick for you''.

RoulerBleu 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump has a semi-comptetent foreing policy while the people ( Harris, Biden ) this journoid is cheerleading for are 100% responsible for the absolute debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal that gave top US military equipement to the Talibans.

Journoid : ''But all these people who worked to sabotage Trump while he was in office said Orange Man Bad!''

I don't give a fuck.

RoulerBleu 12 points ago +12 / -0

Go ahead ladies. Here is a spoiler of what's going to happen :

Survivor Island, women edition.

RoulerBleu 9 points ago +9 / -0

''Nooo you're not supposed to look into our hecking 2AM ballot dumps fortification!''

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

Derranged SJW says odd are the dev get''banned from Steam for what he did''.

Because that's what SJW do when they get into positions of power in companies.

Like when one of them heading a financial institution decided to debank Nigel Farage, lied about why, got busted, causing a total shitstorm and resignations when he said ''you're getting sued''.

Farage was also denied accounts at 7 banks for his political views.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

The ''media litterate crowd'' believed the Covington Kids hoax.

Most of them would read the demented journoid take on the event, watch the video evidence disproving it, and still insist the kids ''harassed a native american veteran''.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

And why is she wearing a foreing religious symbol during her work hours for the government anyway?

Nation under advanced cucking.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Leftists really cranked-up the ''female characters are now modeled on male bone structure''.

Major upgrade overall.

Open pair of melons with a black protagonist leaves 50% to fix.

RoulerBleu 7 points ago +7 / -0

Maby he didn't want his great-grandaughters to get killed by a licenced baby killer.

RoulerBleu 35 points ago +35 / -0

He will still depend on pills for the rest of his life.

You can't simply ''unpause'' a chemical castration.

He is stuck in gender-limbo ''non-binary''.

RoulerBleu 16 points ago +16 / -0

Leftists take control of platforms and then ban people who don't submit to their ideology, creating a fake ''consensus'', setting the window of acceptable discours and content.

This influences culture.

When I was still on Reddit, I got banned from my nation's ''right-friendly'' sub for refusing to use ''she'' to refer to a male troon who allegedly didn't know his father had a child sex slave tied-up upstairs, totally wasen't also a rapist or accomplice.

RoulerBleu 32 points ago +32 / -0

Yes yes. The man who married most of his kids to jews is Hitler. Lol.

RoulerBleu 6 points ago +6 / -0

There are True Believers.

They tend to get brought against a wall and shot during the Revolution.

Or sent to the Gulag and spend their days enthousiastically saying there was a simple mistake made and it will be fixed any moment now.

RoulerBleu 17 points ago +17 / -0

The autism-to-troon pipeline is real.

There is a doctor in Canada that basically bragged about tronning almost every child in his autistic special ED class.

RoulerBleu 12 points ago +12 / -0

''These children that totally spontaneously asked us to chemically-castrate them were doing well.''

Said no sane person ever.

RoulerBleu 12 points ago +12 / -0

''We can't release the study because it would be used by people who warned chemical castration and entertaining the child's delusions would cause catastrophic consequences.''


Oh look, they keep lying about it too :

[chemical castration drugs] which stave off the permanent physical changes

Actual consequence of chemical castration drugs they gave children : Permanently derail puberty with life-long consequences, such has damaged bone density, lowered IQ, stunt growth, life-long dependance on exogenous hormones, persistence of gender dysphoria ( yes, that is a documented side-effect of chemical castration of gender-confused kids ).

It's not a ''pause'' switch. It's a ''derail this developmental phase'' switch. The kids will depend on drugs for the rest of their lives.

puberty blockers did not lead to mental health improvements, she said, most likely because the children were already doing well when the study began.

No child that is doing well will be asking you to chemically-castrate them. Stop lying.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still remember the time I walked by as the olympics were on my boomer father's TV and the ''discipline'' was modified tiny basketball to give the illusion of ''fast paced'' game played by women.

It was still slow VS normal men's basketball.

And the comentator was desperately trying to make it sound exciting by screaming everything, which was so insufferable I wanted to gouge my ears out.

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