It was initially a mockery of Southern Christian fundamentalists. ( Another anti-White false equivalence the Left loves so much. )
Now we can use it to mock the woke when they describe a Middle-Eastern muslim terrorist as a ''Texas man''.
Took long enough for them to release a description of the suspect that people started ( correctly ) speculating it was not a White male.
There was no reason for not immediately having a description of the suspect other than Intersectional Race Marxism refuse to highlight terrorist attacks perpetrated by brown muslims.
Trump never hid he was pro-mass-migration magic-soil nationalist ''but they have to come... legally!''. Which was always a major problem with him.
So the replacement will go at 70mph instead of 120mph with the Cackling bitch.
And the only brown mystery meat featured is the burger patty.
''Y'All Quaida''
Mostly republishing their own bragging about using manipulation, threats of woke witchhunts and bad press from woke games' journoids to get games studios to hire SBI.
There was also ''SBI detected'', a Steam curator group documenting which games had SBI and other woke orgs as consultants shitting-up the content.
''For some reason'', SBI did not like the public being aware of their work, and the woke went crying that the curator group was a ''racist sexist harassment campaing'' ( sounds familiar?), demanding it be banned from Steam, including the creator's account ( and thus their game library ).
Steam refused to ban the creator of the curating group, or remove the goup itself.
The Curator Group :
They also have recomendations. Such as The Great Rebellion featuring... a Stonetoss playable character. Based.
Winnie Xi Poo is angry.
Everything woke, turns to shit : Speedrun Any%.
Give no credibility whatsoever to her re-interpretation of her sexcapades on the job. She's lying to do cover her ass : something she should have done at all times at work, but clearly didn't. At least 11 times.
Sophisticated bots to manipulate people into thinking only the Chosen-appropriate things.
Many species can cross-breed and produce fertile offspring, without having their status as distinct species questioned.
Ex : all macaw species produce fertile offspring. Here is a second generation hybrid.
Yeah plenty of species produce offspring with other related species, sometimes they are fertile.
Macaw species can interbreed, so can lions and tigers, and orchids can be cross-bred across different genera ( which is a whole industry and hobby, example from a single alliance. ).
In all these, there is care to protect and maintain the pure species. You can always recreate the hybrids by re-doing registered crosses from scratch if there is still a pool of quality specimens of the species.
You cannot recover a species that has its gene pool polluted by accidental or deliberate hybridizing to the point the pure individuals no longer exist.
Some hobbyist circles for types of animals generally frown upon any sort of hybridizing, such as finch breeding. The risk of genetic pollution from bastards that look like a species is just too high, and several species can no longer be obtained pure from the wild due to being endangered, general wildlife preservation export ban, or risk of diseases introductions.
Accidental finch hybrids should either be culled or housed as pets in a cage where they cannot breed, in the hand of someone who will never re-sell them.
You need to be mentally-deranged to ask for ''representation'' in this game :
Nobody wants to touch what's over that rainbow.
asking someone to play someone they're not
also known as ''acting''.
We all know why this makes them lose their shit. ''Transwomen'' are men pretending to be women, and this reminds them they are pretending.
Trooning kids does not lower their suicide rate.
It does, however, permanently disables them, including sterilization.
Pierre Poilievre is most likely going to be the next Koshervative PM of Canada.
If you're wondering, he's one of those ''as long as they come here legally'' mass-migration proponents.
He has to go back then. I'm sure he can emigrate to India and make SpacePoo reach Mars if he makes it in India with all this incredible talent sorely lacking in the USA.
It seems Elon immediately forgot why he got approuval from Trump supporters and went to ''now I'll just ram through whatever benefits my company and projects''.
Trump was convinced, likely correctly, that the 2020 election was stolen from him through voter fraud.
They don't even seem to argue that Trump didn't win in 2024. They just use their lawfare against him as proof he should have the presidency yeeted from him again.
Like how they flipped Trump asking Ukraine to check into Biden witholding financial aid untill they remove the prosecutor in charge of prosecuting the company where his son Hunter Biden sat as a board member... as if it was Trump doing something criminal.
Up is down, right is wrong. Welcome to Leftist politics.
Yes all of that is an annoyance. On the level of being asked about your diet for losing weight but think of the cancer patients, debilitating diseases and drug addiction!
But in the story linked, it was, indeed, mommy's day off ( he cared for the child on the week-ends ).
Certain part of Canada look indistinguishable from India now.
Putrid smells and ethnic conflicts included.
In Quebec. Electricity costs being low is our saving grace.
It is a national point of discussion despite the media's best effort to gaslight the public, and largely contributed to the election of Donald Trump in the USA.
It is also on way to get the Conservatives in Canada a large majority next year, with the potential to have the Bloc Quebecois as official opposition and Liberals falling third party.
Has Bardfin posted anything in the past hours?