I don't sew see anything in there about Jews.
I think so, because it's a more easily accessible platform with quick 15-60 second snippets that people can easily get sucked into. The format capitalizes on the inability, or unwillingness, to consume long-form content. TikTok's ease or access means more people have the ability to put their degeneracy on display. Its accessibility also means it's easier to consume degeneracy. Younger people see this vast availability of degenerate content and mistakenly believe that behavior is healthy or socially acceptable. Reddit has its uses in pushing The Message ™️, though.
Elon seems pretty hands-on with this endeavor, but I don't think it's fair to immediately point the finger at him when action is taken against an account. There is a team that handles bans. While there was a massive purge at Twitter, it's highly unlikely the subversive element had been completely rooted out.
Seriously. It's not a rampant issue around here, but this board isn't so busy that someone shouldn't be able to see that a post has already been made about a subject. It almost feels like Reddit-tier karma farming.
I'm sure Cartoon Network will try to milk this cow for all it's worth, and then some, but I really don't see Rick and Morty surviving this loss. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Justin Roiland is half of that show. At the risk of sounding like I'm putting him on a pedestal, I don't think the people they'll replace him with measuring up to the challenge.
You have to have a beginning in order to have a history.
Thank you for clarifying. I vaguely remember that now that you mention it. It's hard to keep up with all the tricks they pull, and things they make up.
Is this their cope for his mind being so far gone that he can't for form sentences on his own anymore?
The sentiment on this board would be as heavily skewed against Daily Wire if Ben Shapiro wasn't Jewish. People here latch onto that and hate outward from there. That's all I know about this situation. I think it's important to look at the bigger picture if you're going to take sides. That being said, I think Steven made a good point in a recent video about how Conservatives need to build outside of systems controlled by the left and by the government. Daily Wire doesn't seem to be doing this.
My takeaway from this is they were subsidized in large part by the major companies whose products they reviewed. With those companies experiencing heavy financial turbulence as of late, they've had to cut back on how much money they spread around to create favorable opinions. It's not like these game "journalism" conglomerates generated any substantial revenue from their customers. The vast majority of consumers stopped trusting in their integrity a long time ago.
I'm sure we'll be hearing about a massive culling of employees before the year is out.
I've noticed this trend really started taking off after Elon cleaned house at Twitter. Correlation and causation and all that, but I can't help but wonder if the heads of these companies started realizing just how bloated and mismanaged they are. A big part of the issue is that positions are being hired to fill people. You also have a lot of employees who are hired to fill actual positions doing a poor job. There's a lot of fat to trim.
Nah, I'm just not a deluded incel who lacks personal accountability. You're the textbook example of "what no pussy do to a mf". I guess I get it, it seems easier to blame your shortcomings on everyone else, but the only person it's hurting is you.
"Women won't sleep with me. They're all evil!"
This just isn't a good look. At best, the "vaccine" did nothing. Worst case scenario, which various agencies and arms of propaganda kept under wraps, is that the vaccine would kill you. There were plenty of health complications that ranged between the two extremes. COVID-19 was a colossal scam that seriously damaged our economy and mental well-being. The best thing Trump can do at this point is try to distance himself from the whole debacle.
Opinion entirely disregarded.
Boosie be with you.
I normally don't like to make judgements on these things without knowing the whole story, but I can't help but feel like she deserved that. Also, fuck Captain Save a Hoe for trying to be a hero. The situation was over. All he did was make another scene, and I bet she still didn't sleep with him.
Slavery lives eternally in their minds.
Huh. Coal razed, toll paid.
Hey Alexa, play "We Made You" by Eminem.
Some time ago, Biden did a photo op while supposedly taking the "vaccine". Closer examination of photos and videos taken at that event revealed he was never injected with anything. Around that time, when the government was mandating lowly citizens take the jab, Congress and the Senate exempted themselves. Concerns were raised then about what they know about the chemical cocktail that they're not telling us. Of course, discussions about said concerns were heavily suppressed.
Politicians aren't dropping dead because the vast majority of them abstained from taking the shot.
Where's the link to said bill?