Ehh, not entirely true. I have met one who was in the business and left it. She doesn't sleep around, is exceptionally loyal to her husband and there is no way you would be able to guess at her former life. Definitely the exception though.
What brought this nonsense about lol
Sadly seems to be the case. All the smart ones and those with means got out of Canada. And that number increases by the day.
Some people call Viva Frie a coward for leaving Canada to live in Florida, but frankly only a fool would stay in a country that hates you and has shown that your rights are nonexistant.
Why should I care about what a former(?) whore has to say about stuff like this.
That and also games influence culture. Quite a bit actually, and the elites want control over culture so they will do everything they can in order to get ahold of it or otherwise denying others control of it. Even if it means complete destruction.
Seems they are trying to do the same to this film, just not as strongly as the Coyote one.
Ohhh his wife. I barely count her as a Biden lol.
Which ones the puppetmaster?
The amount of people that don't understand that social security is a literal ponzi scheme is honestly frightening
I mean, this threads focused on politicians covering of it
Honestly, Ubisoft might have them beat for creating what appears to be a very real diplomatic incident between the country of Japan and Canada.
I am fairly certain they are suing Ubisoft over using that one shrine that they allow to be desecrated in the game.
Thats the problem. No one is teaching them or demonstrating it.
I am amazed, though not surprised, that they would do pronoun nonsense in this trainwreck of a game. If I didn't know any better I'd say it was made specifically to piss off the japanese.
Frankly, the entire point of the bills banning "loli" and anime in general, are done for a several reasons:
- distraction, they want you to stop paying attention to the very real pedophiles within hollywood and other sections of the wests entertainment. They also want you to stop paying attention to the pedophiles within our politicians.
- an excuse for legitimacy. The government loves exercising its authority, and loves demonstrating that it has authority, as this establishes the governments legitimacy. Such a ban is easy to implement (relatively speaking, even if not easy to enforce), and this makes government toadies feel good because it makes them feel legitimate and "useful."
- to water down the definition of what a pedophile and rapist is, by conflating actual, real rape and pedophilia involving actual real people, with simple drawings. This helps shield actual rapists and pedophiles from being prosecuted.
- an excuse to go after their enemies/rivals in entertainment. The easts anime industry is, quite frankly, kicking the wests ass. And that share is steadily growing. Naturally the business execs involved in the western entertainment complex do not like this, so they are pulling political strings to eliminate the threat, since they are incapable or unwilling to adapt to the market.
In some cases I might agree, though it depends on who is doing it, and what is being used.
All this drawing bill does is water down what a sex offender is. It belittles the act of rape and pedophilia, by conflating it with something that isn't real.
Eh, TBF i feel that specific example has more to do with the stigma against physical punishment.
The west has a massive stigma against any form of direct physical punishment. Which is why the only punishments we have are various forms of confinement, monetary fines, or forced service. Yes there is the death penalty as well but even that has been heavily fought over (rightly and wrongly).
Monster Hunter World also wasn't nearly the unoptimized mess that Wilds is. It had its share of performance issues on launch, but not quite like this and it didn't seem be to nearly as widespread.
Too few, having seen many anime where the protag is stoic.
You can't tell me that women aren't oppressed in Islamic caliphates.
Where are you pulling that number from?
All publicly available statistics on homicide that break it down by gender show men are the largest group convicted of it. At least of the ones I can find
There is a new mafia game in the works though.
There is probably some truth to that. An iconic piece of western culture in general so it must be immolated so they can replace it with their global vision.
My own two cents:
Some of this i feel is just organic language development with very little to do with ebonics. Take "bruh" for example, thats been a thing in Cali longer than I've been alive. Another one being "cooked" which is just an extrapolation of the slang "burnt/burned" so that feels organic and I wouldn't be too afraid of that.
Its the more brainrotted terms like rizz, rizzler, skibidi, and similar nonsense that has me shaking my head.