RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +5 / -3

Sadly, most Linux users don't understand your post and think it is.

RaceCreatesCulture 0 points ago +2 / -2

You know, if they proliferated AI Child Porn and turned it into a major porn industry with lots of content, that would probably eliminate most of the real child porn industry. Keep real child porn illegal and make the fake child porn legal and with abundant, easy/free to access content. Most pedos would just stick to the fake stuff which would reduce the amount of real child porn content producers because people would stop spending money for it. This could potentially lower the amount of children exploited sexually.

RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +2 / -0

I actually feel like they don't realize they're lying. Leftists learn a "value system" that at its core is built on the foundation of lies; however, leftists don't think this (or know this). They believe the core of their moral values are in fact true.

What ends up happening is something in reality will clearly show that the value system of a leftist is false; however, in order to accept this conclusion the leftists would therefore have to challenge his foundational core value-system as a whole which can be daunting and very uncomfortable for people. Therefore, instead of challenging their beliefs when new information is given to them which would normally force people to have to accept a different perspective, they run all sorts of mental gymnastics to avoid having to accept that their value-system is based on false notions. In some cases, they "outright lie" but in their minds they aren't lying. In the leftist's mind, they are being true to their moral value system which they believe is true and although they are saying a lie, in their mind it is believed to be the truth because of these core foundational moral values being false to begin with but accepted as true.

Essentially, in some regards it is like mind-control and/or brainwashing. It's similar to how in the novel 1984, the "party" convinces the people that lies are truth and truth is lies. The people who worship the party believe whatever the party says is true even if it's clearly a lie. Leftists believe what they are saying, which is essentially given to them to believe by "the party" is true even when what they are saying is clearly a lie because leftists are this brainwashed and/or mind-controlled by their false moral-value system (the party).

RaceCreatesCulture 13 points ago +13 / -0

Just a total lack of care it seems. Cocaine is literally the easiest drugs to hide on your person and conceal. Only reason we haven't found cocaine at the Capitol more often is because the people before had the decency of just putting it in their pocket/drawer and keeping it hidden. Hunter probably just has a fucking plate full of cocaine left out in the middle of public areas.

RaceCreatesCulture 10 points ago +10 / -0

Better throw more money at it, that ought to fix the problem.

RaceCreatesCulture 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably. They'd face trade hurdles that significantly lowered their quality of life and it would be difficult because they'd get blasted with propaganda blaming their politicians for all the quality of life problems. Then probably in the end, the politicians would be replaced after a color revolution to western sympathizers who ended up bringing in migrants and making the country worse off anyway.

RaceCreatesCulture 4 points ago +4 / -0

My office is mostly all women and has a "fun day Friday" every month where we play games like charades or a coin toss or trying to lasso something for 30 minutes before work starts. I can't help but notice in every single game we play, the few men always dominate them.

At the end of the day, most women shouldn't be working and women in the workforce has been a huge net negative for our society as a whole. Nothing good has come from women participating in the workforce as equal to men.

RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you considered the community is simply anti-jew?

RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +2 / -0

AI has a hard time with hands/fingers... Hmmmm...

RaceCreatesCulture 4 points ago +4 / -0

They won't because they'd be punished for leaving and they're too small of countries to go head-to-head with the rest of the EU.

These countries would essentially need a Russia/China to liberate them from the EU.

RaceCreatesCulture 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great response. In my experience, women claim they were abused in 90% of breakups, whether it was physical and emotional abuse. What the women never tell you is what they did to deserve it. Kind of like jews who complain about being thrown out of 109 countries. But they never tell you why...

RaceCreatesCulture 6 points ago +7 / -1

Dude, women love going to college because they get to gain access to fuck so many more hot alpha men than in their small towns and it's all under the guise of an "education" so they have plausible deniability. Not to mention, they do get the ability to gain a degree to work so they can earn lots of money for traveling so they can fuck alpha Chads in other countries without having to admit that's what they're doing (plausible deniability again) or worry about anyone in their community catching them. Not to mention, with her own income she won't need to marry a man ever or rely on his finances so she never had to sexually please a man she doesn't really feel like it or have the responsibility of actually being a good girlfriend/wife because she's "strong and independent".

Biologically, women might be designed to want kids but they sure aren't designed to give men what they want. Also, you'll need to ban hormone contraception if you want pure nature to take over women's drive. The pill fucks things up.

RaceCreatesCulture 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, women should be able to if they really want to, imo.

The issue right now with post-secondary is the government funding. Take away ALL government funding to post-secondary, including (and most especially), student loans backed by the federal government. Lower taxes with the money saved.

Voila, you will have solved most of the problem with women and post-secondary overnight.

RaceCreatesCulture 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lol, worst part about the government mandated robo waifu is she'll be a feminist bitch that reports you to the government for a hate crime if you insult her. Using a robo waifu with programming men like will be illegal.

RaceCreatesCulture 4 points ago +4 / -0

Immigration has been the plan since the 1960s... you know when ALL western countries switched their immigration laws to allow mass non-White immigrants.

White people have only recently gained any momentum against them now that Whites barely make up 50% in their own countries.

RaceCreatesCulture 1 point ago +1 / -0

This little fad test thing really does highlight something important. Women hate the average man. This is why dating is so fucked up because most men are average and most women hate average men so most women hate most men. If the question was rephrased as alone in the woods with a bear or Christian Grey, the women would pick Christian Grey. Most women only like the top 10% of men, even if the women themselves are only average women. Dating cannot work when this is the truth.

RaceCreatesCulture 11 points ago +13 / -2

I haven't liked Lauren Southern from day 1 and I'm the biggest anti-feminist around. So big in fact, everyone thinks I'm a misogynist that just wants sex slaves... Imagine thinking women are anything more than property of men. You want trad? I'll give you trad. Sorry, 1950s isn't trad, it's literally almost 100 years into feminism.

Anyway... keep sucking that egalitarian train. There's no such thing as a trad woman with a social media presence. The end.

RaceCreatesCulture 3 points ago +3 / -0

His breakup with his ex. In my experience, nothing red pills men more than being given a suppository of women's nature.

RaceCreatesCulture 4 points ago +6 / -2

Well, she's not entirely wrong either. I mean, she probably is in the end but neoliberal capitalism which is "globalism" is terrible and we need to promote Nationalism which some call Socialism. I actually do not expect university students to fully grasp everything. They are young and students after all. They seem to be on the right track though, one way or another. They're a hell of a lot more right than MIGA-Cons.

RaceCreatesCulture 18 points ago +19 / -1

I watched some of this and it really didn't seem that bad at all.

Like one girl understands the guy just wants to use the material to make them look bad so she says to speak to the organizers. That's a great answer. The military is taught the exact same thing. It's what any competent organization does with regards to journalists. Then we've got a woman who wants the Israel-USA empire to fall? Hell yeah. This empire is trash. Good on her? Then we've got another woman who talks about how police are bad. Police is mostly trash. They're system worshippers that do as they're told. The police are ultimately not on your side. They're the goon squad of the government. You know, that same government that brings in immigrants to your country, locked you down in covid, tried to force the vaccine on you. Why would you look fondly on the police?

These protestors sound just fine to me.

RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +4 / -2

I'll try to find them but I'll probably fail. I saw them years ago. They used to be posted on TheDonald every so often.

Keep in mind I'm discussing stats regarding ATTRACTION specifically. The actual study not only broke down women by race but also political affiliation (either liberal or conservative). Of all the women of all races and political affiliation only the liberal white woman was the only woman who actually found men of her own race less desirable than other men. This should tell you something about who your White coal burners are. They aren't conservative women. Liberal White Women make the best coal burners. Only group of women that found men of their own race (White men) less appealing than other races. That's what the "woke" brainwashing has accomplished.

I just want to stress the earlier point regarding attraction vs. marriage. Just because White women want to marry White men the most and the stats surrounding who women marry favor White men isn't actually a testament to anything good for White men. Marriage is a bad deal for most men so the fact Women want to marry White men isn't necessarily showing that White men are amazing but rather merely showing that women know White men are the easiest men to trap with the biggest payouts in marriage. You ever hear the term "alpha fucks, beta bucks"? A woman might be fucking some bad boy gangster who she lets rail her however she wants with the most deprived kind of sex but at the same time she might be angling a marriage potential with some computer programmer who she hasn't even slept with because she wants him to "work for it". Who has the better deal? The alpha dude fucking her senseless on the side every weekend or the beta dude who is wining and dining her but hasn't even "put it in yet"? Then he gets divorce raped 5 years later and owes child support without ever getting to see his kids. Just because women of all races see White men as gullible cucks easy to exploit for marriage isn't a testament to White men's superiority in being truly desirable to women. That's what "attraction" measures. The stats on marriage are skewed. A white girl might fuck 100 black men in a row and then marry the next White guy because she knows the black men aren't marriage material but I wouldn't say the White guys are winning just because they get to marry the reformed coal burner after she has her fun in her 20s and hits the wall in her 30s.

Just something to be aware of. Stats on "marriage" don't paint the whole picture.

RaceCreatesCulture 10 points ago +13 / -3

The statistics, which I am very familiar with, show this:

  1. When you split all women up by race and ask the women to rate men of all different races, White women do in fact prefer White men. In fact all the Women of all races prefer the men of their races BUT White women prefer White Men to a lesser degree than what all the other races prefer of their own race. Black women had the strongest preference for their own race, followed by Asian. This also align with the statistics on which races are the most racist. Whites are the least racist race, whereas blacks are the most racist race. So basically, White women prefer White men to the same degree as they are racist which is the least of all the races.

  2. When White women in the USA marry outside of their race, they marry black men the most. When White men marry outside their race they marry Asian women the most. All races marry within their own race the most but on a per capita basis both White men and women marry outside their race more than any other race on a per capita basis.

  3. The statistics on marriage doesn't tell the story on sexual relationships. Many of the men women choose for marriage are not the same kinds of men women choose to have sexual relationships with.

Given these stats, in actuality the White women coalburner thing is a real phenomenon. It's not as vast as porn would have you believe but it's also not as rare as White Nationalists want to believe.

If you really want to see what's up, drive by a local high school in the morning when kids are walking to school or after school when kids are walking home from school. You will notice plenty of White girls walking to and from high school with a Black boy. I guarantee it. There is 1 on my way to work, that's how I know. I can't help but notice how there's so few black guys but many of them are walking to/from school with a White girl. You could be in a 99% White pop area with 1 Black guy and he'll be walking home with an attractive blonde White girl. How many of you nerds were walking to/from high school with attractive girls? And yet the token black dude at the HS is?

Just look at how obsessed younger people are with black culture. The girls all listen to hip-hop and watch black guys on youtube. The White guys even style their hair like black guys. Everything is black black black in the media. This has a significant impact on women and they try to date black guys in fairly high numbers than what they really should be.

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