Hard work is key to true self-esteem. It is it's own reward.
You see these wealthy whites hate on their own race all the time because they know that they didnt have to work for anything and feel depressed about it, but instead of finding something to work at that is productive they sink their time and their inherited money inti flagellating other whites. It's a whipping boy situation.
Never stop working hard for your family. Always strive to make things better for them and the next generation.
Yeah. My parents did some thing similar with my gay brother. They paid for his college degree, they bought two different cars for him, paid for his apartment, paid his phone, electric, and water bill. And now because my mom prays for him and tells him that God loves him and he calls her a hateful bigot and says he feels unsafe around her. He still wants money though. Hes a satanist now an has convinced my little sister to cut ties with my parents too because they're so hateful towards him.
I love my brother and I hope he comes back to the faith and our family but I wonder if my little sister wouldnt be a septum-pierced shaven headed shrew if my parents had kicked my brother to the curb sooner.
Well. She is one leaders of her religion. Very much a Joan of Arc for the NWO.
They care about their actual customers. Who are the ones sinking billions into them? Who are the ones writing laws for their benefit? Who are the ones who's campaigns they fund?
If they cant be trusted to live as free people and enjoy all the rights of free people then why are they freed?
Pretty much. It's why when retard who assaults or kills some one I think they should just be put down discretely. Dont tell them. If they're too dumb to be understand why what they did is wrong, or too emotional to stop themselves from accidentally hurting someone then they just need to be taken out. It would be far crueler to keep them locked up their whole lives. Give them an ice cream cone and a bullet to the back of the head.
It's a decent argument for eugenics
I'm not a trump acolyte but the Dark Maga and Ultra Maga things the left tried to use as an insult were hilarious
Yep the reason there is no sports team called the Caucasians or the White Colonizers or something like that is most white sports fans would flock to them instead of their local teams. It would put the lie to that naming a team after a people group is an insult to that people group
I'm right there with you. I want to live on a small commune with like minded people working for the betterment of our community. I cannot see how that works on anything other than a micro scale
I'm a recovering libertarian. I've come to the conclusion that it won't work for the same reason communism doesn't work. People suck. Too many are stupid, lazy, and selfish. They will take whatever they can even if it hurts other people. The only way to have a fair and free society is to stamp out any elements that would seek to disrupt it. If there is to be voting the franchise must be severely limited to those with the moral and mental capacity to make the choices that will benefit not them but the people as a whole. Only a morally homogeneous people can be free.
It takes a few generations to effect a lasting change in culture. The disorder and degeneracy in the West today is a result of the capture of political and educational institutions of those countries 80 to 150 years ago buy immoral globalists. It has taken that long to reach the state of decay we see today. It will take that long to undo it. There will be leaps forward and set backs. Pinochet and Franco made steps forward but the globalist rulers after them undid all their improvements and more.
We must encourage nationalists around the world to work towards seizing the levers of power in their countries. We must all have as many children as we can and educate them ourselves so that our values will be preserved. We must do all that we can to help our fellow nationalists and refuse to do business with globalists.
It's a shitty nihilistic love letter to teen angst
This pope is a Jesuit. Jesuits are full blown Inana worshipers. That's why theyve turned out either atheists or more Inana worshippers at their schools since their founding.
Loyola was visited by the only Queen of Heaven mentioned in the Bible, Inana, the Whore of Babylon.
Damned popes. There might be one or two who were Chrisitians but most were definitely anti-Christs
The lack of shared experiences are why we are so disconnected from our fellow man. Its perverse that we have more WAYS to connect now with the internet and all of its various social media platforms but fewer real connections.
Have you thought about books at all or just games? 200 years ago if someone was educated they largely had all read they same books. That was true for most Europeans. Now days, I'm excited when I find anyone who has read some of the older things I enjoy.
Wait. That's not satire?
Fuck. That's pretty close to me
I believe Larry Corriea is working on a table top. I know hes got a miniatures game based on his Monster Hunter International book series on kickstarter. Guy is pretty based. Was a major part of Sickpuppies.
Oh no. The roaches are mad.
That and the cops who shot in gen pop with at least 10 years for attempted murder.
You should accuse any black who says that their ancestors were slaves of appropriating your culture.
Repeal the 19th.
The progressive era has been a disaster for the American race.
What the fuck is wrong with her voice?