You guys must be huffing made copium because Canada had tried to work with America, but America keeps flaking.
Shhhh stop using logic
Slay news. The most reputable of sources.
I also check the sun for biting critical reports
How about giving women the choice to do what they like?
If they want to be a doctor that's great.
If they want to be a house wife, that's great.
Edit - I'm getting downvoted for this comment... Really? This place is a cesspool for incel cunts man
27 really isn't that young. I work in a courthouse and a new judge was just appointed and the dude is 30. The judicial system is in shambles because of how many criminals there are and they need more judges than the courthouse even has room for.
Seriously, no one cares to learn about the history of the guy, they just see he's black so it must be DEI. Like this guy should be a story for that of you who believe in the American dream of hard work will see that you get what you deserve... You know, a meritocracy... But no, this fucking place is all BLACK PEOPLE BAD.
and this place pretends it isnt racist as fuck
You can do this and be my guest, it's going to not make you any money, just like Disney is learning as they keep doing this.
Star wars is dead. Saddens me say, but it's never coming back.
Disney is going to run this shit until it runs them out of business
They could have made the playable character Japanese and it would still be inclusive. Ubisoft is pretty dumb
What kind of buttfucking retard thought those where would be good
Yea, but he's white, they will cry loud and proud like that means he's so privileged.
Imagine being so jealous of someone who is banging an attractive woman you have to call him gay
I understand where you're coming from, but I don't know if I can agree. By your own definition of how propaganda in art is used then America would be a communist state in that case. Have you seen the drivel coming out of Hollywood? And not even recently, even older stuff, like true lies, it's all just propaganda to get you to hate Muslims and want to go to war with the middle east which America had such a boner for during that time, and shit, still does. Propaganda has no allegiance to a political structure, communist, socialist, capitalist, they all use propaganda.
It's called selling out and unfortunately that's capitalism baby. Gotta make that money
V for vendetta is a comic book by Alan Moore
While I don't disagree with what this article says, the writer comes off as a fucking douchebag virgin lol.
Cis to s a bullshit term used to marginalize normal people
Oh no!!!!! No skirts in Pokemon?!?! What the fuck has the world come to?!?!?! How am I supposed to look up rule 34 pokemon porn now?!?!?!
Who the fuck cares. Pokemon had been garbage since after Silver and Gold.
I think people are missing the point of this article maybe... The point is not that she's doing only fans, the point is that teachers in America get paid among the lowest wage a teacher makes in any first world country. You know how hard it is being a teacher? I'd probably quit my job and become a whore too if I meant I could live above the poverty line.
Yea the person who wrote this article
Seriously, fuck Trudeau and fuck the Canadian government. Nothing is going to happen from this sadly even though Trudeau should be ousted and stripped of his prime minister title
Is this a bot? This same post with the same exact title is in a bunch of different subs posted by different users
Did you know that breathing is an inherently bigoted and racist act, but only if you're white. That's because for all of human history and, some researchers hypothesize, even before human history, white people have taken all the cleanest air for themselves and only let black and marganilized races have only the worst quality of air possibly. This is why if you're white you should stop breathing if you want to not be racist.
I can't hear you with Trump's dick lodges deep within your mouth