61 Woman in Afghanistan went from going to med school to becoming house wives just from the Taliban taking over the government. Not saying we need to be as extreme but getting rid off feminism is really easy if there's a will for it (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 214 days ago by ger111 214 days ago by ger111 +78 / -17 72 comments download share 72 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
How about giving women the choice to do what they like?
If they want to be a doctor that's great.
If they want to be a house wife, that's great.
Edit - I'm getting downvoted for this comment... Really? This place is a cesspool for incel cunts man
That's fine with me. The issue is medical schools are just radical feminist propaganda factories that seek to destroy young minds.
Pedo pajeets and their race-traitor cohorts, looks like. Since the retarded redditor janny is chasing off everyone else.