ProdigalPlaneswalker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Needs to include an INFOWARS store segment promoting BONE BROTH, BRAIN POWER, or SUPER MALE VITALITY with all natural ingredients.

ProdigalPlaneswalker 6 points ago +6 / -0

Rooftops are easy to find.

by folx
ProdigalPlaneswalker 9 points ago +9 / -0

massive effort to push women into it

spoiler: They actually don't care about pushing women into it. Expanding the audience is just the excuse the communists fed to corporate decision makers to convince them to approve the injection of the propaganda into their content.

Their ultimate goal is the demoralization of western men into accepting the brainwashing. Part of their hatred for anime/manga is that it provides an escape outlet from their propaganda.

ProdigalPlaneswalker 7 points ago +7 / -0


That's not how "civilization" is spelled.

by folx
ProdigalPlaneswalker 3 points ago +3 / -0

its like when something is cool, but uncool people try to be cool by liking that cool thing..


They don't actually like the thing either. They're just pretending to like it in order to seem cool. If they actually liked it they wouldn't feel the need to subvert it for their brainwashing agenda.

by folx
ProdigalPlaneswalker 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is because they categorize their media by audience first instead of by content. So instead of "fantasy" "sci-fi" "mystery" "horror", you'd find anime and manga categorized by "shonen" (audience: young boys) "shojo" (audience: young girls) "seinen" (audience: men) "josei" (audience: women).

I believe it is this factor above all else that keeps anime/manga based. Leftist subversion of entertainment media is all about sneaking unwanted content onto the audience. But the Japanese categorization of audiences prevents this from being done covertly.

ProdigalPlaneswalker 8 points ago +8 / -0

Richest country problems

Out of control debt...

Out of control inflation...

Massive unemployment and homeless...

This country ain't rich.

ProdigalPlaneswalker 13 points ago +13 / -0

totally lost their capacity for pattern recognition and identifying deception.

It's more like realizing that the NPC meme is real and they never had those capacities to begin with.

ProdigalPlaneswalker 21 points ago +21 / -0

already proven in court to have shot in self-defence.

The goal of communists is to make you dependent on the state for everything.



Self defense.

They are working to control the means of production for food and energy. They'll make self defense illegal, a service that can only be provided by the state run police for citizens with a positive social credit score.

ProdigalPlaneswalker 11 points ago +11 / -0

According to TV Guide, Stargate SG-1 is free on Pluto. Don't give money to Bezos!


by folx
ProdigalPlaneswalker 2 points ago +3 / -1

The robot dog chasing away other humans stood out to me. Did the AI write the script too?

Seems like sinister messaging. Other humans bad. Trust only your robot companion.

ProdigalPlaneswalker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dunno about the anime, but RWBY had a really good mobile deckbuilding game that died horribly because they didn't know how to monetize it properly.

ProdigalPlaneswalker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wasn't aware they had a Myspace ripoff or the CP aspect. Not surprising after what's been going on in the world these past few years.

ProdigalPlaneswalker 31 points ago +31 / -0

Crunchyroll got its start as a bootleg anime streaming site. After establishing itself as the place to for anime online they used that clout to go legit.

Of course they don't want you watching pirate sites. Gotta stamp out the competition while they're still small.

ProdigalPlaneswalker 3 points ago +3 / -0

My experience with anime reboots:

1- Watched Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works TV. The movie version wasn't bad but TV is better.

2- Skipped Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. It's supposedly more faithful to the manga, but I enjoyed the first adaptation and never read the manga so that's not really a selling point for me.

3- Watched Kino's Journey -the Beautiful World- the Animated Series because most of the episodes were stories that weren't included in the first adaptation, so it's more like a new season than a remake.

4- Watched the 2006 version of Kanon because I didn't know there was a 2002 version. Haven't seen a compelling reason to go back and watch the original.

5- Skipped the Berserk golden age movies. From the title I get the impression it's a remake of the original TV series, so meh. I'd expect the animation to be improved, but TV is just a better format for long story arcs.

6- Haven't seen the new Sword Art Online movie yet. From what I understand, Progressive is a remake of the original Sword Art Online books. With Sword Art Online being under fire from leftists for having rapey villains makes me uncertain if the "Progressive" title isn't just a coincidence as the author attempts to appease those critics through a remake.

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