Apothecary Diaries is still running the rankings table. The anime will catch up with both versions of the manga this season. The open question is whether the money is good enough for them to forge ahead into LN territory for a season 3.
Ameku MD started out with a few good episodes but it's burning out fast because its House-expy frankly isn't House enough.
NGE fits the Superhero category
It does not, and the fact that you think it does means you're in that group of people Anno hates because they never got it.
NGE viewed through the lens of OP's superhero filter is a TAKEDOWN of capeshit, showing that actually, no, putting someone into a situation like that would be a serious mindfuck; you will not be Tony Stark, you will either be Shinji or you will be THE COMEDIAN.
Jackson destroyed himself by going batshit crazy.
He was the ONE celebrity who's descent was so tragic the comedians dropped him because they were punching down. Something wasn't right in his head. Like, right up there with Robin Williams in not getting the help they clearly needed.
I don't know what level of precision the altimeters are supposed to have
Accuracy decreases with range, but for comparison, a civilian Honeywell or Collins model will typically be accurate to about 2' at 500', increasing from 3% to 5% error as you approach 2500'.
Ground effect gets screwy in crosswinds, the windward side has higher pressure so you have to roll into it a bit. But he lost the wind right at the end and the right gear collapsed.
If the gear had held he probably would have been alright.
"Endeavor 4819, Toronto Tower, Wind 270 at 23 gusts 33, cleared to land runway 23."
Everything you need to know about this accident is right there in the clearance. That's 15-20 kts of crosswind. With degraded runway conditions that's pushing right up against the limits. They were probably legal to make the attempt, but not by a lot.
I've been aware of his existence since the 80's and remember people being disappointed that he didn't run in 1988 and 1992.
In fact I'd go so far as to say that Trump declining to run was why Ross Perot felt it necessary to torpedo GHW Bush's second run. A move I agree with, btw, even if in practice it was handing the democrats an unearned good decade of peace dividend to squander.
Waaaaay too many women stay in abusive relationships for that to be true.
Much as I hate resorting to Freudian terminology, this really is a situation where the id and ego are at odds.