"Endeavor 4819, Toronto Tower, Wind 270 at 23 gusts 33, cleared to land runway 23."
Everything you need to know about this accident is right there in the clearance. That's 15-20 kts of crosswind. With degraded runway conditions that's pushing right up against the limits. They were probably legal to make the attempt, but not by a lot.
I learned from all these air crash investigation vids that the official term for this is "Get-There-Itis"
Instead of emphasizing safety and causing a delay because you don't think you'll make it, you instead accept the risk and try to make the landing. Then this happens.
"Endeavor 4819, Toronto Tower, Wind 270 at 23 gusts 33, cleared to land runway 23."
Everything you need to know about this accident is right there in the clearance. That's 15-20 kts of crosswind. With degraded runway conditions that's pushing right up against the limits. They were probably legal to make the attempt, but not by a lot.
I learned from all these air crash investigation vids that the official term for this is "Get-There-Itis"
Instead of emphasizing safety and causing a delay because you don't think you'll make it, you instead accept the risk and try to make the landing. Then this happens.