Stop being so damn afraid of your respective governments. Stop being afraid to step on official toes, and to work outside the fucking law, in particular the emergency powers that these megalomaniacs have given themselves. Stop telling others to be afraid, or "You really don't wanna do that, bro". Sure, call out violence
We have reached the point where the only logical recommendation is violence.
And that's a bit of a problem, at least for me because I agree with the peace church interpretation of Christ's teachings.
So at best all I can do is look the other way and think may god love you and your cause, you bloody damned fools.
One that I like to harp on is Star Trek: Prelude to Axanar.
The people behind that project were skilled, on the level of professional production talent. But they poured their talent into a property they don't control. Now imagine if instead those people had set out to build something entirely new. I'm not saying they'd be automatically successful. But if they had created a wholly new IP with a compelling story and that level of production quality, it wouldn't go unnoticed. They might inadvertently create the NEXT big thing.
The Expanse is a new big thing and people drink that shit up like Busch Light.
And what is the failure you're saying the market isn't solving?
If this is about ruined intellectual properties, I've LOOOOONG felt that people have been far too myopic about franchises. If there is a problem with SJWs subverting existing properties, the problem is that the multitudes are not using the technologies at their disposal to create new things.
So it is sadomachistic.
See, this is why this movement that you're hoping for will never start because the first mover disadvantage inhibits there ever being someone to make the first step.
You don't want revenge, you want power over others.
I'm pointing out its efficacy.
All morality is self-denial.
Basically, I have the highest respect for those who live for peace and passively accept the world as it hits them. After them I have respect for those who live for power, who seek to impose their agency on the world. They're beneath me, but I acknowledge that they live according to their philosophy.
The lowest are those who believe themselves to have no power. The "I can't change anything" "what good would it do" types.
I don't "love" violence. But I acknowledge freely that it works, and frequently works quite well.
If my position seems strange it's because I'm not a consequentialist. Most culture warriors (both SJWs and Pedes) ARE consequentialists. And it's in consequentialism that the whole "if I do this, I'll get killed/convicted and that would be bad" question becomes pertinent.
If every religious figure in history from Abraham to Jesus to Joan of Arc had been consequentialists then there wouldn't be religion at all (well, aside from marxism, the OG consequentialist faith).
Well then let's scratch out your previous claim to wanting revenge as as misphrasing.
If you merely wanted revenge, if you just wanted to harm those you feel harmed you, you wouldn't be concerned with the larger picture.
I'd like to suggest that what you really want is either simply to have power, or the sadomachistic thrill of using it.
There's nothing wrong with this, but it's best to be honest and direct about what one's objectives ARE.
but if it inflicts misery on them, it's justice
Per Schopenhauer, retributive harm is not justice.
Justice is only ethical when it is focused on the future, not the past, with the aim of deterrence. There is no cosmic scale that is set out of balance and made right by revenge. Revenge is always morally indefensible.
I don't buy it when people claim to be vicariously angry.
I'll say it straight up, I despise women and want to hard revert society to 18th century legal patriarchy.
I think you want the same. It offends me when you claim to have nobler objectives that in my view do not explain your anger.
Vis a vi, you want what I want, but I'm honest about it.
I am very disappointed that you pulled the Helen Lovejoy.
I mean come on. I don't believe for a second that you give a damn about the children any more than they do.
but on a system-wide level the less freight there is waiting the more it will be consolidated and the fewer flights will be arranged overall
For the US trucking fleet you'd be correct.
But not for the air freight fleet.
For air freight, the critical constraint is time and gate capacity at the hubs, not the mass and volume of the individual aircraft. Oh, and how many planes they can land in a given span of time. My understanding is both FedEx and UPS are using Continuous Descent Operation to land one plane every 45 seconds on average, and they do that more or less continuously for about three hours a night. Basically the next plane crosses the threshold as the last plane taxis off, which is as close as the FAA will allow two planes to get.
UPS and FedEx have decided (rightly) that standardizing the fleet to a smaller number of airframe types is superior to right-sizing the planes for each sector, since most of their fleet only operates two sectors every 24 hours. Most of their planes are significantly under capacity on at least one of their two sectors, because a place is either receiving more than it sends or sending more than it receives.
To put it another way.. since FedEx and UPS have resolved to be able to get a parcel almost anywhere in 24 hours (give or take), and because they've decided to largely standardize their fleets to only a few airframe types, they actually have a lot of surplus capacity in the air every night. Some routes (looking at the midwest) literally do not EVER ship enough to make up for the fuel of the route, but they still have to make the route every night.
They have to make the route because the only way their overnight delivery works is by getting ALL the planes on the ground for (briefly) the same time, at the same place, every day. The night sort takes a few hours as planes start to filter into the hub, and then wait until all the things they're waiting for arrive. Since they know by computer everything that's expected, they're able to release planes to leave the hub as soon as everything they were waiting for gets through the sort.
Most know it wouldn't actually make a difference
No, they've convinced themselves that it won't make a difference, because they're afraid.
I'll say upfront, I'm a quaker, I do not believe violence is an acceptable solution to problems.
That being said, I believe the power of one person to change the fate of the entire fucking world is unlimited... if they are resolved to trade their life for it.
What offends me IS when people post impotent rage, because it's pathetic. I never post these sorts of threads because I am content to exist.
"We're the old men, Ace."
I think it's a system that could work. But the problem is getting there. You don't get there without a collapse of the present system. To the point where even the constitution isn't seen as worth preserving.
See, I doubt that.
As I occasionally also say in the Christianity win, my attitude on this is basically put up or shut up.
If your life is so fucked that revenge is all you have to look forward to, what's stopping you?
What I'm saying is, it's a little disingenuous. It's big talk. A power fantasy.
But his point about people in Ireland eating apples flown in from NZ. I agree that it's kind of absurd that's how it works nowadays.
Okay, but here's the thing...
The planes would still fly even if there weren't apples on board. The same goes for seafood and flowers.
Every night, for about four hours a night, the busiest airports in the world are Louisville and Memphis. Because that's where UPS and FedEx are. Those planes will fly, whether there is perishable freight on board or not. And the overall volume of FOOD shipped is only a small fraction of the whole.
Fuck Iowa.
Just sayin.