We dont run the media.
We dont run the government.
We dont run social media.
We dont run the banks.
The gloablist left does.
When they use political violence, they get away with it because they run society. When we so much as smirk in the wrong direction, we get treated as terrorists and they get a new reason to expand their power. They have the hearts and minds and power. We dont resort to violence for any moral reason, but because IT WONT FUCKING WORK AND WILL LITERALLY ONLY MAKE THINGS WORSE.
What the right should be doing, is organizing. Prepping. Learning. Talking with normies and opening minds. Its the people vs the full force of the establishment and we dont win this without an organized, intelligent, moral and overwhelmingly large mass of people first.
We don't. Because people like you kept bleating "no, don't fight back! how dare you!"
What part of my post said "dont fight back?".
Do you understand how a fight works? We hit them, guess what, they can hit us back, and what happens when a much bigger, stronger, more popular guy punches a smaller, weaker, socially hated guy? Hmmmmmmmm
He's a retarded glowie who has repeatedly incited violence in an attempt to try to get this place taken down.
Who is going to take kia2.win down? This isn't reddit where the admins openly apply the rules only against those who are ideologically opposed to them. Are there even any sitewide rules that aren't "Don't break US law?"
There's win admins. There's hosters. There's domain registrars.
The Daily Stormer was taken down for much less than inciting violence, merely saying that he doesn't care about that woman in Charlottesville dying.