Avoid interacting. If you have to always just use their name to refer to them, thus avoiding prononun use indefinitely. I have been doing thst since before trannies became commonplace simply because i cant tell unisex names and I also don't give enough of a shit to learn who they are. So for me, that's second nature.
A tranny cenobite actually does function fir what cenobites are, and shows trans for the deranged and perverse material that it is. I bet this soy doesn't even realize that by doing this it only throws shade on trans even more. While that is good in my book...
THERE ARE ONLY 2 HELLRAISER MOVIES. Just like there is only 3 Indiana Jones films and only 3 star wars movies.
I have doctoral writing skills and a lexicon that staggers the average folk. I write literature as a passion and even I agree that essays and most school work are useless nonsense. Everything up to collage should be how to pay taxes, cook, change a tire, fix things around the house and so on. Beyond that is for academia.