More like abusing their own children to make a "statement."
People can be conditioned to become aroused at a picture of an old boot. At least men can.
The homo lobby claims homosexuality is or isn't innate as circumstances dictate. The evidence suggests it is not innate, but the result of some early psychological trauma or unprocessed early sexual experience.
What is also buried in the politics of dick-sucking is the fact that sex exists, not for pleasure, but for making babies. The pleasure of sex and orgasm is a sort of natural reward for inseminating women/women being inseminated. Last I heard, neither dick-sucking nor ass-fucking leads to pregnancy, even if the fuckee or the sucker is a tranny, a fake chick with a dick. In fact, hetero sodomy is a time-tested way of avoiding pregnancy. Yet the tranny lobby has made many otherwise rational people doubt this reality or afraid to admit it in public.
Strange days, indeed.
The pill has made too many whores cavalier about fucking, so it's been anything goes since 1960, and you'd better say you luuuuuve it or else. Never mind AIDS, monkeypox, or unplanned pregnancy when the pill fails or some dumbass forgets (or "forgets") a dose.
A "nothing to see here, folks" article.
From James Lindsay at "New Discourses":
'In brief, [. . .] being woke means viewing society through various critical lenses, as defined by various critical theories bent in service of an ideology most people currently call “Social Justice.” That is, being woke means having taken on the worldview of Critical Social Justice, which sees the world only in terms of unjust power dynamics and the need to dismantle problematic systems. That is, it means having adopted Theory and the worldview it conceptualizes.'
"Neo-Marxism" is a good synonym for "Critical Social Justice."
'Neo-Marxism," "woke Marxism," "marxist identitarianism" are all synonyms for "woke" Lindsay has used, all accurate.
Wow. Your college has gone all-out totalitarian.
And just think, universities are responsible for the neo-Marxist corruption of all our institutions.
Here's the next wave of cultural enhancement--the Way of the Future--state-mandated apps you are required to download and use in order to be a full participant in our glorious former republic.
Hang tough and good luck!
Judith Butler should have been tied in a sack with rocks and dumped into the river years ago.
What a resource! Thanks for posting this.
Many homos love their boy-ass.
It stands to reason that if you lionize people because they're homos, the homos will believe they are at liberty to act according to their inclinations.
It highlights the utter absurdity of advocating for advancement of identity X merely because you believe identity X is "oppressed" and your evil, stupid equity calculations demand you shoehorn in some perverted dimwit simply because he's a member.
Politicians look good in prison orange. It suits them.
Makes me glad I was permabanned.
I'm sure Jesus would disapprove of tranny politics and the movement's corruption and abuse of children.
"Churchianity" has always been at odds with the Gospel. The infiltration of tranny/fag ideology is its latest and probably most sinister iteration. Worse, even, than Farrakhan's "ministry."
I hate these people. No wonder they keep their faces hidden.
The English countryside isn't that "rural." Amazon delivers everywhere. I imagine even Harrod's delivers to Riggs Moors.
But the English are white.
How transparent can you get? I suppose the lovers of global homogenization are made bold by the fact that the UK is well on the way to becoming a Middle Eastern annex.
First discredit their history and customs and degrade their language, then move in a gigantic population of foreigners who hate and resent their "host." What's the point? Who benefits?
He dared to tell the truth by extrapolating the survey results. Why live among people who are openly hostile to you and who wish you harm, or who will even go out of their way to fuck you over?
The absolutely evil stupidity of the assertion that blacks are incapable of racism just boggles the mind. It's as if it's a meme deliberately created to perpetuate endless race hate. Many predicted what's happening--we have been goaded into defending our race and playing the identity game despite the fact that it is rigged against whitey. To defend yourself on their terms is to be a "white supremacist."
Chalk it up to decades of brainwashing everyone to believe that such a thing as "whiteness" exists as an abstraction disconnected from actual people so that criticizing whites for being white is somehow justified.
I also remember that "it's OK to be white" was introduced as a graffiti-like slogan in response to "black lives matter," similar to "all lives matter." The left claims that these assertions were intended to deflect or mock righteous anger over anti-black police brutality (itself a phenomenon wildly exaggerated by the left, as all crime stats demonstrate).
As handy as it seems, the term "gender" has been imposed on us like all leftist usage, by public educational authority, and there is absolutely no need for it.
"Get those goddamned cattle offen my property!"--power-mad jumped-up bureaucrat
Right on cue, the whore press pool their headlines ("rambling," "conspiracy theory," "incoherent") trying to discredit Harrelson who, naturally, is a "druggie," "new-ager" "pothead," etc.
They persist even though they're transparent.
Too many specific allegations, an investigation that took place over a long period, no leak of anything about it before the election.
These details suggest it isn't a hoax.
"Austin" kinda sounds like "Aztlan."
Why not just get a vasectomy?
Illiterate academics. I know the breed intimately.
Years ago, I encountered a PhD candidate's writing that was so horrendous, so indecipherable, that she (a black woman in sociology) had her dissertation ghost-written and got away with it. Now illiterates have a tool they can use to overcome this minor inconvenience..
Once she catapulted up the ranks to tenure, her written communication was consistently and embarrassingly opaque. TAs re-wrote her syllabi. She was a rising academic star with all the proper diversity criteria, and writing at the 7th-grade level didn't slow her advancement.
Now "lived experience," personal narratives reading like a bunch of Tweets strung together, or like they were written by a teenager with Tourettes, qualify as master's theses.
A perfect illustration of the state of contemporary academia.
a lot of people need to wake up and see that it isn't only white people that are racist. it's other groups as well.
It should be obvious. The idea that white people have a monopoly on race hate is the result of decades of breast-beating by guilty whites and righteous anger by resentful blacks in the aftermath of Jim Crow and anti-black atrocities from a time not long ago in the historical sense.
The bizarre idea that black people are incapable of race hate is reinforced by the idiotic use of the term "reverse racism," suggesting that it operates in only one direction. I'm happy to say that I rarely see the phrase deployed these days.
Nonwhite racists and self-loathing whites are given the green light to hate white people and to express that hatred publicly without fear of censorship, or even criticism. In fact, as I'm sure I need not remind anyone here, there's an entire industry based on it.
I always suspected that the guillotine and the excitement of public political executions led directly to "the terror."
The Reign of Terror has also served as a sort of blueprint (intentionally or not) for the mopping-up operations of communist revolutions: